Thursday, May 27, 2010

your assignment

make and send us more videos to be played on my show. More out there the better! No censorship! Make me proud!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

(Champ wrote:)

yes! will do, frank! you can check out some of the videos i have done here:

* * * * *

we will play these three videos. But go much further!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

working on some right now..all really getting into this medium.

* * * * *

great, Champ.... Because we just added your old videos to the FLUXUS 53 gig for my cable show! So we need more!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

66 years

I met a friend at a coffee house in San Francisco this week. As we chatted in this old store front filled with geeks and independent people, my brains started out pouring my experiences with you. I impulsively told my friend of my adventure with Frank Moore and how it brought me to many levels of consciousnesses. It was a wonderful road that Thomas Hana sent me on. My work with you, Kyle and Ngoc shaped my life. Next week I will celebrate 66 years of my human life on this planet. If I had not met you I probably would not have lived to collect social security. My life became enriched with happiness and content.


* * * * *

ah, Stavros! Now I know I have made a real difference in my life... I have kept you here!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Fw: Fred Hatt art opening this Saturday at CRS

(Frank wrote:)

of course, Fred, you are one of my favorites!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

You're one of my favorites, too, Frank! I love reading about your performances. Still experimental, still an adventure after all these years!


* * * * *

ah yes, Fred! Still never know what will happen! That is one of the things that is amazing about this work!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

a poem from ana christy


You’d have been proud of me
Rolling my own
And drinking without
I toasted you every time
Finding my keys
How I find my glasses
Without you
You’d have been proud
Of me in the morning
Making the coffee in the
Morning and not spilling
Have shed a million tears
And have a million more
Play our music
You would
Have been proud of me
Our Dylan our
Beatles, our Stones
Singing that old George
Jones song “Whose going
To fill their shoes?”
And over till my heart hurt
So bad I almost lost it
The strength I’ve endured
These last few months
You would have been damn
Proud of me
Living without you has
Been harder than I could
Ever have known.
You’d have been proud of me
The way I stroked your
Silky hair and begged you
To hear me softly scream
“I love you.”
I love you.”
Your loving eyes closed
Have emptied your side of
The bed
You would have been proud
Of me

* * * * *

Ana, I just successfully put this moving poem on Dave's FACEBOOK page. I will now do the others!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Katie Dawdy wrote on your Wall...

Katie posted something on your Wall and wrote:

"I also have a question for you. You talk about comfort zones and needing to push them and I fully agree. But how do you know when something is a fragile zone that needs to be stretched and when something is your intuition telling you not to get into something?"

* * * * *

well, if you really don't want to do something, don't do it. If you really don't trust someone or a situation, leave. That is trusting yourself, your feelings. This has nothing to do with being fragile, comfortable, weak, or being fearful. This is acting responsible.

but if you want to do something, do it all the way, through whatever comes up, go explicitly deeper into what is required, through fear and hurt and doubts... Push yourself into life all the way. This creates a powerful demanding force field around you protecting you far more than pulling back/being "smart." yes, you will be hurt, etc. That is life! But you will not be destroyed or harmed! And the fragility will vanish and you will be flexible, will be comfortable in raw life, touching rubbing aroused melting deep to pleasure erotic friction core. Are you willing?

we are just beginning here!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi gilman gang for good-

DVD in deluxe finely decorated envelope arrived friday at the PT PO.


I watched as much as I could just now to get started.

it was a great opportunity and a great enjoyment for me to commune with you on the air in your home that tuesday evening in early march and and It is a great opportunity for me watching the DVD to see myself with the three of you for the first time as the viewers saw it.

it really is a pleasure to watch. i think it was a truly great show!

one extra fun aspect beyond what i knew was going on with the two of you was what john the baker was doing, which mostly was not within my range of peripheral vision. he was very amusing and entertaining. i really am enjoying his presence in the frame.

a few of my friends were able to tune into it the rebroadcast the following sunday night, and universally the response was very, very positive.

very cool while being so much fun!

ok, gotta go.

this weekend i journeyed to olympia for the procession of the species. have you heard of this famous event before? it originated in olympia, actually, quite a number of years ago, and since then many other communities around the world have decided to have their own similar events, based on the olympia model.

all the best, and thanks again for all the good vibes you make a point of channeling, and so well.



roger sussman
sussman communications

* * * * *

ah, yes, Roger... I am a firm believer that enjoying can change the world!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Funny Election Music Video

Hello there,

Thought you might like this original music video parodying the currnet British general elections. Basically that a growing number of people feel that the voting system is rigged or never provides for the people.

Hope you get chance to watch/listen to it. Feel free to use it on your site.



* * * * *

this is brilliant! I will play it on my Berkeley community public access cable show.

funny, I recently have focused on examining [disturbing] "comfort zones." this is right up that alley!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll on LUVeR! (4/29/10)

Aired April 29, 2010 at 4pm pacific on

tape #202
60 minutes
hosts: Tim, Ruth, Steve & Jeff
Guests: D.O.A.

1. Traveet Cadet "Day of Judgement"

from Germany:
2. Neurotic Arseholes
3. Betton Combo
4. The Buttocks "999"

from England:
5. Political Asylum "Do They Care?"
6. Krass
7. Dimentia "Fear"
8. The Mau Maus
9. The Instigators "Wrong Word"
10. Alternative "Mannequin"

from the South:
11. (The word looks like) MNP (but it’s actually Russian for "peace on earth")
12. Pamage "Jay Walk"
13. The Offenders "S.O.B. #1"
14. Coersion to Conformity "Kiss of Death"
15. D.O.A. "Race Riot"
16. Guest: D.O.A.
17. D.O.A. "Our World"
18. Guest continues
19. D.O.A. "The Trial by Media"

Download the show from the LUVeR show page:

Subscribe to the podcast:

Get past shows here:

from ana

Hi guys I hope you are all well. I am still having such a hard time missing Dave-the ache in my heart is tremendous. I have a lovely apartment in n.j. Near my daughter. I probably have said this all before-after being in a coma and having a stroke I have no short memory-it can be quite embarrassing-I have had to learn many of my neighbors names and have had to write them all down! My kids have all be so good to me-and are helping with the rent. Dave would have loved it here. Shortly before he died he said in sellersville where we weren't allowed pets -wouldn't you love a cat sitting next to you on the sofa while I am at work? We are allowed cats here and I have a big fluffy black at called joffrey-he's the best and sits by me all day long-I'll send you a pic.
Keep well my friends xxx ana

another poem from ana christy




































Emailing: photo.jpg GOFF.gif

(Ana Christy wrote:)


* * * * *

even got the cat photo up!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

art is working when it gets outside of the fragile zones of acceptable

Hey Frank. I loved what you had to say about people having the "right" to not be offended and to have their comfort zones forcibly protected. I was wondering if you knew of a brilliant author named Phillip Pullman who's been under attack lately for saying pretty much the same thing.

My lover Tyr and I are huge fans of Phillip Pullman. He's an atheist who believes that organized religion has caused immeasurable levels of bigotry, conformity, and violence in the world. He is also the author of the young-adult trilogy His Dark Materials, which include The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass. The books encourage children to THINK. At that age I remember a deep appreciation for the respect for children's brains that came through in the writing, when many people have the unconscious or conscious belief that children are inferior, less intelligent beings. These books are some of the most sensual, enlightening, wonder-inspiring books I'd ever read, and I enjoy reading them even more than I did as a child.

Recently he wrote a new book called The Good Man Jesus and The Scoundrel Christ. He's been under attack lately from a lot of people who say that this new book and its title are offensive to Christians. Some have demanded that he publicly apologize for "offending people". Here is a wonderful 2-minute clip on what he had to say about that. It's very close to what you said about people having the "right" to not be offended 'and to have their "comfort zones" be respected, honored, and forcibly protected,' and I literally cheered to watch it.

PS, who's Paul Krassner? That name sounds incredibly familiar, a person I may have been exposed to in the last couple of days in some way.

* * * * *

that is a great clip /quote, Katie! I will play it on my Berkeley community public access cable show. One of the functions of art is to go outside of the margins of the NORMAL /ACCEPTABLE to explore and question and expand, breaking down the old boxes. All of this threatens and offends those who are invested in the RIGHT /COMFORTABLE way.

