Saturday, August 8, 2009

RE: liberty of speech

I understand Frank :)

I too believe in free speech, your kind of free speech because it's well intentioned in the end ( even if a bit strange to me sometimes ;) in the sens that you're not trying to diminish or attack anybody or take advantage of anything.

I already told you that.

But remember that I live in Quebec and have been brought up with a State that cares for the citizens: our thirst for independence includes a strong and generous State ( social-democrat system ) as we will not obtain sovereignty the same way the USA had it, it's not the same context and century anyways.

In conclusion, I do not consider a Nazi movement worthy of be granted liberty of speech and action, for the finality of the movement action and philosophy is not well intentionned.

From there, governments should be called to take action against these kinds of movements; Read about the Scientology movement and how they treat their adepts...


* * * * *

freedom of speech... And freedom in general... Is the kind of thing where if everybody don't have it, nobody really has it.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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