Sunday, May 16, 2010

Re: my suggestion

hi, Drake!

you said i wish i had at least one female collaborator to work with - i feel like i could pull off some powerful stuff

my suggestion is focus on having a long term life mate on all levels.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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yes indeed! the universe has been tardy in that department. i was married rather happily for awhile... although i've wanted to find another mate, i've been quite damaged and blah blah you know how people are in general in this country...


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mmmmmm, Xxxxxxxxxx etc.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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hi Frank, Linda - glad to have read about your recent happenings. here in ashland, i've put up a notice on an online community site about starting a group-body touch group referred to as the New Innocence. I've gotten two responses, met, wrapping and rocking with one of them already; the other one was all gung ho at first saying "excellent, i'm in" but never manifested her presence in a meeting - ironically she writes that she is writing a book about touch. of course i want a mate on all levels, and will continue to focus on that.



ps i love sending your writings and links around, to inspire and spur people toward creating a more expansive and loving reality. also, starting up some schiz-flux activities again. hope to get all the mags online as part of a blog.

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hey, Drake! We even talked about you at the performance! Unrulee has been coming to quite a few of them.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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