Also the big lie is we are weak, fragile, so we need to be careful, need to protect ourselves, to always be just dipping our toes in the water instead of going all the way, instead of living with irresistible abandon. The truth is being careful is what creates fragility. Getting dirty, tasty, going all the way gives you a freedom and a healthy immune system!

see for the overview of Paul Krassner. Basically he's one of the Counter culture's mothers... And one of my heroes since high school when I got into trouble for getting THE REALIST, his no-bars satire zine. And check which is my interview with him I did in the mid- nineties.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, 5.18.10, on The Talking Stick on

This coming Tuesday, 5.18.10, at 2:00pm Pacific on LUVeR - Love Underground Visionary Revolution, , The Talking Stick presents:

milton kerr 3 cds
"Mission Statement"
"Modern European Poets - Spanish Poets"
"Musical Ambiguity"

Re: Philip Huang wrote on your Wall... (Paul II)

Thank you...yes, that's the quote I was trying to think of...

And you are!!! :)


Re: my suggestion

hi, Drake!

you said i wish i had at least one female collaborator to work with - i feel like i could pull off some powerful stuff

my suggestion is focus on having a long term life mate on all levels.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

yes indeed! the universe has been tardy in that department. i was married rather happily for awhile... although i've wanted to find another mate, i've been quite damaged and blah blah you know how people are in general in this country...


* * * * *

mmmmmm, Xxxxxxxxxx etc.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

hi Frank, Linda - glad to have read about your recent happenings. here in ashland, i've put up a notice on an online community site about starting a group-body touch group referred to as the New Innocence. I've gotten two responses, met, wrapping and rocking with one of them already; the other one was all gung ho at first saying "excellent, i'm in" but never manifested her presence in a meeting - ironically she writes that she is writing a book about touch. of course i want a mate on all levels, and will continue to focus on that.



ps i love sending your writings and links around, to inspire and spur people toward creating a more expansive and loving reality. also, starting up some schiz-flux activities again. hope to get all the mags online as part of a blog.

* * * * *

hey, Drake! We even talked about you at the performance! Unrulee has been coming to quite a few of them.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

poop between friends...


Trumpet player from last saturday here! I Thoroughly enjoyed the event. Just wanted to let you know that my staying after nine was not "poop", I was waiting for a phone call from a lady friend who was I was going to meet with, and she ran/called slightly later than expected , enabling me to stay and enjoy myself for even longer! Don't jump to these negative conclusions so quickly! I liked the event and would like to hear about more. Take care

* * * * *

so now you know to leave your night free next time! I am looking forward to jamming with you again! Next Temescal performance is Friday may twenty-first! See you there! Btw, I knew you liked it!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Fred Hatt art opening this Saturday at CRS

Healing Hands
a new suite of drawings by Fred Hatt

123 Fourth Avenue, 2nd Floor
(between 12th and 13th Streets)
New York, NY

Opening reception this Saturday, May 1
5:30-7:30 pm, with artist's talk at 6:30

Artwork on view at CRS April 24-May 26

Two works by Fred Hatt are still on view through June 6 at
Ten Years of Figureworks
168 N 6th Street
Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Visit "Drawing Life", Fred Hatt's art and photography blog. New posts every week.

* * * * *

of course, Fred, you are one of my favorites!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Philip Huang wrote on your Wall...(Paul)


Aren't you just...the busiest shaman in show business....
Isn't that your quote? :) Or close to it.

'9/11' hmmm interesting....are you planning to work with that?

Heaps of hugs to everyone.


* * * * *

I am the hardest working shaman in show business!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: from susun weed interview w/Sally Fallon "Nourishing Traditions" (Paul Escriva)

That's a great (and observant) analogy!

Love that!


from susun weed interview w/Sally Fallon "Nourishing Traditions"

people are designed to be healthy and robust, to have good healthy sex lives, good minds, to enjoy their food, and what has been done to food today is the same thing that the victorians did to sex.

when you suppress the natural instincts, whether for sex or good food, you get pathologies. and that is what we are seeing today.

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives

Recorded August, 19, 2009
From Portland, Oregon

Nellie Wilson
Founder, Sacred Touch School.
Recorded October 4, 2009.

Recorded November 1, 2009

Richie Unterberger
Recorded November 29, 2009

Max Good & Nathan Wollman, Vigilante Films
Recorded February 14, 2010

saturday oakland performance (4/24/10)

PAUL KRASSNER: “As a performer, George Carlin was uncompromising, knowing that his audience trusted him not to be afraid of offending them. “

The so-called comfort zones are really the opposite of real comfort. The zones are rigid prisons of fragile gated limits of eggshell fragility of fear and weakness. They create isolation, separation, and fascism. Real comfort is the relaxed ability to absorb, adapt, and play with anything that comes up in life and work with it in creating fun. This is outside the fragile zones. What people mistaken for uncomfortable as they leave the zones is really freedom. But going in and out of the zones is addictive and drains possibilities away from not just you, but from everybody. This is why it is extremely important to accept personal responsibility to keep pushing beyond the “comfortable zones” into what at first appears to be difficult but which will melt into the doorway to the next dimension of pleasure! Well, after all, isn’t that why you came [and keep coming back] in the first place?

And rub deeply below the surface to the core to arouse heat of pleasure!


We had everything set up for the performance early and we wondered if anyone would come. Just after 8:00 people started arriving. The first group of people were housemates who had come together. They brought their musical instruments with them to play. One of the guys had been seeing flyers up for the performance for years and he had wanted to come but this was the first time that he made it. Frank asked him why he had not come before and why he had come now. He couldn't really articulate it but the name change of the flyers had been part of it. He said that he liked uncomfortable and he liked fun. His friend brought his trumpet and was ready to play. Frank said that they could do a duet, Frank would do vocals. Later he said that he had to leave early about 9:00 and Frank said they could see if they could do a duet. He ended up staying well after 9:00. It had all been a pile of poop!. They had all watched a clip on U Tube of Frank but the woman who was with them had not actually seen the flyer so Frank had her read it and then asked if they all did nudity. One of the guys said that they did not usually do nudity together. The woman said that she did not feel comfortable being nude.

There was a woman who worked in retail who came saying that she too had seen a flyer up. She did not usually go out in the evening but she was attracted to the things on the flyer especially shamanism. Frank asked her how uncomfortable she was willing to be and she said that she wasn't sure. She was willing to be a little uncomfortable. There was another group of people who came together. One of the women had been seeing the flyers up for a long time and then her friend invited her to come tonight not knowing that it was for the same thing that she had seen seeing the flyers for. She was a student who was studying international relations and part of a women's group at school that explored art and sexuality. Frank asked her to talk about it and she talked about how she had been having sex for years but that it was only recently that she was having real sex because she was not really being herself before. It was through doing art that she had found the layers that she put on herself and the hiding she had done behind being sick for a long time. She had been hiding behind masks of who she should be rather than who she really was.

A couple of people from the SF performance last weekend were there and Frank asked the woman Katie if she would be Frank's magical cave lover for the night and she said yes. It was right after that that the woman who talked about art and sex left with the group of people she had come with because some of them felt uncomfortable. An Indian woman had come because she found a flyer for the performance on her car. She was on her way to the movies when she found the flyer and decided to come. She said that she was not comfortable with nudity. Frank asked her if she would go up and play the keyboards and she said she did not know how to play but yes she would try. Mikee got her set up at the keyboards and she began to play. Her friend who was a yoga teacher had come along with her.

Frank asked the people who were at the performance last week in San Francisco if they would talk about what happened. The woman said that Frank had gone around and talked with everyone. He had asked her if she was a plant and she did not know what he meant. She thought that he meant was she a vegetable or a mineral and she said that she was more like an alien. She told about the woman who was there who was a photographer, how everyone had gotten naked and she had done photo poses with us. Then we had done gestures together in small groups touching and exploring each other. She said it brought people together in a soft and comforting way. The guy that had also come to the SF performance said that he felt closer to the people at the last performance, people that he did not even know than he does to most people in his life.

Unruly who has been coming to Frank's performances for years came and brought a friend with him. Frank asked him to talk about what Frank does, see if he could scare everyone. Unruly said that something amazing always happens at each performance and that it usually includes being nude and touch. Frank brings people together intimately in ways that are outside of the normal contexts. Frank asked the single mom who was back from the February performance why she was back. She said that last time she had come when everyone had done gestures she had not participated. She had stayed on the sidelines and had a whole dialogue going on about why she had not done it. She said that it was lame and she was back to participate. She had brought her poems to read. Frank asked her if she would come up and read her poems and that the people who brought instruments and anyone else who wanted to could come up and play as she read her poems. She said that her poems were dark. Frank said that we can handle dark but they were not that that dark. Frank talked to her about why she had come back, that she had come back because she wanted to roll around on the floor and be with people in that way, but had kept herself on the sidelines. She had all these ideas about how she was willing to be somewhat uncomfortable but not completely. She had worn a nice tank top so she could talk off her shirt but did not want to take off all of her clothes. She wasn't sure about rolling around with everyone on the floor because she was a single mom and she had sworn off men for the year. Frank said but it isn't just one man here and tried to break through her logic but she would not budge. She was holding onto the idea of levels of uncomfortable and how far she was willing go. The single mom read Frank's poem "Tortures," while the band played music behind her reading. Everyone really enjoyed it.

