Sunday, February 14, 2010

RE: L'idéaliste

Hey Frank,

It's been a while since I have not got back to you regarding the track.

Well, the remix is 50 % done: voices are not done yet, but drums are finished and the other instruments almost done.

It will sound a tiny bit different, but the structure's is the same, quality will be improved ( as I'm improving my editing and mastering techniques ), and the speech will be delivered differently with regards to time and space in the track.

I'm probably up 3 month working on it, and am planning it will take me another 2 to have it perfect the way I wan't ( even though I'll have to rerecord it with good funding ( I.E real drums, a good bass and guitar instrument, some one on the keys instead of sampling the keys, etc... ) and perhaps, record it in a band format, who knows...

Finally, your last mail about art survey's has got me thinking for a while, and I'm still not sure of what I should believe art is.

Yet, you made me realize something and I thank you for that: although I knew about it, it hit me so hard this time:

whatever I'm doing as creation ( referring to l'idéaliste and the rest of what I do ), art or not art, I'm addict to it.

And I might wasting my life with that, somewhat, but I believe my life would have been a wast without it.

I'm really exited about you hearing the new version of "L'idéalist", Frank :)

With passion,


* * * * *

can't wait to hear it, Rafael!

and, like my poem said, CREATING IS LIKE SHITTING! Shitting is an addiction. But if you don't shit, you will explode! So shitting is not a waste of time! Thus almost everybody shits!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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