Friday, June 19, 2009

Re: Renaissance Community/Brotherhood of the Spirit

Mr. Moore,

Thanks for your cooperation. If I may ask you a few more questions.

1) Do you remember a time when Doug Edson ran for selectman in Warwick?

2) When you came back to the commune, what shocked you? What changes did you see in the community and it Michael?

3) Who is this Debbie you speak of? What's her last name?

4) Was the policy of no drugs no alcohol, no promiscuity taken seriously while you were there?

5) Do you know how Michael managed to avoid the draft?

6) When you came back to the commune in 1974, what kind of car was Michael driving?

7) What were some of your past lives? Do you remember anyone else's?

8) Do you remember any Vietnam veterans in the commune?

9) Do you remember a guy named Timm from Alabama who was a Vietnam vet and recovering heroin addict?

10) Do you remember a violent Vietnam veteran named Johnny who had spent some time in jail and arrived with a girl named Crickett?

11) Did people talk a lot about erath changes? Do you remember any talk about space aliens?

12) Do you remember an incident in which someone threw a Molitov cocktail at the Warwick house?

13) Is Leah Garland the same person as Leah Odess?

14) Were you there when they stormed a talk show? Do you remember if it was more than one talk show?

15) I read in one article that commune members believed that they were reincrnated from "an Indian tribe, Atlantean rebels, or a band of 18th century pirates". Is that true?

16) Did Michael know who the next Christ was, and when he was going to come?

Thanks a lot.


* * * * *

hi, ben. No, I was not there when someone ran for selectman, for the storming Of a talk show, etc. I was there when a commune member was murdered when he was hitching.

It was Debbie Havermale. She was from a wealthy Jewish Baltimore family, who didn't take kindly to me... To put it mildly! She went to Princeton as one of the first female students. But she dropped out and went to the community with her boyfriend.

it was less than two years later when I went back. I had a "feeling " that Michael had gone off the track. So when we went to New York city from Santa Fe to look for a place to live, we went to the community as a side trip to see if there was anything I could do. At that time the community owned a block of Turners Falls. The big news was they just bought a fleet of Japanese minivans! Extremely materialistic! Michael was chain smoking and acting like a junkie. Wouldn't listen to me. So it was a short "meeting. "

Dale, who had just disassociated himself from Michael and the community [now a church] met with me that night at my motel room to fill me in on what happened, Michael's addiction, etc. Dale told me how one of the girls who had taken
care of me had come into an inheritance, signed it over to the church... And then Michael kicked her out. I saw the seeds of this when I lived there. But it was not starting to decay.

I would bet some snuck a cigarette or a joint somewhere in secret... And i don't know what the "core group " did or didn't do. But I did not see drugs or booze there. I did pot and experimented tripping before I went to the community. But I followed the rule about drugs. And I never was a drinker or a smoker. The rule about no casual sex was more vague and was often stretched. but on the commune's list serve they now say that Warwick was a hot bed of orgies! Where was I?!

There were a lot of Vietnam vets back then!

Ah, the soap opera of past lives. It kept changing every few months! Soap operas are glamorous
fogs covering real life! Past lives are useful as personal myth to project relationship dynamics upon to objectify them. But back then everybody had been either a famous character or the handmaiden of a famous character! Me? I was a Jewish Scribe, a Greek librarian, and a Chinese "holy bandit " [con man].

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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