Frank said that half of the room could undress each other. The woman who said that she did not go out much lately but was attracted to the shamanism on the flyer took her jacket off but then decided to put herself with the side of the room who was not getting undressed.
Katie came up to sit with Frank and read "The Magical Cave Lovers," in a very fast way and a lot of it was lost in her haste. She was to explore and rub Frank's while she read. The group of people who was nude did gestures as one group. Linda read off the gestures. It was a sea of bodies moving together, intertwining in each others bodies, licking each others ears, rubbing belly to belly, touching each others thighs. The single mom joined the group keeping her panties and her tank top on and then when the Magical Cave Lovers ended she and one of the other women left gestures, sitting down and eventually getting dressed again. Things buttoned up after gestures not the usual melting into each other afterwards.

Frank asked Katie about reading the poem and she said that she liked it and the woman who did not go out much said that she was doing good, that she was enjoying the evening and she was not too uncomfortable. Frank asked her what would make her feel uncomfortable and she said that taking her clothes off would make her feel uncomfortable and she didn't want to feel that uncomfortable. Frank asked the woman who had come with Unruly if she would create an erotic piece with Frank and she said that she needed a little time. When she came up to do it with Frank she was half dressed already and her piece was short. She got up onto Frank and had him lick her belly. Frank then asked Katie if she would come up and dance, explore erotically with, touching him. Linda created an erotic piece with Frank and Katie. Katie would be a snake and slither on Frank. Many people joined the band with toy instruments to make music while she moved like a snake. Then the lights when down and then slides came onto the naked bodies of Frank and Katie. Frank, Linda and Katie rocked. There was chatting going on with the people who were watching and people did not seem to be melting into it with juiciness.

There was a couple who arrived later from Canada. The woman was a massage therapist and Frank said that what we were doing was like what she does. She said, "only there is a sheet," for modesty or comfort. The guy really enjoyed the slides being projected onto the bodies and talked about exploring many types of improvisation in his life. Frank asked people how they felt about the night. The woman who was the massage therapist really enjoyed seeing the nude bodies and being together in a performance that was very different from what she usually experienced at performances. Many people in the end talked about how they enjoyed the night, but they talked about their zones of comfort. Frank and Linda talked about how there really aren't zones of comfort, you don't do something part way or a little at a time, you go into what is uncomfortable and you stay there. Frank and the guy from Canada talked more about improvisation and comfort. Frank said that real comfort is flexible.

After the performance Linda said that we have been on a roller coaster. There have been performances where people jump in and explore and then there have been performances where people are talking about their zones of comfort but want to stay in their zones of comfort. After the San Francisco performance people were talking about how it was hard to connect with people, that the connections they made with people they did not know during the performance was deeper than the usual connections they were making with people on a daily basis. What we were experiencing in the performances is what was going on a larger level. It used to be that there was a common reality, that people could call each other on their stuff, and now people had their own personal realities. People having their own personal realities creates all of the isolation that people are feeling. People are coming to the performances because they are wanting uncomfortable zones of fun but then not taking responsibility for what they are wanting, seeing that it is up to them and they must be active participants to have the experience that they are wanting to have.

After the challenging setup for Erotic Friction, it was a luxury to be back in our familiar space, with the tried and true set-up, and we were all ready to go just before 8pm, and just sat and waited for people! Would this be the one where no one showed? Linda was talking about the performances from the 80s UC series when no one came ... one time, they just stayed and played cards!

But people started to come in a little after 8, and soon there was quite a crowd. The first to arrive were a group of 4, all housemates, early 20s ... one had a trumpet, another a drum ... the drummer said he had seen Frank's fliers up around town for years, and had finally decided to come check one out, but he really wouldn't talk about why he had waited so long, or really express what had made him finally come... Frank tried to engage him, but it didn't go very far ... his friend with the trumpet kept mentioning that he would like to play trumpet, and even said at some point that he had to leave by 9pm, so would love to get to play before then ... Frank had told him that they would do a duet later. Now Frank told him "We'll see". When they did get to the music, the trumpet player ended up staying long past 9pm ... obviously that stuff about having to leave had been poop!

Their two housemates, a girl and a guy, had come along for the ride ... Frank asked them if they did nudity? Well, they said, not really together as housemates ... Frank asked them if they would do nudity there tonight? The girl said she would not. Frank asked her why? "Because it would make me uncomfortable," she said matter of factly. "Well," Frank said, "this is the Uncomfortable Zones of Fun". It turned out that she had not seen the flier, her housemate had not showed her ... they had only seen a video online of Frank, "Doghouse" ... Frank had her read the flier.

Meanwhile, another group of young people came in, two guys and two girls ... and Katie and her friend from the Erotic Friction performance arrived, and Unruhlee and a girl came in too ... and it wasn't long too before another couple came in, and several others, with a dog, who Frank didn't really end up talking with ... There was also a young woman who came in by herself, and the single mom, who had come to the February performance. Frank talked with the young woman ... she had been attracted by the mention of shamanism, and the language of the flier ... she wasn't real specific about why these things attracted her ... but she said that she had not been out at night for a long time, and it felt like a good thing to do on the first night she had decided to go out again. Frank asked her how it was so far? She said she was enjoying herself ... Was she uncomfortable? Not really yet ...

Frank next talked with the other young group ... everyone had come from fliers! He talked to one of the young women ... her friend there had told her about it, and it had sounded interesting to her ... Frank asked her what she did, and she said that she was organizing and educating people through a women's studies program, about sex & art ... she was trying to get on the radio to talk about it, and might have an opportunity soon to do so ... Frank asked her to talk about it now. She described having been very sick for a long time, and basically trying to cover her sickness with masks ... we're not sure exactly what she meant ... but she talked about how you sometimes can make things better by putting up an illusion for a while, but in other cases, what is really needed is to simply face the reality, to be yourself completely ... and she said that it was impossible to really have sex with another person if you are not yourself. She said that she was having sex with people for years, but it was not healthy because she did not know herself.

It wasn't too long after this that Frank asked Katie if she would be his "magical cave lover" for the night, and promptly that last group of young people, including the girl who had just been talking, left. The girl who brought them all, by the name of India, apologized, saying that her two male friends did not want to stay, and so she had to leave. She would have wanted to stay, and so she will come back. For a moment, her sex/art friend looked like she might stay anyway, but then they all left.

Frank then turned to Unruhlee and asked if he would scare more people by talking about what Frank does! We think he said something along the lines of how Frank uses nudity and touch outside of the normal contexts ... bringing people together in ways that don't usually seem possible ... Frank asked the guy who had come with Katie to Erotic Friction to talk about his experience too, and he echoed what Unruhlee had said, adding his experience of feeling so close to people at the performance, perhaps closer than he did to people that he already "knew", and how Frank did this with nudity and touch ...

An Indian woman who came from a flier that had been stuck on her windshield, had been on her way to see a movie, and decided to come to this instead! She said it sounded really interesting ... like others, she was attracted by the "uncomfortable fun", but she said right away that she would not take her clothes off ... Frank asked her what she did? Then he asked her if she would play the keyboards, because his band had not shown up! She said she didn't know how to play, but sure she would give it a try! She ended up playing for most of the night, and it was great!

Frank asked the single mom why she had returned? She talked about how she had come to the February performance, and had stayed for the whole performance but had not participated, and had regretted that, and decided that she would come back again, and Frank had written her from her blog, inviting her to come read her poetry, so she had brought it with her ...

So Frank asked her if she would come up and read it while one half of the room took each other's clothes off ... this was the half that included Linda, Erika, Katie and her friend, Unruhlee and his friend, and the young woman was there too ... the one who had not gone out in a long time. She had indicated that she might be willing to take her clothes off, but really had not been definitive ... she had said something about having to see what would make her "too uncomfortable" ... As this group took each other's clothes off, and the keyboards started up, Frank also had the trumpet player and drummer join him in a jam, and the single mom read her poems ... The woman who had not gone out in a long time actually started undressing Unruhlee's friend, and vice versa, but stopped at her jacket, basically. She stayed there with blouse and jeans and socks on.

The other group was totally nude now ... the single mom had finished her poem ... did she have more? Yes, but they were dark! She was hesitating to read them ... Frank said try us, we do "dark"! She was trying to arrange the music around her "dark" poems, but Frank said that they would all follow her ... So she read her "dark" poems, which weren't all that dark! Frank then asked her if she would read his poem "tortures", and she did a really great reading of it, and it seemed that people were really taking it in ... Now, while Frank had her up there, he talked with her about the fact of her coming back, and nudity ... obviously she had come back to have the experience she had missed the first time around, when almost everyone had participated, played, did gestures together ... she talked about wanting to roll around on the floor together ... but when faced with it directly now, she was hedging ... coming up with numerous reasons why she couldn't do it, she had sworn off men for a year, for instance ... Frank pushed her logic ... it didn't hold up very well, but she wasn't just surrendering to the reason why she had come back ... she obviously was now uncomfortable!

Now, Frank invited Katie to come up and read "Magical Cave Lovers" while she rubbed Frank erotically. Meanwhile, the jam would continue, and Linda would take the group of 4, Erika, Unruhlee, his friend and Katie's friend, and do Gestures. The single mom ended up joining the group as they started ... Frank had asked her earlier if she would take her shirt off. She did, but that was it ... Now, she took her pants off too, and was the one in the group with her panties and tank top on in a sea of nude bodies ... The gestures were playful and fun, and she obviously had a great time! Katie read "Magical Cave Lovers" hard, fast, without feeling ... like a machine gun! And she did not rub Frank erotically ... she danced around his cock, touching it every once in a while ... it was the most unsatisfying reading/experience of "Magical Cave Lovers" ever. You couldn't really even tell what it was about ... did not get the trancelike experience, as Mikee said later, that you were used to ... And we noticed that as soon as the gestures ended, as the piece ended, things felt like they buttoned up again ... Unruhlee's friend started putting her clothes back on, the single mom moved back into her own spot ... rather than the way it often feels after gestures, where everyone is cuddly together, softer ...

Frank asked Unruhlee's friend if she would create an erotic piece for them to do together ...? She asked "Dance or touch ...?" Frank said "touch" and whatever else ... she said she needed time to see if she could think of something, maybe 10 minutes ...

At this point, Frank talked to a couple who had come in late ... the guy used to live in Berkeley, and had always noticed Frank's fliers ... now he was living in Calgary with his partner ... we found out later that she is a massage therapist ... they were looking for something interesting to do while they were in town ...

When Frank came back to Unruhlee's friend, she had thought of something, but announced right off that it would be short. She kept her panties and bra on, and had Frank rub his face into her stomach, very briefly. Frank made the most of it, but it was short!
Frank asked Katie if she would do an erotic piece with him ... Linda described it to her ... she would rub up Frank's body like a snake ... Linda demonstrated, as Katie didn't seem to be getting it ... We noticed that the group began to get a little social, people chatting ... the woman continued on the keyboards, however, and was really good ...

Next Frank had Katie rock on his lap with slides projected on their bodies and the lights out. He had Linda rock the two of them ... it really lacked the usual feeling of juiciness, and the chattiness continued, even from Katie herself.

After this part, Frank talked to folks about their experiences ... what really stand out are what Katie's friend said, and what the Calgary couple said ... Katie's friend talked about really enjoying the gestures again, and getting lost in the play and touch, and then popping out and wondering how everyone else in the room, who were not participating, were experiencing it? Did they want to join, did they feel like they were missing out? Frank asked the others to respond ... The woman who had not gone out in a while said that of course they were missing out! (And yet, she had not joined!) She had kept indicating that to some extent she felt that she was missing out by choosing not to undress, not to join the gestures, etc. So Frank asked her if she would take off her socks? Ok, she did, and said her toes felt great! How about her blouse? Her bra? She took off both ... But wouldn't take off her pants because she was "cold", and the heaters wouldn't help ... which didn't make a whole lot of sense ... seemed more to be a limit that she was setting, nothing to do with being cold.

The guy from Calgary talked about having been impressed by the art of the slides being projected on the bodies ... and then he and Frank had a conversation about the idea of real "comfortable" being "flexible". He does contact improvisation, and the gestures had reminded him a lot of that. They talked about the idea that you are not truly "comfortable" if you have comfort "zones" ... the guy wholeheartedly agreed! Things seem to sink deep during this conversation ... His partner, the massage therapist, said that she enjoyed the gestures ... Frank said it was like what she does. She said except that there is generally a sheet when she does her work! To keep "boundaries" ...

This was pretty much the end of the night. Frank asked everyone to come back, and told the woman who had taken off her socks, blouse and bra at the end ... "Next time, the pants!" She laughed!

People milled around for a while talking and looking at the stuff on the display table and in the free boxes, and we started breaking things down ... When everyone left, we were talking about the performance. Linda said it was a rollercoaster ride ... the February performance had been great, March had been all the "no's", Erotic Friction was great!, and this was again not very satisfying ... there was a lot of talking about how things had gone, what felt like the high points of the night, despite the general feeling of people not really being willing to let go and experience, to really participate ... Linda was saying that it was hard to put your finger on what it was ....

But once we were all back here, and unloaded, you guys called to talk about what you had been talking about just then ... that what it felt like was that the first year of the performances was Frank identifying the general issue, which was the "zones of comfort", and that what we were experiencing now was this accepted concept that there is no generally accepted reality. Like in a previous era, you could "call" someone on their "shit". There was a common reality against which you could hold up what someone was doing, and say, this is bullshit, and it made sense to everyone. But now, it was like everyone had their own personal "reality", and you could not call them on it, and this is what was making people feel isolated from one another. Like in the Erotic Friction performance, people talked about it being hard to get close to people in everyday life. This was why! So what Frank was tapping into was a need for people to take personal responsibility, and it was a big deal, you got the feeling that this was possibly the main problem in society in general. And it was a "hot button" that people could feel ... they were coming to the performance to confront this, without really even realizing that this was why ... it was what the "uncomfortable fun" brought up ... Personal responsibility. Like, the single mom, who came back because she had regretted not joining in with the group when everyone did gestures at the Feb. performance. She came back wanting to have that experience, but shocked to find that she was in the exact same position as she had been the first time, at the point of personal responsibility for why she was there, and what she wanted, and she wasn't willing, again, to really take on that responsibility, and this is what the performances were now confronting, without it really being clear up to now, because Frank has this way of anticipating, being ahead of the times in what he is doing ... where it seems like it is all "greek" at first ...
It was really amazing to think about all this, and really made a lot clear about how the performances have felt ...

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: erotic friction writings (Marz)

frank, linda and mikey!!! aaahhhhhh ...i know i missed out....BOTH weekends...i can feel it...i'm also feeling a bit jealous! wow that's so interesting for me...i love both of these letters ..thank you for sharing them...lula sounds like a trip, much like you and your gang! can't wait to hear about last night...i had it in my mind to come but my body was worn out, tired.
thinking about you all and sending love'

* * * * *

Marz, just imagine what we here feel after two performances within one week! We are hurting, but slowly recovering!

See you Friday night!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

hi, paul!

(to Paul Krassner:)

a few weeks ago, Linda found your obit of George Carlin online. First, what you and The Realist did for Carlin in the mid- sixties, you did for me too!

Carlin: "All through this period I was sustained and motivated by The Realist, Paul Krassner's incredible magazine of satire, revolution and just plain disrespect. It arrived every month, and with it, a fresh supply of inspiration. I can't overstate how important it was to me at the time. It allowed me to see that others who disagreed with the American consensus were busy expressing those feelings and using risky humor to do so. Paul's own writing, in particular, seemed daring and adventurous to me; it took big chances and made important arguments in relentlessly funny ways. I felt, down deep, that maybe I had some of that in me, too; that maybe I could be using my skills to better express my beliefs. The Realist was the inspiration that kept pushing me to the next level; there was no way I could continue reading it and remain the same."

But this line in your piece stood out for me:

As a performer, George Carlin was uncompromising, knowing that his audience trusted him not to be afraid of offending them.

recently I got tired of people thinking they have the right to be NOT be offended and to have their "comfort zones" be respected, honored, and forcibly protected. So I went after COMFORT ZONES even more than usual. I call my performance series UNCOMFORTABLE ZONES OF FUN experiments in experience/participation performance. They even come for "uncomfortable." But as soon as the performance dips into depth, they use their being uncomfortable to pull back! And they start yammering about staying in their comfort zones!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: erotic friction writings (Frank)

Lula, I like how you start on the street, looking at the flier. That is how my performance starts for most people. A performance isn’t just what happens within the theater. The seeing the fliers and the dynamic reactions that causes are the only aspect of the work most people touch. This aspect can last literally for decades! People actually collect our fliers! The fliers set off processes in some people. After years of seeing the fliers, they come to a performance.

As an example of the fliering aspect, Alexi and Corey last night did the fliering in Berkeley for tomorrow’s Oakland performance. Today…
“Here we packed up for the day, loaded up the truck, and were soon on the road ... since the route to work went down Sacramento to Alcatraz, we got to see all of our fliering work fresh first thing in the morning ... and all the people checking them out! It was like every corner there was another person standing at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to change, and standing reading the flier! Fun and satisfying! Would there be someone at the next corner ...? Yes, there she is, reading the flier!”

In more non- linear paths, seeing our multi- color cars around town, walking past our houses, etc are all parts of the performance process [not to mention our public access show and LUVER]. All that comes together in the performance space.

This is also true for the reputation and myth that grows up around the work, etc. What is a sex cult? … or a leader of one? These images which grow lazily outside of the work, the artist cannot control or even live up to. If you are lucky, you can play with these expectations to explode them.

I like how you included our meeting up magically on FACEBOOK. We both were actively available, which is how magic works!

Most of my work is private performance like we did in the studio. I always wonder about guys who say “I like your tits “! Do they ever wonder why they don’t have what they think they want? I am after intimacy, closeness, going deep within aroused pleasure outside the narrow funnels with whole people [not just tits]. Don’t get me wrong… I liked rubbing your tits against my face. But I am going for more! And people feel that. So that opens things up.

Anyway, having a good title makes a performance much easier. That was why I was impressed by your title, “Prove You’re Not a Robot: Interactive Experiments in Fear-Art-Love.” Also having a “plant” who is open, eager and willing and who is prepared for the nudity and being erotic opens things up for everybody in a different way than the people like Linda and Erika [your Emilie] who have been with me for years. Your willingness changed things even before you did anything. When you acted from the willingness, it amplified the effect.

Btw, you were the only plant there. Katie from Omaha was just there. Of course, there is no way for you to know the true arrangement [unless you planted her there yourself!]. I did not even have to use my favorite line to fuzz reality up. The line is “BUT I MAY BE LYING!”

I didn’t use the word Eroplay at the performance, although the play in the performance happened to be Eroplay. You must have read ART OF THE SHAMAN which I wrote in the early nineties. Eroplay was the first physical [tanpanic] trance I “discovered.” Since then, I have discovered different tanpanic trances, etc. and different states of pleasure arousing states. I have included these in my work, especially as a response to the increasingly repressive trends in the society in the last twenty years. We were just getting to these tanpanic trances Saturday when we ran out of time.

Again the key to things getting so deep so fast was the people taking personal responsibility for doing it, for saying YES, for playing together outside of the normal boxes. It was not social, casual. It was extremely focused fun. If you wanted to “fuck” after it, it would have meant that the performance experience had been quickly absorbed back into the everyday level. But how you felt was still in the altered reality, which is really the core reality. In the mid- nineties I had to change the whole performance structure because people had absorbed it into the everyday level by making it into a pick-up scene… No magic, risk, or human connection.

There is more to say, but I will stop by saying our job as artists is always go to rocking town with abandon!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: erotic friction writings

Oh how cool!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Re: Philip Huang wrote on your Wall...

Hi Frankie,

Feel free to give Philip my email address....
or anyone for that matter in the future that is passing through or lives in Chicago.


* * * * *

I will, Paul! I don't know if Philip is still in Chicago. I got overrun with doing two performances in a week!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Hi Frankie,

You've always made it clear you are available.
Apparently now is your 'busy season'!

I've been enjoying reading the updates on the e-salon.

Heaps of hugs to everyone.


* * * *

yes, indeed! And I just booked another San Francisco performance for 9/11!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll on LUVeR! (4/22/10)

Aired April 22, 2010 at 4pm pacific on

tape #200
60 minutes
hosts: Tim, Ruth, Steve & Jeff
no guests

1. The Subhumans "Can’t Hear the Words"

from the Midwest:
2. The Babies "Wasted Words
3. Political Justice "3 Things"
4. The Mess "Capital City"
5. Power of the Spoken Word

from Germany:
6. De Walton
7. R.A.F. Guar
8. Hassen Krieg
9. Tarn Farber

Melodic Stuff:
10. The A.D.s "More Than Once"
11. Suicide Squad "New Day in the Morning"
12. The Pushtwangers "Lies"
13. The Dogs "Mon Coeur"
14. The Leaving Trains "You Can’t See It"
15. Subkids "Boots on Cars"

from Japan:
16. New Rotica "Panic Life"
17. Kaya
18. Doku Buta
19. Gudon
20. M78
21. The Loods "Nonsense Man"

from Canada:
22. DOA "Singing in the Rain"
23. SNFU "The End"

24. Second Scream "Things to do Today"

Download the show from the LUVeR show page:

Subscribe to the podcast:

Get past shows here:

Re: just love performing there

(Carol Queen wrote:)

Frank!!! We're so pleased. It was an honor having you at our space. Any of the first three Saturdays are open for you and your lovely gang. Just let me know which you want.

* * * * *

Excellent that it worked out so nicely.
NOt surprised. Frank, I've always had a beautiful experience doing anything there.
It is a center for Sex and LOVE, that's for sure.
Hope i'm in town for the next one!!!

* * * * *

yep, Annie!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

erotic friction writings

(Lula wrote:)

I was walking down Valencia St. with my beloved collaborator, Sadie Lune, when she handed me a flyer for Frank Moore’s show at the Center for Sex and Culture. The flyer had the words “Erotic Friction” and drawings of people coming in and out of people’s orifices.

“You should go to this,” she said.

“Who’s Frank Moore?” I said.

“You don’t know who Frank Moore is?” she said incredulously. “He is a performance artist with a reputation for being a sex cult leader. I thought those were your areas of expertise.”

“Huh. Never heard of him,” and we walked on arms linked.

The next day on the cosmic hologram that is Facebook, Frank requested my virtual friendship. I accepted. I wrote on his wall that I wanted to meet him.

He read one of my notes entitled, performance art, the love of my life, you cheap freak. and commented: “looks like we have similar tastes, playful natures, and are bad to the bone!” He sent me some of his writings called the Shaman’s Cave. I read how the doctors’ told his parents to put him in a home and basically forget about him. He was born without the use of his arms, legs or the ability to speak. His parents saw intelligence in his eyes and decided to take him home. He writes about having the perfect body for performance art. First of all, people are always staring at him and he’s always liked it. Secondly, he said because he has never had any expectations placed on him to be successful, make money, polished, or accomplished. He has been free to do whatever the hell he wants to do.

I went to his house in Berkeley with my pocha homie, Jimmy Lusero. The house is purple, decorated with peace signs and splatter paint on the sidewalk. We walked through the white picket fence and were sure we were in the right place.

We were a little nervous. I didn’t know what to do when I first saw Frank. Should I hug him? Linda was there, she translated for him by looking into his eyes and saying “A. B. C. D…L. M. N. O. P.” She could tell if the letter was right or not by his grunt. Then, she’d run through the alphabet until she got the next letter. She can tell pretty quickly what he wants to say. He wanted her to show us around the house. She showed us Mikey’s art work. He was the artist that drew the people coming in and out of the other people’s orifices on the flyer. It smelled good in the house. Like curry. They all live together.

We went back to Frank’s studio and he was set up with this computer program that could anticipate what he was typing and say it out loud. He has a poker that attaches to his head that he uses to type. It’s pretty cool.

The first thing he types is, “I like your title.” He was referring to the last show Sadie and I did called “Prove You’re Not a Robot: Interactive Experiments in Fear-Art-Love.” I thought he was going to say, “I like your tits.” The poker typer technique isn’t so fast, so you are always guessing what he was going to say. I was relieved that he hadn’t.

We talked about performance art. He asked why I do the thing that I do. I asked him how he does the thing that he does. He gets his audience naked within a short amount of time and interacting with each other. I was intrigued. He said that nudity took hours off of the process. And that process was one where people could cut through the bullshit and connect with one another. He talks about performance art as a battle field to break people out of the boxes and labels that keep us stuck and isolated. I agreed.

He asked if I would be a plant in the show. I said yes….but, what does that entail? Come open, eager and willing.

Jimmy and I left feeling exhausted and inspired.

Before the show I got my period. I emailed Frank about it and said I probably would not be up for taking off my underwear. He said he could work around it.

Fast forward, we are at the show. There are tapestries hanging on the walls of people coming in and out of people’s orifices. There were pillows covering the floor for people to lie on. There was Frank Moore sitting in his wheelchair with a board that had the alphabet written on it and a few dozen commonly used words. He had his head band on with a laser pointer attached to it. He used that to spell out what Linda Mac vocalized.

There were about twenty people in the audience. We sat down facing Frank on the pillows. It felt cozy. Frank asked us to scoot in closer to him. He began by asking people individually what had brought them to the performance. Facebook. A flyer. A friend.

He wanted to know what had attracted them to coming.

“I am a pervert,” one woman laughed nervously.

“Well, I am going to test you on that,” Frank joked back.

One guy said he just got back from hanging out with shamans in Peru, so he figured this was apropos.

“What is a shaman?” Frank asked.

“He is neither good nor bad because he is a channel for both God and the Devil.”

“I am a free agent,” Frank said.

He asked me what brought me here tonight. I told him about my flyer and Facebook experience. He asked me if I was a plant.

“A plant?” I said not sure if I should blow my cover.

“I work with honesty.”

“I have been planted.”

So it was all up in the open.

There was another woman in the audience who had been planted. He asked her if she would be willing to eroplay with him. He didn’t explain it at the time, but I had read that eroplay was a word he had made up to describe affectionate play that does not lead to sex. She said sure.

He asked people what they did…for fun. One woman in the audience was a photographer. Frank asked her if she would be willing to pose all of us in a nude photo.

“Sure, but I don’t have a camera.”

“That’s ok, we have photographers here.” For what? I don’t know.

Within twenty minutes everyone got naked and that was that. Frank said if anyone was “on the rag” they didn’t have to take off their clothes. I think that was something special said just for me. I kept my tights on.

The photographer lady was a little unsure. “I don’t usually pose people.”

I said, “Just pretend like you are bossy.”

She arranged us around Frank and took our picture. There we were. A big pile of naked strangers suddenly saying cheese. It was bonding.

Two well dressed ladies walked in during the photo shoot and it was too late for them. They never took off their clothes. Before they arrived, Frank talked about how it is harder to watch then participate. This is something he has learned after years of leading these rituals. He was right. Those ladies were palpably uncomfortable.

He asked me if I would be willing to make an erotic creation with him. Sure. I sat facing him and waited for an impulse to move me. Linda told me I could climb all over him, but avoid his left bum knee. I touched his feet. Could I take his shoes off? No, he needed them for adjustments. Hmm. I curled up underneath his legs and reached out for a hand that jumped in and out of my hand. He calls his arms Mike and Ike and they have two minds of their own. I lay like that for a few moments. It was relaxing. Frank said it was truly comfortable.

Then, the notion of gestures was addressed. Linda put us into groups of two or three and read to us gestures to enact. I was put with the photographer and Emily, a woman who Frank asked to dress me into a sheer blouse right off the bat. So the three of us were instructed to joyfully hug each other, explore each other’s faces, rub our breasts together, rub our butts together, interlace our limbs with one another and rock back and forth, cock our heads slightly, healingly touch each other’s genitals. The photographer was a little chatty to begin with like, “how do we do that?” and “what did she say?” Emily had obviously been there before and her presence added a certain weight and calm to the experience. We were all just exploring like unchaperoned children showing each other our bits. It was erotic, but the fact that we took sex out of it made it safe. I don’t know how I would have felt had I been paired with two dudes.

At one point, I was paired with Frank and I sat on his lap. The gesture was to rock together. I didn’t know how to rock with him. I felt a little awkward because I didn’t want to fully straddle him and go to rocking town. I just sat facing out sort of dazedly. Frank has a very unique smell that I am not used to and he drools a little bit. So, I was a little uncomfortable. It was interesting for me to look at that uncomfort. Was I uncomfortable being close like that with an older man and afraid that I was being used? What is it to be used? Where did I get that “using” idea? One of my mom’s favorite sayings is that men think with their dicks. Or was it the drooling? I don’t know. I was contemplating this on his lap and at the same time feeling at ease and filled with wonder.

At the end of the “show”, Frank talked to us about our experiences and his practice. I was sort of spacing out when he addressed me. He reminded me how I asked him how he got people naked at his shows. Did I have an answer now?

“Yeah. It’s easier than I thought.” And then I told him about my most current experience. I had been lying on the pillows mostly naked. I was getting cold. I sort of inched up to a guy I was sitting next to, hoping that he would sense my coldness and hold me. No luck. I didn’t want to put my clothes back on so I looked my neighbor in the eyes and said, “I am cold.” He smiled and put his naked arms around me. I was so happy. I was sitting in that spaced out happiness when Frank asked about my experience. I had never been to a performance where I ended up snuggled next to a naked dude and feeling so grateful for our ability to warm each other. I felt like the performance was a success. The photographer lady had snuggled up to the warming guy’s other side.

The next day, I was explaining the experience to a friend and he asked if I really wanted to fuck after that. It was a valid question; some performances leave you wanting to fuck. But the answer is no. I left feeling open and spacey, warm and fuzzy. I left feeling like a squishy human with hair, pores, and teeth. I left with an awareness of my desire for warmth, exploration and connection.

* * * * *

Lula, this is quite impressive. I will respond to it when I have recovered from doing two performances in a week... Respond in detail. But I want to get it out to the ESALON [my email community (want to be on the ESALON?)].

The depth of your writing gives me hope for the future!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: saturday's performance

Frank. I was in Wisconsin. But sounds like it went great at CSC.
Sure hated to miss it. Can you book another!?
I couldn't turn down the work, or i would have!
But am dying to take beth to one of your shows.
She's in grad school and its hard for her to find time for ANYTHIGN. But we will see you eventually!

* * * * *

we will do things there maybe in the late summer. Doing my monthly performance series in Oakland limits what I can do in other venues. COME SATURDAY!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

just love performing there

hi, Carol and Robert! Thank you for letting me perform in your cozy space! Today I was thinking about how the crowd was perhaps the most feminine audience I have gotten. It was more than there were more women than men, which is unusual in itself. But the men were soft, gentle, and open... And so were the women! Obviously this is who you and your space attracts. This is not generally true for "erotic" spaces. What you do there is very special!

I do want to perform there more! My doing a monthly performance series in Oakland limits how many performances I can do at your space. But could I perform there a Saturday in September?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

saturday's performance (4/17/10)

Ah, if you don’t do your best work when you are performing at THE CENTER FOR SEX AND CULTURE where there is a deep base, community, spiritual environment of freedom and exploring, you might reconsider your life work! And the physical theater there is designed to promote a cozy intimacy. This is not to say there are not special issues when you are performing in such an erotic institute of freedom. Like a lot of the people came in with crusts of sexual hip images. These would have blocked going deep within one another. But they very quickly shed these crusts. We then had a cozy room of adventurers who were willing to play softly and be silly together, floating together wherever the performance took us. They took personal responsibility for wanting to go wherever the performance went.

This caused the night to be one movement flowing freely from one port of call to the other as if we just discovered a different level of where we were just exploring. Usually I just keep throwing out bits and see what catches. But last night it was so smooth! Of course Tomek’s music lubricated everything. But that is always what I depend upon! Last night I may have had one or two or more great plants. That always makes my job a lot easier! But mainly it was the people who came. Actually we ran out of time to get into EROTIC FRICTION. This is why I in my younger days did forty-eight hour performances, and why I do series of performances. Last night people felt like we just had gotten started! Well, if they come to the Temescal performance next Saturday, we can go explicitly deeper into what we unearthed last night!


Traffic!! Good thing we left as early as we did ... As soon as we got to the space, it was hustle time! Carol and Robert had just arrived at the space, and we headed down with Carol in the old industrial lift in the back of the building ... fun! Waiting in the alley were Frank, Linda & Mikee, and soon we were up the lift again, and you guys were in the space, and then it was another lift ride up with all the stuff from both cars, which was a feat! Carol was calling us all "mountain goats" because Mikee had boosted Frank up out of the lift, and we had to climb over the stuff to get from one side of the lift to the other ... While we were loading up, she noticed the Moore/Block '08 bumper sticker on the cars, and exclaimed, "I didn't know Suzy ran with Frank!" She was very impressed, and Corey talked up how they had run as registered write-in candidates in 25 states, got votes in places as diverse as Georgia and West Virginia ...

Soon we were loading all the stuff into the space, and getting our bearings! Hustling! There was a lot to do, and a lot to figure out in terms of how to hang things, etc., what to use where ... we needed at least another half hour -- can you say, "Stress!" -- but what a crack team! Amazing that we were able to get it together by the time we did ... people were waiting outside!

And now the doors opened, and folks came in, surveying the scene, taking spots on the mats on the floor ... Frank told them as they were getting situated that he was the show, so they knew which way to face! Once people were settled, Frank started talking to people ... how did they find out about this, what attracted them, what did they do? There were two women in front who were very familiar with the space itself, and that's how they heard of this ... Frank asked one of them to talk about the space, and she spoke very highly of what Carol and Robert do, and referred to a great library of books on sex, sex history, eroticism, etc. that was there in the space. The next girl Frank talked to said she had seen a flier for this at the space too, had been at a "girl sex" event there ... she said she came because it seemed very "off the wall", and Frank asked her if she was "off the wall", and how "off the wall"?? She said very! Frank asked her if she was a plant? She said she didn't think so ... she said she may be some kind of alien, but not a plant. Frank asked her, "And we have never talked before, you and I?" She didn't say yes or no ... she just said something like, "Talking can often be the most erotic experience ..." Frank said that it sounded like something he wrote .... She said, "Great minds think alike!" Who knew if she was a plant or not now!

Then Frank moved on to two guys who had come in together ... one had just returned from a trip to Peru, and had been attracted by the mention of shamanism ... Frank asked him to describe what a shaman is, and he said something like that you are never sure if they are God or the Devil ... they can be both or neither ... or somewhere right in the middle ... Frank said, "Well, I am a free agent." Everyone liked that! His friend worked in medical marijuana, "herbal smokeables", he said ... Then there was the girl who had seen a flier on Haight St. and was attracted by the drawings and the description of Frank from the quotes ... it was intriguing to her, and felt like something she had not experienced before ... and the way that the bodies in Mikee's drawing were all connected and melted together was really fascinating to her, attractive to her ...

There there was the girl who worked as an admin. at an art school, and was a photograper ... and next to her two who had come together ... Frank asked the first if she was willing to be uncomfortable? She said yes ... "How uncomfortable?" She wasn't sure ... fairly uncomfortable ... Her friend is a 7th grade biology teacher ... Frank said, "Now that's scary!" Then there was Lula ... who Frank said later was a plant, but you couldn't be sure if he was telling the truth or not. He said later he uses honesty to lie! (something like that?) A friend had given her a flier for the performance and told her that it was Frank Moore, and that she had to check it out. Then the very next day, she got a friend request on Facebook from Frank! So she had to check it out ..

It was really great to hear how everyone found out about the peformance ... the various online places, SF Station, San, Facebook, but then also fliers! One guy had seen the flier at the Actual Cafe on San Pablo, which we had only put up the previous Wednesday! Haight St. ... Linda said later that one was hard won!

The regular of our performances, who always takes off his clothes and puts on a mask, was there too, and changed out of his suit, and got naked and the mask went on! Frank said that he always does this, and Frank has never asked him why, and never will!

At some point in this first part, Frank asked the girl who was "off the wall", who we later heard had just moved from Nebraska, if she would play erotically with Frank? She said sure. And also, Frank asked Lula this as well, and also asked if Erika could put a see through blouse on her? She said sure ... and Erika took off her tops, and put on the net blouse ...

Then Frank turned to the photographer ... would she compose a nude photograph of any people there who were willing to be nude? Sure, she would ... but she didn't have her camera ... Frank pointed out that we had a photographer, Mikee and video, Corey, so that part was covered ... but would she create the shot, set people up ...? Frank was willing to be nude, and everyone else there was wiling too! As soon as people had their clothes off, they were wanting props ... and they found the layout of Betty's jewelry and the costumes ... people put on bracelets and beads, and Frank had Linda tell everyone about Betty!

The photographer had everyone get together around Frank in a huge group shot ... like a big family reunion, but all nude! Talking later about it, Linda was saying that it was the perfect way that Frank transforms things ... you could feel that to a large extent, people came into the performance in a sexual context, with their own particular "fetishes", and there was an edge that you could feel ... But as soon as everyone was up there, being posed for a big group nude picture, like a big family, getting goofy, all that other stuff was all gone! She posed the group in various ways, and got into the shots herself too ... one shot was all asses in the camera! It was really fun!
Then Frank asked the girl from Nebraska if she would dance erotically with him? Sure! She came over and danced around him, and then all over him ... at the same time, he had Linda group people together for Gestures ... Just about this time, two young women who had come to the door early on, before 8 even, when we were still setting up, came back, and came in, followed by an older man ... Linda asked the girls if they wanted to do Gestures? She described it to them ... One of them would do it! But the other declined, and sat off to the side by herself. The guy joined gestures too ... he later told Alexi as he was leaving to say hi to Frank for him, he was Jim Riggs and knew Frank from a long time ago, from Debbie times ...

Gestures was great! There was so much to take in, you couldn't see it all, and Corey said later that the camera just wanted to linger on various groups and pairs, and wanted to take all of them in for each gesture, but then another gesture was read! There was so much to take in ... Frank had several different people come up and do gestures with him, the Haight St. girl, Lula ...

Tomek was the only musician who showed up, and he was amazing!!! He created this ongoing musical jam with his own set up and some of the other keyboards which was beautiful and followed/was one with the performance as it moved along ... he was really great! Really enjoyed the performance ... we loved how he kept bringing back his sample of Lula reading the warning sign from early on in the performance ... Early on, Frank had responded to the girl who he had asked about being "uncomfortable" ... she had said something along the lines of, "as long as she was safe" ... So Frank talked about how it was his job to take people beyond or through uncomfortable, and to bring them back safely ... but then that it was everyone's personal responsibility afterward whatever happened. This is when he had Lula read the warning sign.

One of the gestures was to rock together, and Frank asked Lula to rock on his lap, and asked the girl who had declined to join gestures, and had even said something like she wished she could be as adventurous as that, if she would read his poem, "Wrapping and Rocking"? She did, and put all of her passion into it .. an amazing reading. You could feel that she put everything into the poem, and that it really meant a lot to her for Frank to have asked her to do that. Tomek said later that he was watching her and could feel how much she was affected by the performance, and how it felt like she wished she could have participated more. When she left, she said to Alexi at the door, "Thank you so much!" and had tears in her eyes.

After wrapping rocking, Frank asked Lula if she would read from the binder randomly, and asked the photographer if she would rock with him. She did, and it was really amazing the pieces that Lula picked to read ... "I Hate Nice People", a surreal fragment from Time Seeds, and then a long piece from Cherotic Magic ...

Much earlier on, Frank asked Lula to create an erotic piece with him, and she played with Frank, played with his hands, crawled over and under his legs ... Frank told her about Mike and Ike, his left and right hands! At some point, Frank said, "Now this is real 'comfort'"
As Lula now read through the binder randomly, and the photographer rocked on Frank's lap, the rest of the group cuddled together in their groups and pairs ...

Now, Frank started asking people what they thought so far of the performance? The girl from Haight St. said that she really liked it, that it was a great way to get to know each other ... she talked about how she finds it hard to get close to people in the city, that there are walls up ... but that we were all "technically strangers", but were quickly close ... Other people echoed this feeling ... When one of the guys talked about the nudity again, Frank said that he often says that it is not the nudity or eroticism that freaks people out, but the intimacy. Frank and Linda told the story of the performance in Chicago with the stripper/hooker that the space had lined up for him, who would have sex with him, but not rock intimately on his lap! And then Mikee had to splash himself with glitter and oil and chocolate because she was also going to be doing that!

The guy who had just come back from the trip to Peru wondered why there weren't more opportunities for this kind of thing? This is where we think Frank talked about how people don't take responsibility, to explain why there were not more opportunities like this, and how everyone there tonight took responsibility and did what they wanted to do ...

Frank asked the girl from Nebraska if she felt comfortable? She said she did feel comfortable, but a little shy ... and others echoed this too. Her friend talked about the naturalness of all of them being naked together, that he felt that this really was a natural way to be together, and he said again that "technically" they were most of them strangers to one another, but that he felt a spiritual connection to everyone there that went beyond that ... We were blown away by everything everyone said ... one of the women who had been paired with one of the latecomers (the two latecomers had left already, early), talked about feeling a little sad that her partner could not seem to sink into the gestures ... that her partner was really nervous, talking and laughing a lot ... but that in general she really liked it. Corey said later that he really saw the latecomer sink more and more into the gestures ... that she was really talkative and nervously laughing at first, but by the end of them, she was cuddled together with her partner, and really dove into doing even the most intimate gestures!
Lula talked about having gotten cold as they were all talking, and cuddling up to one of the guys, Eric, hoping he would get the hint that she was cold, and then just asking if he would put his arm around her because she was cold, and he was happy to do it, and the feeling of being warmed by another human together, and that this was something very basic and profound that she never has experienced in a performance before.

Eric asked why Frank doesn't like nice people, referring to his poem that Lula had read ... Frank and Linda described the history behind that poem, about Louis and the poetry community ... Frank said that he himself is a bastard! At first, it seemed like some didn't get this, but the girl from Nebraska talked about it as being "fiercely loving" vs. being nice. People got what Frank was saying ... he was not polite, he was direct. Frank said that liberals thought of themselves as the "nice people", and often were the most repressive ... and Frank had Linda tell the story of Linda Burnham, a really neat slice of history. At some point too Frank had Linda talk about the last two performances at Temescal ... the one where everyone was very willing, followed by the one where it was all "no's"

Everyone in the room had relaxed into a very quiet and warm zone ... it was very soft. In some context which we can't remember, Frank said that it felt like they had just scratched the surface, that there was a lot more to explore ... and he said come to the Temescal performances, and encourage Carol and Robert to have him back! He asked the Haight St. girl if she felt that too about just scratching the surface? She said yes, she did ...

So that was the "end" of the performance, and people clapped, but Frank/Linda said that Frank did not really like clapping, because it created a false sense of something ending, when in fact the performance really didn't end, it continued on ...

People stayed for a long time afterward, talking with each other and with Frank ... Tomek talked about how much he enjoyed the performance, and that he really loved playing at Frank's performances because there is no "wrong" ... he can try anything, and it gives him a freedom to explore musically things he wouldn't normally explore ...

Tomek could be heard also encouraging people to come to Temescal next weekend!

We started packing up the room, talking about the performance and what a great space it was ... and how we would be much better prepared next time for setting up. We already had ideas of how to do things differently ... The popcorn came out, and we talked about the new popcorn method ... Carol and Robert were great when they came back to lock everything up ... they ended up doing the sweeping, and were happy to have Frank back to do more performances!

It was a long wonderful night ... it was already past 2am when we got back. We were talking more about the performance when we were in the PH unloading stuff ...


We caravanned over to SF for the performance. We loaded in through the back on the freight elevator. Frank went up first and then we loaded up all the gear on the second trip. Robert and Carol who run the space were there to meet us. The space was great! It was really cozy. There was a little stage area where we hung back drops and set up the instruments. A big stuffed chair to the side that was perfect for setting up all the costumes and jewelry. We hung up backdrops on both sides of the space and pulled down big floor cushions making it even more cozy. Since we were in a new space we were figuring out how to set everything up as we were going. Tomek arrived and got set up on the little stage. He would end up being our musician for the night playing amazing music the whole way through. By 8:00 there were people waiting outside in the hall ready to come in. We were almost ready. When the doors opened a whole bunch of people came in and later there were a few more.

Everyone sat down on the cozy mats with fuzzy fabric over them and Frank said to come closer. He started talking to everyone. There were a couple of women who came together who said they come to other events at the Center for Sex and Culture. They talked about what a great library they had there with lots of good information. Frank asked one of them why they had come to the performance. One of them said that she came because she is perverted, that she likes to be the student, to be examined. Frank said, "oh...". There was another woman who had seen the flyer for the performance up in the Height. She was really attracted to the images on the flyer. There was a woman from Nebraska who it turned out had just moved to SF who had come to the Center for Sex and Culture for a girls sex event and saw the flyer when she had come to that. She said that it looked really off the wall and that is why she had come. Frank asked her how off the wall she was and she said, "Very." He asked her if she was a plant and she said no but that she might be an alien. She had brought a friend with her. Frank asked if he had ever talked with her and she said that talking can be one of the most erotic experiences. Then there was a couple of men who had come together. One of them said that he was really drawn to the flyer as well. He said that he had had experiences with Shamans and he had also had sex but had never met a sex shaman. Frank asked where it said that on the flyer and the guy said that it didn't he just thought that's what Frank was. His Friend had just come back from Peru and he said he sold herbal medicine. Frank said, "Pot". He said that Shamans either came from God or from the Devil and you could never tell which. Frank said that he was a free agent. There was a woman who worked in art administration and was a photographer and a guy who could not or did not want to talk. One of the guys who has shown up at performances over the years and always gets naked and wears a mask came and sat in the back. Lula said that someone handed her a flyer and she looked at it and then the next day she met Frank online as a Facebook friend. After two days in a row of learning about Frank she decided she must come! Frank asked her if she was a plant and she said that she had just been planted. There were a couple of other friends who came together. One of them was a 7th grade biology teacher. Frank said, "Now that is Scary." Frank asked Lula if she would read the warning sign that was posted up on the wall about how people might be effected by the performance days after the performances ended. Frank said that his job was to lead people through uncomfortable and to bring them back safely. Tomek recorded her reading it and then looped it back throughout the music that he was playing. Linda talked about the last two performances that we did at Temescal and about how people who were coming to the series kept talking about their comfort zones so Frank changed the name of it from Reality Playings to Uncomfortable Zones of Fun. The first time after the name change everyone who came was really willing to jump in, take risks and be uncomfortable and it opened things up, opened up possibilities and people were able to move beyond limitations. Then the last time we did a performance everyone wanted to stay comfortable and did not want to take risks. That didn't create an opening for much to happen so Frank ended the performance early.
Frank asked Lula if Erika could put a see through blouse on her and she said yes. Erika undressed and dressed Lula while Linda told about the last two performances. Frank asked the woman who was a photographer if she would do a photo shoot with those who were willing to take their clothes off. At first she wasn't sure because she didn't have a camera and she didn't feel like she was good at directing people. She would set people up without a camera and people came up with ideas for the photo shoot together. Almost everyone took off their clothes and was ready to be in the photo. A couple of people who didn't want to left the performance at this point and some new people came when we were in the middle of the photo shoot. We all gathered around Frank naked for our photos. Someone asked if we could wear the costumes and jewelry that we laid out on the stuffed chair and the photographer said only jewelry, not costumes. The woman who was the photographer set us up for the photos. One a "family" style photo, another one with our arms in different poses and then one with all of our butts. Mikee took photos of each shot.

Frank asked the woman from Nebraska if she would come up and dance erotically with Frank and she said yes. Then Lula went up and did an erotic piece with Frank. She explored and lay on top of Frank and then intertwined her body underneath his legs and rested there. Frank said that this is real comfort. Linda paired us up into groups of two or three and read gestures that we did together. Several women went up to do gestures with Frank. We hugged and rocked, explored each others faces, touched each others knees lovingly, lay on top of each other, touched genitals for body comfort, hugged and rocked. While we were rocking, Frank had one of the women read "Wrapping and Rocking," and then Lula went up and read randomly from Frank's poetry. She read "I hate nice people." Eric asked why Frank did not like nice people and he asked Eric what a nice person was. Eric talked about being polite. Linda talked about meeting people time and time again who considered themselves liberal but in the end they were not willing to take real risks.

At the end of the performance people talked about their experience of the performance. Some people said that they felt comfortable but a little shy and could have gone further. One woman said that we all felt very close and it felt really good to feel that, we hardly knew each other but we felt very close. One guy said that he didn't know why there weren't more opportunities like this. Another woman said that the woman that she was doing gestures with seemed really uncomfortable and was not really fully there and that made her feel sad. There was a guy who said that he really enjoyed being naked with everyone and that being naked with people is just natural and human. He said that we are all strangers and we came together in a closeness, a spiritual connection with everyone. One woman said that she felt very comfortable being with everyone in the performance, feeling close to everyone and that it was hard living in the city to connect with people on this level, on a real level and that felt really good. Lula said that she was feeling cold so she told Eric that she was feeling cold and snuggled up with him on the floor. She said that it felt really good to feel warmed by another person and that she had never experienced that at a performance before. It was a cozy night. Robert and Carol who run The Center for Sex and Culture were great and said that we could come back again anytime. The people who came to the performance jumped in for a night about being close and being physical in deeper ways than they said they often find living in the city. It was a beginning and some who were there expressed that they could feel that it was a beginning, that things could go deeper. The woman from Nebraska said that she would definitely be at the performance next weekend in Oakland. Many people said how amazing the night was as they were leaving.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore