Friday, July 31, 2009

Fw: sponsors of non-locally produced shows on BTV

Hi David,

Arielle suggested that I talk further with you about this issue (see below) ... I had written to Arielle requesting a list of the local resident sponsors of the non-locally produced shows that play on BTV. She said that she could not share that information with anyone except a BCM staff member. However, for years, we have listened to the disclaimer preceding our shows that air after 10pm, which said, "The content of the shows is the responsibility of the Berkeley sponsor ... sponsor information is available upon request." This is what we are going on in requesting this information. We still would like to know who the local Berkeley sponsors are for the non-locally produced shows which air on BTV. Thanks!

-- Corey

* * * * *

Also, David, BTV has given out our info to people in the past who requested it.

-- Corey

* * * * *

Please specify a program and I will find out for you.


* * * * *

got them nervous!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: June 2009 Reality Playings page is up!

(Ava Bird wrote:)

thanks linda, wow, these are amazing! the photos on their own are an art piece, awesome!

* * * * *

ah, yes, Ava! Performances are layers of effective art works melted together, bleeding out from the limited frame of space and time. Each layer has its special effects which we are unable to understand. This is especially true for private performance.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: frank's follow up letter to bcm

(Jen Wilson wrote:)

LOVE IT!!!! They are messing with the wrong dude!

* * * * *

make my day!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

statements of INTENT

Please Sign, put your statement of INTENT, cc back to me & Forward.


We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious

is the first duty of intelligent men.

—George Orwell

THE COYOTEL CORE hereby Declares ART WAR on Sanctioned Culture, Sanctioned Rebellion, Sanctioned Religion, Sanctioned Belief, Consensus Reality, Consensus Denial.

OUR ENEMIES are Boredom, Arbiters of Taste, Promoters of Pablum, Advertisers of Mediocrity, Soulless Religions, Axis of Weasels, Flakes, Hangers-On, Time Wasters.

WE HEREBY DECLARE Our Enemies Dismissed and Ignored.

IN DECLARING ART WAR the COYOTEL CORE aims to Liberate Awareness, Anticipate Change, Unflinchingly Promote our Ideals, Liberty, Creativity, Humor.

BY SIGNING BELOW we pledge our hearts, spirits, and time to the formation of Creative Cultures, Authenticity of Being, Genuine Individuality, Passionate Interactions with Life.

HOW WILL YOU contribute to the Goals, Drive and Ambitions of ART WAR?

Coyotel Literary Aesthetics &

Coyotel TRUE ART Visual Aesthetics


Steven Johnson Leyba


Author of “The Last American Painter”


Frank Moore

Will Taylor

Author of “The Pollen Road”

“Mark it well”

Dave Archer

Author of “Survival Art; Painting and Sculpting for Food, Clothing and Shelter”

Gigi Deluxe

DO NOT TELL ME "I prefer your work when it isn't too overtly sexual/violent"


Jerry Barksdale and

“We as artists have become an uninspiring collective. Stagnate in our ideals and presentation we continually attempt to pass off rehashed garbage as an act of creation. Creativity is dead and the artist is to blame. We’ve allowed every jackass with an instrument, a paintbrush, a camera, or a canvas to call themselves an artist. Our title has been usurped by mediocrity. We’ve catered to an undeserving, disinterested mass. We’ve became inclusive rather then exclusive. The average spectator feels just as much an artist as the master painter. Our works have been reduced to wholesale. Something readily discarded. To call myself an artist has become embarrassing…this title is an insult.

We have built ourselves a pedestal, as artists are a narcissistic people. We errantly parade ourselves as architects of emotion. Our way of life has became a sought after illusion. In an attempt to glorify our position as artist we’ve mangled the very term. Groveling for acceptance from the masses we cling to the latest ideas and trends losing sight of our one true goal….to reach deep within our humanity and pull out a piece of ourselves that others are unwilling or incapable of seeing within themselves. The artist acts neither as catalyst nor as architect. We are simply a candle in the darkness, exposing those small pieces of human nature rather left buried.

To those of us truly inspired: are we even aware of our job as an artist? Is it to promote our brand, to hand out fliers and peddle our merchandise like some fucking street vendor? Is it the accumulation of fan and status that inspires us to create? This is what we have been reduced to; this is the New Way of art.

In a culture of complacency and inaction we are encouraged to accept this New Way. We have become puppets of corporation, tools of their mass marketing schemes. We should rid these ills from our conscience and once again reach deep within and reclaim our title as “artist”. This is the Art War to me. An attempt to reclaim art as art rather then a piece of readily discardable merchandise.

The artist should be confrontational, aggressive and explicit. Our art should expose our deepest secrets, destroy social convention and should encourage others to question themselves. It should be obscure and occult; it should be hidden from the passerby. Art should be embarrassing; it should mirror our desires, mirror our disgusts, mirror our fears, and mirror our insecurities. If our art does not these things then it is nothing more than social mimicry and we, the artist, have failed.”

Marissa Raine Miller

“To be human is to be an artist and we procrastinate because we're afraid of achieving our full potential because to do so is very hard and requires much failure.”


“Subvert the converted”

Mike Hammarberg

“Art Militia hereby declare Art War on everything!

In a time where we as artists should lean back and just take all the shit they're shoveling we rise. We rise above the religious dogmas, poltical harlotry and the view of what art should be, and we aim to destroy it all.

We must never settle for being inside the frames, always push outwards and rip the frames apart. If people ask for nature-art we give them industrial. If people ask for fucked up expressionism we will give them minimalistic colorfields. If people ask for a watercolor-painting we paint with coal and blood. We must always paint what we are and feel, never ever what anyone else wants. We will take back the word ARTIST from all those who claim it these days. We will bleed our innermost feelings out on canvas, wood, glass, walls or whatever is available. We are also to blame for letting us be bought, letting us give up control of our work.

The same second we stop giving our most in our art, they have won.

People may think this is a joke, but it is WAR. A war on boredom, on people telling us what is and isn't "tasteful" or beautiful, or the view on what art is. We as artist must reclaim the word and make it meaningful again.

Art is what we breathe, and it's the blood that keeps pumping through our veins. It's just not "something you do in your sparetime", it never was just a hobby. For us Art Warriors it is and always will be so much more.

When you breathe, bleed, cry, laugh, work for something it's worth fighting for, living for and even dying for. This ART WAR is now, today, tomorrow and always.”

Elija Van den berg

“…Amongst the younger people this might be the case, anyway, you have to encourage yourself, YOU have to change what is happening...

not so much with some of the people from my own generation, i just look at Max Lerou, the poetry slam organiser (56) Q 65 guys (both 65), armand, dutch protest singer (63) Nicko Christiansen (59) his base player Jeroen, who is around the same age and who has dropped out of forced registration and ID, terminated his TV subscription etc. Marcellus a painter from Rotterdam who has done same, Ben van Es galley owner who shows renegades, my friend Gary here in England who paints peaceful pictures with gunpowder (VERY creative!!! needs a special license for the gunpowder.) What a statement!!! None of them particularly blessed in the looks department, none of them interested in money and/or fame. Art is there to make people think, to give them pleasure, as a meeting place for likeminded people, well you know me, I am a peace freak hippy, WARS NEVER solve anything, they just kill lots of innocent people, mostly women and children - they do not ever matter anyway, only rich men (Rich mans war, John Trudell) - who are usually brown. Or black. Or Muslims, or all three. I try not to mind too much what happens to me and more what happens to this society. I try and stay creative. And positive. Not easy when you are homeless half the time and ill.”

Mark Powell

I am truly honored to have had some influence on the Coyotel aesthetics. It is truly important work you are doing, I am inspired. I must make special note of the Declaration of War on the eye of the beholder. Something I have argued recently. This neither here nor there attitude of all art is in the eye of the beholder, it is all ultimately subjective and that art cannot not be measured, NONSENSE!! I say.

Of course standards exist and one strives to meet those standards.

Another problem is the question of work, which many of the so called slacker artists and video artists and lay-abouts who probably do not come from working class families, who, thanks to their privileged circumstances are able to worm their way into galleries and publications and not do any real work, for them art need not require any real effort.

I have seen for example an artist video themselves lying in a bath tub and submit it as art. This actually got onto a television arts program. Well for a person who has had to work in factories, warehouses, unloading shipping containers and sifting through shit (literally) at a recycling plant, I understand the importance of work, art requires effort. It also goes to those who believe an artist is someone who can just point at something and it becomes art. This seems to exist elsewhere in our culture too, celebrities these days do not have to actually DO anything, they just are. There is a class of people who have enabled the least among us to rise to the top. We should look to Levi's illustration of Baphomet where the hands represent the sacredness of work and the flame of the imagination burns brightly above.


And as for ART WAR, I will contribute by continuing to make art that is true to myself.

and my reply

Hi, Mark. Thanks for writing back.

I am confused by your thinking that “the Brown Act prohibits Boards of Directors from conducting discussions as a group outside of their formal meeting structure with meetings noticed with an agenda.” The Brown Act is a part of the Sunshine movement. I am encouraged that you see the Board of Directors of Berkeley Community Media as a “legislative body” which is answerable to the residents of the Berkeley community. But I don’t think the Brown Act applies to this situation.

I invited you, and any of the board members and staff who are willing to be a part of a discussion about public access with me and other public access activists to be on my show. I was not inviting the Board to hold its meeting in any form on my show. I would be surprised [but happy] if anything close to the majority of the board members accepted my invitation. I hope the discussion will be in-depth, covering most of the issues. The discussion will be public, going out on the internet live. Then we will archive the discussion unedited and uncensored. Of course I will play the whole discussion unedited and uncensored on B-TV.

Clearly the below section of The Brown Act extremely powerfully states the act does not block such discussions

(c) Nothing in this section shall impose the requirements of this chapter upon any of the following:
(1) Individual contacts or conversations between a member of a legislative body and any other person.
(2) The attendance of a majority of the members of a legislative body at a conference or similar gathering open to the public that involves a discussion of issues of general interest to the public or to public agencies of the type represented by the legislative body, provided that a majority of the members do not discuss among themselves, other than as part of the scheduled program, business of a specified nature that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the local agency. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to allow members of the public free admission to a conference or similar gathering at which the organizers have required other participants or registrants to pay fees or charges as a condition of attendance.
(3) The attendance of a majority of the members of a legislative body at an open and publicized meeting organized to address a topic of local community concern by a person or organization other than the local agency, provided that a majority of the members do not discuss among themselves, other than as part of the scheduled program, business of a specific nature that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body of the local agency.
(4) The attendance of a majority of the members of a legislative body at an open and noticed meeting of another body of the local agency, provided that a majority of the members do not discuss among themselves, other than as part of the scheduled meeting, business of a specific nature that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body of the local agency.
(5) The attendance of a majority of the members of a legislative body at a purely social or ceremonial occasion, provided that a majority of the members do not discuss among themselves business of a specific nature that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body of the local agency.

So I hope you and the other board members and staff will reconsider and join the discussion that I am in the process of setting up as I write this. Or I would be happy to come to your next board meeting WITH MY VIDEO CAMERA to have this discussion.

Also I am puzzled by your saying: “Your letter did not address the concerns that you referred to so I am unable to give you any answers at this time, but I promise that the Board will look at any specific questions that you bring to our attention in the future.” I thought I outlined my concerns in detail… Maybe in too much detail! So I will include another copy of my original letter with this.

Looking forward to talking with you, Mark!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

and it continues!

the Board of Directors of Berkeley Community Media finally replied to my letter after about a month of trying to figure out an answer! Here it is:

July 13, 2009

Dear Mr. Moore,

Thank you for taking the time to communicate with the Berkeley Community Media (BCM) Board of Directors in your June letter. We really value the insight and ideas of the members/producers that we serve.

In regard to your invitation for the Board to join you on your show to field questions and or concerns that you have regarding BCM policies and procedures, the Brown Act prohibits Boards of Directors from conducting discussions as a group outside of their formal meeting structure with meetings noticed with an agenda. The Board has a process for addressing policy at BCM, and that business takes place within the structure of our regularly scheduled board meetings, and so we must respectfully decline the invitation.

Your letter did not address the concerns that you referred to so I am unable to give you any answers at this time, but I promise that the Board will look at any specific questions that you bring to our attention in the future.


Mark Coplan, Chair – BCM Board of Directors


Hi! I want to invite David Jolliffe, Arielle Elizabeth, and the board members of Berkeley Community Media to be on a show I am doing. In general the show will be about the philosophy of public access and the current move in California to shut the public access down. But we will also explore the new rules at B-tv. When I know who is interested in being on the show, I will set up a time for us to get together to shoot it.

A main reason why I am doing the show is the new rules confuse and disturb me. Maybe I should outline my concerns about the new rules and my understanding of public access. I know that Berkeley Community Media has other duties and responsibilities associated with running /maintaining Channel 33, the governmental /educational channel. I am only talking about our public access channel, Channel 28.

As I understand it, a public access channel is for the residents of the city to have an uncensored and free channel that will air tapes that they make themselves or like to sponsor so that others of their fellow citizens can be exposed to the content. Such a channel is the residents’ artistic, cultural, and political outlet, their soap box. As I understand it, Berkeley Community Media is the “third party“ which the city of Berkeley has administer our community public access channel, providing equal and easy access for the residents of Berkeley. So the “community“ of the community public access channel is the residents of the city of Berkeley, not just the members of Berkeley Community Media. So it is confusing when the members of BCM get special treatment, such as the new policy of

BCM will prioritize the scheduling of series in the following order:
1.) Series that are locally produced using BCM facilities and equipment.
2.) Series that are locally produced that do not use BCM facilities and equipment.
3.) Series that are made outside of the San Francisco Bay Area. These will be considered “Import” Series.

This seems to violate the equal access for the residents of Berkeley as proclaimed in BCM’s mission statement on the BCM web site. It makes sense to put the local programs made by Berkeley residents ahead of “import“ series, especially if there is a surge of programs filling up the schedule. Is there such a surge at the present time? But it does not make sense to penalize residents who don’t use BCM’s studio or equipment to create their own programs. That is unequal access.

When we asked about this, Arielle responded: “As Programming Coordinator, I personally feel that it is important that all producers should be treated equally. The new policies were written specifically to give all of us (including myself) guidelines on how programming will be scheduled. These policies are designed to promote fairness and equity among the entire membership. Nobody will get special treatment from now on.”

I assumed she meant all producers who belong to BCM will be treated equally and fairly. But the BCM members who use BCM’s studio and equipment will get special treatment. Again the community in the community public access channel is the residents of Berkeley, not the BCM membership. But even the BCM members who don’t use BCM’s studio and equipment will not be treated equally. Why penalize those of us who don’t use BCM’s studio or equipment? Granted, the running and maintaining of the studio and equipment is a big service that BCM provides. And requiring those who will use the studio and equipment to be members, to get trained, to volunteer to be on others’ crews, etc. makes sense. But in the world of camcorders, home computers, YOUTUBE, etc., it doesn’t make sense to penalize residents who create their shows outside of BCM’s studio on their own equipment. It doesn’t make sense to put blocks in the way of the residents to their channel. By encouraging people to create shows with their own equipment and computers it would open BCM’s studio and equipment to those who need the facilities to create their shows. It seems, if we do the math, it is not possible to produce enough shows to fill the 24/7 time slots in a studio that is only open a portion of the day. But encouraging residents who can create their own programs outside BCM’s studio would open b-tv up to the whole community. The whole community would be b-tv’s studio! This would make what happened in Los Angeles much harder to happen in Berkeley. In Los Angeles they shut down the public access by shutting down their studios.

I’m one of those residents who have created programs for b-tv for many years outside of BCM’s studio system, creating a platform for a wide range of community voices. I have donated to BCM over the years because I value BCM… I value public access. But I did not join BCM because I don’t use BCM’s facilities… And I am not a joiner. But when the new rules were leaked out and it was clear it was definitely a disadvantage in terms of keeping my time slots if I was not a BCM member, I became a member. Then it turned out it doesn’t matter because I don’t use BCM’s facilities. Obviously this is a case of different basic philosophies of community public access. I am eager to look at and explore the differences.
But it gets worse! According to the new policy outline:

“- All series producers will be required to have an active membership on file at Berkeley Community Media.”

This excludes at least ninety eight percent of the Berkeley residents. This hijacks our community channel. It turns our community channel into a private club… A members –only club. This is the exact opposite of what public access should be! The function of the Berkeley Community Media is to provide equal, free, and easy access for the residents of Berkeley to OUR community television channel. It is not its role to put blocks and fences between the residents and full access to our community channel. This is extremely disturbing and legally questionable. It creates a “have to belong to be played” reality… If not a pay-to-play proposition. If I hadn’t become a member, I would have lost my series… And more importantly I would have lost my right to have or sponsor a series on b-tv. This is not right, fair, or equal. This is not public access. And it raises all kinds of legal questions.

Moreover, as I understand it, legally the content of the shows that play on the public access channel is the sole responsibility of the resident who created/submitted/sponsored the shows. The courts have consistently ruled that the city and the body, be it the cable company or an organization such as BCM, that runs the public access channel may not restrict the contents of public access shows. This is a basic principle of public access. The city can decide not to have a public access channel. But if it decides to have one, it can’t restrict the content. The totality of this legal fire wall surprised even me! During my research for this, I went to the FCC’s official web site and found this:

“Federal law permitted a cable operator to prohibit the use of a PEG channel for programming which contained obscene material, sexually explicit conduct, indecency, nudity, or material soliciting or promoting unlawful conduct. However, The U.S. Supreme Court determined that this law was unconstitutional. Therefore, cable operators may not control the content of programming on public access channels with the exception that the cable operator may refuse to transmit a public access program, or a portion of the program, which the cable operator reasonably believes contains obscenity.”

So, with the exception of obscene material as defined by law, there is not room for restriction of content of public access shows. “Indecent“ shows must be aired between 10P.M. and 6A.M. Personally I always have felt more comfortable in the freedom of late night slots, even when most of the time, the content of the shows does not require late night slots. What is troublesome about the new rules is they appear to invade the content control of the resident producer /sponsor. Such invasion would be illegal, as I understand it. These invasions are not sexy. They are not focused on nudity, eroticism, or profanity. But they do appear to be designed to shape and control the content of the shows. For example, the new structure creates a two-tier system of kinds of series available.

Types of Series
1. Three Airs Per Week Series - A three airs per week series is available to producers who are consistently creating new content. This type of series airs no more than three times a week. Producers must submit at least six (6) new episodes of their program each season to be considered a three airs per week series. Producers must submit at least two (2) new episodes of their program at the beginning of each season in order to qualify as a weekly series.
2. One Air Per Week Series - A one air per week series is available to producers who sporadically create new content. This type of series airs no more than once a week. Producers must submit at least one (1) new episode of their program each season to be considered a one air per week series. Producers must submit at least three (3) old episodes of their program that they wish to replay throughout the season in order to qualify as a one air per week series.

As if this is not a clear enough attempt to control and shape the content of the shows, the new rules go on to define what new is new enough!

-- New episodes for three airs per week series must be submitted every 45 days. A new episode is defined as a program that, in whole or in substantial part (75%), has not previously aired on Channel 28.

-- A series will be cancelled if new episodes are not submitted in a timely manner.

-- False identification of an episode as “new” will result in immediate cancellation of a series.

All of which is a very clear breach of the legal fire wall around the sole responsibility of the resident producer /sponsor for the content of her shows. Moreover the threat of immediate cancellation sets up a very disturbing power structure. The reason for this new, and probably illegal, rule is not at all clear. And this dreadful rule is being applied to residents who consistently are in fact creating programs for b-tv. So let us explore the reasons for, and the legality, of this rule.

There is a lot more we can explore on the show. So I will end. So when would be a good time for you guys to come over to tape the show? I am also sending this letter to the local newspapers because I believe that this warrants a deep community discussion. After all, b-tv is OUR community channel… Or at least it is supposed to be!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Emailed 7/23/09 to:
David Jolliffe (Executive Director) & Arielle Elizabeth (Programming Coordinator)

Snailed to Current BCM Board Members 7/24/09:
Edmound Broussard
Oriana Saportas
Mark Coplan (Board Chair)
Moby Theobald
Crescent Diamond (Vice Chair)
Adnan Touma
Mitch Lerman (Treasurer)
Ed Young (Secretary)

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

have the rules changed?

hi, Arielle. We were watching b-tv and noticed that quite a few shows, which obviously are not local, are selling /advertising products. I thought that was a no- no. Has that rule changed? If so, when and why?

Also other shows list "sponsoring" businesses. I didn't know we could have businesses sponsor our shows. What is the rule about that?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Thank you for your note. I will forward this immediately.


Arielle Elizabeth
Programming Coordinator
Berkeley Community Media
510-848-2288 ext. 13

* * * * *

looking forward to Getting the answer!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Fw: need info on submitting ... (Rafael-alexandre Ramos)

(Rafael-alexandre Ramos re: Scientology PSAs on Berkeley Community Media:)

Very dangerous sect...

Federal goverment should ban and eradicate...

If ever the system collapses, the rats ( organized crime and sects of all kinds ) will look to overthrown the king

* * * * *

I don't know about that! I am a big believer in free speech, etc even for "dangerous sects, " and get extremely nervous at talk about the government [any government] Banning anything!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll! (7/23)

Thursday, July 23, 2009 4pm pacific

tape #62
55 minutes
hosts: Tim, Jumpin Jeff, Ron & Chris from Juvenile Justice & a woman's voice

1. Bad Posture
2. Youth Brigade "Fight to Unite"
3. Aggression "Rat Race"
4. Red Kross "Rich Raff"
5. The Disrupters "Shelters for the Rich"
6. Mayhem "Patriots"
7. The Ejected "Have You Got 10p"
8. One Way System "Give Us a Future"
9. Scream "Government Primer"
10. Guest: Dirk Dirksen
11. Agent 86
12. The Late Teens "Policies"
13. SSD Control "Do You Ever Care"
14. Negative FX "Veterans of Foreign Wars"
15. Void "Ignorant People"
16. Really Red
17. Culturecide
18. Jody Foster's Army "Preppie"
19. Blight "Armageddon"

chapter ten

Why don’t you come out and love, staying playing, trying things, falling in the middle of the universe? Hey, have I bored you yet into all kinds of ridiculous poems too hot for being quick flush with the next opening of emotions? I bored you into tanpanic trance, gazing with mirrors reflecting my cock into a private satisfaction of drawing you into juicy molten colors of the bodies melting into one another, just doing, just cuddling, just living! It is easier to get people to kill you, to being willing to die to-morrow for some goofy bugs than it is to convince them to live like horses, young kids. Why is that? But I always try! Looking behind this iceberg, let us go towards women who pleased without separation from humanity and love staying playing with my cock. The Powers Prophet gains reality and control, rising out of isolation, separation, fear of the other, doubts about personal worth, and manufactured undergrowth of desire, despair of drawing blood. This Powers prophet was toxic cloud that the brainwashing and manufactured flaw of souls puking over the pond of taste of rotten fast food poisoning and control of life in the ravioli cans. Point of responsibility is any body, organic or inorganic. Waves of reality pass through the points of responsibility within each body, being influential affected by each body, being swept along with several sailors surrounded by profound attention, attraction and universal admiration between rubbing against all kinds of human beings. Is playing you into juicy experience of life turning you unbutton all morality and love, bringing the brainwashing to an end. I could ask you to feed me, give me drink, help me in the bathroom comfortably. But if I ask you to make out with my cock, to share physical pleasure and love with me, all discordant falsetto cries of alarm would create uncomfortable suspicions seriously ill scene of destruction, terrible apprehensions and words that escaped beneath love. Why is that! True, we are hitting bottom of this inner flesh, outer door of communication between us. But! But don’t worry. There is a funky basement under the bottom where we will wing it! So stay! Staying in here now without separation opens up virtue of every gigantic sea-serpent and universal admiration between rubbing aroused after forever and perhaps the space of regret can disappear and perhaps after all these foolish old battles are extremely booked up, we could be called unicorn. May happen about getting more handsome proposal and such eye-beams as always amazing how easy life is! Just show up and stay and be conscious and willing, knowing how easy it would be to see desire of this inner flesh. Wear only this inner flesh. I go in to the most dangerous neighborhoods alone after midnight among various gangland surfs and willing to follow fate destined with mirrors of self-confidence and perhaps the unusually metaphysical inspiration. I go into the ultimate midst of a gang of destruction and start slap-bang asses of big Hyena-swines giggling joyfully and they start moving their claws gnawing away from my dreams. These men who are dear boys can’t believe my own heart laughing. I look helpless, vulnerable as much astonished! But they don’t smell fear of contact in me. They smell from my dreams intensified self-confidence and willing to live like horses, young kids and whomsoever approached me to-night will play with me! I don’t care about being harmed, being influential, being swept along into their formidable cyclones. Actually I don’t make sense to them. So they swayed from side to side. Don’t actually know what I can do! Nothing regular now apply at these proceedings on whims!

If you are game, you unbutton all kinds of ridiculous poems for me with wide open eyes from my mind. Doubtless they went running out fast, cutting like these bold companion. Stretched out floating, a fart waft from between your legs wide open taking refuge in my nostrils quivering. Disgust, excuse! Naw! The ultimate reality! Sexy hot girls fart. You are sexy, hot! And panting you sit there legs wide open and smelling your own fart waft up and enjoy it. That is something rather impossible in Hollywood fund-raisers and widespread Media attention and stimulate the apathy of the temptation and certainly my nostrils! Quivering flesh, I surrender to you. I have searched for a farting sexy hot girls. And finally here you are!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

New G-Zone 88 Radio Mixtape Show

July 20, 2009 -- Pro Flow Radio or
Heat Rock Promotions
G-Zone 88, We better than Them

Pro Flow Radio is searching for the World's finest up and coming independent musicians and artists to spice up the bland major radio music scene. Do you have it? Do you have Pro Flow? Send in your mixtape or remix tracks, and join us as we expose the truth about who's hotter in the industry.

If you tweak and freak remixes to major industry tracks, then you must be featured on this new G-Zone 88 radio show. All submissions are permitted. No matter whether you have only one verse or no chorus, your audio will still be played on the G-Zone 88 show. This radio showcase is strictly for mixtapes and remixes of every genre. So go ahead and mack like that's your track, subtract the wack and we will see if you are destined for platinum wax.

Rise like cream to the top with G-Zone88. Become great! No hate, but are you really better than them? G-Zone 88 is the home base so send your tape, make your case and let the fans decide if you are better than other industry tracks. Jack a track like Jesse James, hold em up and holler
back. You know the code. Its pro flow fa-sho. Let them know that you are better than them. The Pro Flow Fa-Sho Show can be heard on ,, , ZFM Digital, , Itunes, & Radio Indie Rock.



HOST: MaD MAXxx w/ Vocals

Listen Link:


1. bABYCAKES - fOOD freestyle
2. Whoa remix (freestyle) ft. Long Shots, ENOT & MM
3. BlackGold - Baby Boi
4. Chilly C. the paperchaser - Snap ya fingers
5. Stay Fly ft. Ludacris, Three Six, Eleven, Ciara & MaxHeat
6. Do It 4 the Haterz Again ft. 4-IZE, Luda, MaxHeat, Chingy, Big Boi &
Young Buck
7. Miss Nana & Remy Ma - Throw Show D's on It
8. Brandy Li - Finally Free
9. Shakti - ThangThang
10. Huntin ft. Nikita, Wayne & MaXxx
11. T-Pain ft. Akon - Bartender Manny Faces REMIX
12. 50 Cent - Get Up (Remixed By Bruce Wane)
13. Famly Biz ft. Inspiration X & MaxHeat
MaD MaXxx (Maxheat)
Engineer, DJ, Pro Artist, Writer

* * * * *

hey, ain't LUVER hip!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

sponsors of non-locally produced shows on BTV

Hi Arielle,

Can I get a list of the local resident sponsors of the non-locally produced shows that play on BTV?


-- Corey

* * * * *


I do not share that kind of information with anyone except other Berkeley Community Media Staff Members and only then when its requested by said staff member.


* * * * *

(Bluehouse wrote:)

We thought that "sponsor/producer information" was "available upon request" ... or something like that ... there used to be that disclaimer before shows ...

* * * * *

oh, yes! They never like light Shining on them! They seem to have forgotten B-TV is supposed to be our LOCAL PUBLIC ACCESS channel! They seem to want it to be THEIR OWN private channel.

In the past when people with concerns about my shows called the station, the station gave them my contact information... As they should have because I am solely responsible for the content of my shows. Seems like they want to decide the content of the shows... Which is illegal.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

need info on submitting ...

Hi Arielle,

Can you send me the info about how to submit to BTV a 1-minute informational video to be played during the CBB (along the lines of the "way to happiness dot org" spots)?


-- Corey

* * * * *


Producers are not allowed (at the moment) to submit informational spots. The PSAs currently running come from registered 501c3 non-profit that have little to do with the programming on the channel, which is why I let them run. I’m the one who put them on after finding them at

I will bring the issue up with David, the executive director, and see if we can hammer out a formal policy.


* * * * *

the video spot in question is for Scientology. It is not even for the local Scientology. It appears to be a canned spot she got off a national web site. In other words she's choosing by content on her personal taste or whatever.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore shows which air on BTV

(Bluehouse writes:)
This list of shows is just from a quick comparison of the BTV schedule with the list of shows. None of the following shows are produced locally, but they air on BTV.

American Songwriter
Appetite for Entertaining
Bridging Heaven and Earth
Jook Joint
Green By Design
Political Chowder
Link TV
The Way to Happiness PSAs
Down In Front
Garden Wise with Arlena
Magic of Painting
The Reading Lady
Kids A Cookin

* * * * *

these are what they are using to fill air space that they took away from local shows. There would be nothing wrong with these shows... If local residents sponsor them. But this appears not to be the case... Which might be why they now refuse to reveal if a show has a local sponsor and who it is.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: Obama Betrayal Syndrome (Rafael-alexandre Ramos)

well, here I am!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

(Rafael-alexandre Ramos writes:)

Right on Mr. President ! :)

and now for a pure ego trip!

penny arcade does an impressive series on the N.Y.C. public access channel about influential art /cultural figures of the underground. For some reason she and her partner Steve saw fit to turn my conversation with her into four episodes of the series. And below is the intro that she did about me!... Hey, I don't have a modest bone in my body!


I'm Penny Arcade. What you're about to see is the Lower East Side Biography Project. We created this program in order to preserve the secret history of New York, in order to stem the tide of cultural amnesia, and in order to introduce you to some amazing New Yorkers.

Most artists are filled with a sense of insecurity at times, and many of the most famous artists in history suffer from self doubt, depression, and a lack of self confidence in their own abilities. Enter Frank Moore. At birth his parents were told he had no intelligence, no future, and would be best off in an institution, forgotten. His parents looked in Frank's eyes and rejected this cultural expectation. Performance artist, shaman, essayist, thinker and trickster, Frank Moore emerged from a lifetime of rejection and isolation to create intimate communities in his works. "My first stroke of luck", says Frank "was that I was born spastic, unable to walk or talk. Add to this good fortune that my formative years were in the 60's, and my fate as an artist was assured."

I recently met Frank Moore in San Francisco when he generously attended my San Francisco premier of "Bitch, Dyke, Fag Hag, Whore". Throughout my performance on sex and censorship, the only voice in the room that dared reveal their deepest response during the moments of pain, isolation, humiliation and rejection was Frank's. Keening unabashedly for all our pain, it was like having a psychic dolphin in the audience. Later I learned what an extraordinarily articulate, lucid and original mind lay behind the man strapped into his wheelchair. And the greatness of spirit, vision and productivity that the flailing limbs, drooling lips and spastic lack of physical control could neither limit nor contain.

What you're about to see are excerpts from the two hour interview I did with Frank for his public access show in Berkeley, California, hosted by his lovely vibrant wife and collaborator, Linda.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday on the Shaman's Den

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Judy Gumbo Albert

An original member of the 1960s countercultural anti-war group known as the Yippies. Judy is co- author of The Sixties Papers: Documents of a Rebellious Decade (Greenwood Press, 1984) and The Conspiracy Trial (Bobbs Merrill, 1970). For many years, Judy was an award winning fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. She is currently living in Berkeley, California, writing a memoir titled "Yippie Girl™".

To tune into this live, video show, go to
and click on "watch here".

Show starts at 8pm Pacific Time

* * * * *

very exciting!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Friday on the Shaman's Den

Shaman's Den Special
Friday, July 31, 2009
Carl Bryant
"The Battle for Public Access"

To tune into this live, video show, go to and click on "watch here".

Show starts at 8pm Pacific Time


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

have the rules changed?

hi, Arielle. We were watching b-tv and noticed that quite a few shows, which obviously are not local, are selling /advertising products. I thought that was a no- no. Has that rule changed? If so, when and why?

Also other shows list "sponsoring" businesses. I didn't know we could have businesses sponsor our shows. What is the rule about that?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, July 19, 2009

RE: Obama Betrayal Syndrome

(Rafael-alexandre Ramos wrote:)

Was about time somebody realized the man was an icon, a puppet ( despite is good intentions ( if he personally ever had any... )

I think that when Obama will be out of Washington, he will be welcomed in Hollywood with an acting career possibility: wouldn't that be a first ( politicians ending up as actors instead of the opposite ) ! :P

But seriously, I think many united-staters are fed up with the two-party system as well...

* * * * *

well, here I am!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

chapter nine


Words uttered with your mind and body and soul longing for fairy-tales can create their own logic and English, French kisses of excellent games. Life eats the dead. Brute truth! We eat the dead to live. Obscure depths against saving up virtue. Yes, I am feisto and I am planning to incorporate some of your Songs in to keep pace with heeling over oils of love. Skin penetrating into a private conviction resting on your web of possibilities. Taste all pleasure and play with anyone! Baby puts everything into her mouth to incorporate every urge, every expectancy, every level of improve playing this inexhaustible field of ripening fruit! Baby puts everything into her pussy and her asshole and her mind. Building up her immunity by taking life deep within intimacy. Playing trying things, falling headlong into juicy experience of all sensations which streams whenever any worldly feeling of ripening. Falling into muddy holes, protected by dancing on the floor. Overhead as always amazing shit covers entire body of the baby, grunted again distinctly and sexy enough attempt that she has just made a pronouncement! Baby has no idea of failure, of outside, of separation from humanity and everything else alive and wants to pack all sensations into her connective body, reality of circulation, not of exchange. Thoughts crowded my brain becoming impracticable to get together. Confound old boxes of fear of being dirty. Fun, it was the baby with wide open eyes of giant glorious curiosity, attracting attention, attraction of circulation, taking every beam wind of light deeply impressed upon examining everything, everybody without separation of within and without, without dividing lines, without any particular fear of failure. Failure doesn’t exist for the baby! Walking is impossible without falling. Nothing is created without failure. I can’t “walk”… But I always get from point A to point By dancing nude sliding on whims of light amidst hurricanes of fear of just doing just what I want to. So why walk? Of course when I need to piss or shit, I am in intensified time. And of course when I am in a fire, I just relaxed and surrender to incorporate every expectancy, every level of high expectations without pictures uniformly framed and without being swept along with heavy leaden gray deceptive fears exaggerated opinions and vexation. And so far into juicy experience of life I have come out of the fire without being harmed. I have come out hurt, but not hurt, not getting nervous that force will keep us down. I am always willing to take hurt on. That is the official price of living a full frontal life! Baby puts everything into her mouth. Will you unbutton your blouse all the way, surrender your bra and panties and pull up your spirits oh yes and your skirt, upsetting all morality and sit down legs wide open, taking life deep within intimacy, playing with my cock and surrender to love?

Skin is not a dividing line between you and me. Skin connects us. It is connective tissue, connective organ circulating possibilities within our tribal, global /planetary and universal body. Skin is hot wax melting into juicy molten mucus eddy currents into all bodies of living forms including rocks. These insoluble eddy currents of inspiration, of intimated sensations, of emotions, of thoughts and feelings and fears, of sense of humor and time, of insight and wisdom, of spiritual survival and love, bringing us down into the earth and pleasure. Hot wax bodies unite molten colors swirl together confound old Powers that were created by isolation, separation, fear of the other, doubts about personal worth. Power is cold. Human beings are warm, sweaty rubbing aroused by taking life deep to incorporate into one another. Sometimes they just relaxed, unhurried and love with wide open eyes from humanity and wisdom of sense of humor among various acts upon examining everything, everybody without separation from my dreams.

I do not walk. So I stay. So I stay together, seeing I am always able to handle anything. I love staying in you. I have staying power! I am a stay-at-home kind of dude! Of course I am a con man who certainly belonged to modern Greece. This inexhaustible ocean of emotions caused things to multiply in these interesting people. Images flowing non- linear and words options available appear paranoid and universal language among various pretexts of courage. You can play whatever on whims… If you are not comfortable, not confined to the bathrooms of insphere conformable comfort zones. Imagine staying in the bathroom comfortably all of your life! That is a funky lot of shitting and pissing and puking! Not to mention washing alone!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


POW POW (no pow no wow)

* * * * *

ah yes! And thanks to you, Tomek! And i will need you!

Hey, I got this on the day I pulled out of the point reyes festival because of new age yuppie sleaze greed [!] and the day after I learned there won't be HOW BERKELEY CAN YOU BE PARADE! our summer just radically changed!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Senator Hancock's Budget Update

(Jen wrote:)

Totally outrageous!!!

* * * * *

ah, yes!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Maximum Rock N Roll returns to LUVeR!

(The Beer City Boyz wrote:)

Glad you liked it.

When I went on your site I noticed that they were being offered as podcasts as well. I think that's great. I was going to ask you would it be possible for you to grant me access to your ftp so I could just download all the shows at once instead of having to do it one by one?

Guilty as charged. Glad I could help get this going. Im sure tons of people will enjoy these shows. The other nice benefit of all this is more people will be turned on to your station now to. Im glad I was.

Take care,

* * * * *

yes, we are offering the shows as podcasts. But we are only creating one podcast a week as we web cast each show ... Because it is a big project!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

no how berkeley can you be fest this year : (

Dear Frank,

I don't know if Corey mentioned it to you all, but there was a letter in the Berkeley Daily Planet from one of the co-founders of the How Berkeley Can You Be fest and he said that due to financial considerations, there would be no festival this year. I'd love to see an anarchistic version of the thing happen... no permits, no authorization, just a bunch of weird people dressing up and having a giant party. Just converge like a flash mob and take over some city park! Of course, I am not the person to organize such an effort, I'm just spouting off here... any ideas?

### ###
(Q) (Q)
. .
#### -c'fred

* * * * *

yes, I sent it out yesterday. On the surface level it is about the bad economy. But in reality they don't want the people [our kind of people] to gather together. That was the feeling even last year. You could feel it was the last parade. Everything was in a lower key.

Actually i did two "FANTASY COSTUME PARADES" in the mid- seventies which were the model of HOW BERKELEY CAN YOU BE. We started in PEOPLE'S PARK [or actually the park above it] and ended in HO MINH [CIVIC] PARK with big free concerts. A lot of nudity, see-through colorful costumes, body paint and glitter. But you need a few months to set it up. Also that was back in the time when the City supported such actions. So we could get permits.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Senator Hancock's Budget Update

I don't normally send these out. But In-Home Supportive Services and SSI are what I survive on. A few months back I talked about how they cut our money. Well, this month they cut sixty more dollars between SSI and In-Home Supportive Service. And now this!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Dear Friend:

Even in a painful and prolonged economic downturn, we have a responsibility to work together to protect our most vulnerable people. Unfortunately, in the midst of difficult negotiations to solve the state’s budget crisis, Governor Schwarzenegger’s rhetoric and policies reveal a failure of leadership in this vital area.

Many vulnerable people – the old and physically disabled -- use a program called “In-Home Supportive Services” for help with dressing, bathing, cooking and shopping. This allows them to live at home instead of a nursing home.

Governor Schwarzenegger has made no secret of his wish to see these services slashed to the bone or even eliminated. In his July 3rd guest editorial in the Los Angeles Times, he wrote that, “…the program has no safeguard against fraud.”

Let’s look at the facts and not the Governor’s new projection of himself as the watchdog against fraud and abuse. His supposed vigilance is one of the oldest strategies in the demagogue’s playbook - demonizing the poor.

In reality, studies have shown that there is very little misuse of this important program. According to a recent state and county review of nearly 24,000 cases, only 523 were referred for investigation of possible fraud – only 2%.

Fortunately, senior advocates and members of the social services community cried foul and responded with appropriate outrage. IHSS actually has many safeguards on both state and county levels. County social workers do reviews and home visits with IHSS recipients, looking for any potentially fraudulent activity or signs of low quality care. In addition, IHSS providers must complete a rigorous enrollment process that requires certification of valid social security numbers and in some cases a criminal background check.

So while Governor Schwarzenegger tells the New York Times that he soaks his stress away with nightly dips in his Jacuzzi with a cigar, Californians who need help with basic bathing, food preparation or taking the appropriate medication will have their help cut back or taken away.

Is that the California Dream?

Governor Schwarzenegger’s attempts to marginalize poverty and criminalize disability are wrong. All Californians deserve better leadership. We are better people than that.


Loni Hancock



Frank Moore submitted a proposal for your POW WOW FESTIVAL.

Can we verify that you received his submission?

Can we find out the status of his submission?

Linda Mac

* * * * *

hi -
yes, we received it. sorry for the delay in our response.

we are very happy and honored to have frank moore in our festival! :)

the only thing is, we do not know if the performance space is wheelchair accessible, we will find out and let you know. if it's not - we will carry him in our own arms!!!!

please follow this link for the acceptance video:

please let us know if there's any questions, we are here to help!
alyssa, co-curator

POW! POW! mini performance art festival
san francisco, CA
october 15-17, 2009
curated by: guillermo galindo AKA gal*in_dog + alyssa lee

* * * * *

hi, Alyssa! I am excited and honored to be a part of POW POW! Not to mention being carried in your arms!

Btw, what a cute great video!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

The How Berkeley Can You Be festival is not happening this year ...

(the boyz wrote:)

Capt. Fred told us about this letter today when we were over there:

* * * * *

too bad! It was going to be our finale of the summer!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: wow! (Steve Zehentner)

So happy you liked what we did! The content is sublime. Yes you can use them on your site and any way you wish. I'm about to turn in these tapes for playback..I'll confirm dates with you when I do. They will stream live.


* * * * *

can't wait!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: wow! (Penny Arcade)

Glad you liked my intro Frank and linda I was very happy doing it and it i found it very exciting!

* * * * *

penny and Steve, you captured me! And we revealed the backstage of art [as well as some assholes in art]!


Someone [an "emerging queer performance artist "] asked:

1. What were the THREE MOST IMPORTANT things you did to get a break and start moving toward recognition as a performance artist?

2. While you were moving toward getting to where you needed to go, how did you make enough money to survive while not taking away TOO much time and energy from your creative work?

3. How do you spend your days now, mostly? e.g., approximately what percentage of each day is spent writing, marketing yourself, planning shows, arranging tours, scoping out and applying for
grants, bringing in outside income, acting as a mentor to other artists, etc.?

4. What do you love MOST about doing what you do now?

5. What do you HATE most about doing what you do now?

I can only answer
art is not a career
not a money maker
but a money taker
an addiction,
a life long master
who does not give
a flying fuck
loves, hates,
what I want do,
where I want to go

the artist’s job is to surrender,
to follow, to melt into art

making money is easy
but the river of art rarely flows
naturally that way
without damming the river up

so keep your day job
get a day job you like doing
because art is your mistress of night
& you ain’t her pimp
she’ll take your money & time
she will take you into the basement
of the unseen

you’ll get old with her
attending her needs
rocking on the porch with her
no goals, no plans, no marketing,
no rush.

Just rocking, just surprises everyday,
just people dropping by,
just floating without knowing,
just doing, just suffering, just enjoying.
Just following.

Just trust the bitch art!

Saturday, March 20, 1999

In Freedom,
Frank Moore



In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Hey Frank,
I just thank the gods that it was an easy repair, just a broken cable, nothing more! Hey try not to thrash around so much, ok?

he he...just kidding!

2:29 AM ...... hmmmmm. you folks really are night owls!


* * * * *

hey, captain! That is why I need a head mic... I thrash around when I sing!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: SIMPLY HOT! (Jesse Beagle)

(Dorothy Jesse Beagle wrote:)

I picked up the East Bay Express - nice item and photo!!!!!!

keep on keepin' on, Jesse

* * * * *

ah yes! Here is what they wrote: "Merging improv, erotica, entertainment, religion and ritual, Frank Moore – self-styled shaman, world-renowned disabled performance artist, and 2008 presidential candidate ...." – East Bay Express

and they used the photo of me sitting outside of the Chicago Art Institute when I lectured there.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Maximum Rock N Roll podcast

Podcasters subscribe here for the historic Maximum Rock N Roll tapes!

Re: Maximum Rock N Roll returns to LUVeR! (Lena)

Yessss! :)



* * * * *

it is a luver exclusive!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Maximum Rock N Roll returns to LUVeR!

(The Beer City Boyz wrote:)

Thanks for the heads up Frank you better believe I will be listening each and every week!

So how did you like all those cds and records I sent?

Take care,

* * * * *

love your shit!

Hey, it turns out we are putting The Maximum rock 'n roll shows out as podcasts too!

The folks who do the MAXIMUM ROCK 'N'ROLL zine contacted us excited about our playing the shows. And it's all your fault!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Maximum Rock N Roll returns to LUVeR!

Every Thursday at 4pm pacific on
Starting on July 16, 2009!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Well, the performance was so intense, I couldn’t type until now! When I got into bed after the performance, my legs cramped up bad! And they stayed that way for twenty-four hours! But was it worth it? You bet!

Basically it built on the last one with Nellie and Unrulee coming back and Tomek and Kene-J playing music. It was a kind of thing where I was faced with a roomful of strong personalities willing to jump into possibilities and fully play! But they were a diverse group. I had to weave something together to tap the possibilities and potential. Like Neil and Petra were strong dancers /performers in their own right. And Nellie and Unrulee are erotic explorers. And Tomek and Kene-J are now used to creating a musical ecstasy base for floating into juicy trances. And of course there are Linda, Mikee, Jen, Alexi, Corey and Erika to build upon. But this time there were many threads to weave together. And in my carnival barker way, I had predicted this would be “hotter“ than the last one! I always know this is just colorful smoke. I don’t feel any pressure expectations to live up to this smoke. But some did. It was in fact hotter! But it was because of the willingness of the people there. Frankly we were just getting to the juicy molten meat when the time ran out! So next time JUICY MOLTEN MEAT!

But hopefully we are still underground now that we are THE EAST BAY EXPRESS‘ Critic’s Choice! [with a photo!]

I came down to the ph and we got Frank into the car and then were off. It was exciting because Frank said in his email about tonight's performance that it would be hotter than last time. How was he going to do that? When we stopped at a red light, Corey showed us that Frank had been written up in The East Bay Express Critic's Pick of the week! And it was a Friday night which seemed to be popular the last time, so it would be fun to see what was going to happen.

When we got there we all started setting up the space. Erika was there too and was helping set up the swag table and floor mats. It felt good. We got the set up down and had it done at 20 minutes to 8. Just as we settled in, Neil and Petra arrived. They are two dancers who are in wheelchairs and they talked about the workshops they're doing at a space on Bancroft. Neil knows Frank from years ago when he was in Frank's film Erotic Play where he dressed up and sang and really got down with it. Then he went to some of Frank's performances over the years. When he introduced Petra as his sweetheart, Frank said it's about time.

Then Michael arrived all in black with a top hat. Said he was talking to people on the street, that's what he does. As Frank talked with everyone more people came in. There was Nellie and Unrulee who were at the last performance. Frank said that Nellie was the next generation for the work Frank was doing. He asked her to explain that and she said that it's about using eroticism to enter a trance state and bring people together in a deep way. She explicitly explained what she did, helping people to deeply feel touch and then how to masturbate with relaxation instead of just tightness.

A guy who was a graduate student in molecular biology came and said that he had always seen Frank's performance posters up and wanted to finally come and see what the performance was like. He said that he thought a lot about the religion he was brought up with, Judaism, and how its values differed from his ideas about community. Another woman who was there with her daughter was a psychologist who helped people get out of religion. Frank asked what she would ask the biologist and she asked him where he was now with it. He said that he believed in some of the values he was brought up with but that he could see the difference between the dogma he was taught and what felt right. Frank asked if religion was spiritual and she said no, that they were two different things. Frank said the biologist was spiritual and the guy agreed, and also said that he was intellectual as well. Frank said that we are all crips.

The woman's daughter was a dancer and also was taking environmental studies in school. She had seen the performance in The East Bay Express, as others had. Then there were 2 guys who came. One of them said that he found out about the performance from a girlfriend who said that she thought he would love it. She didn't come, but the guy asked another friend if he would come. Frank asked the friend if he would undress Erika, but he wouldn't. He thought Frank should ask Erika if it was ok. Then he said that he would take off his own pants, and Frank asked if he'd like a drum roll. Yes! Kene-J gave him one and he dropped his drawers, but not his underwear. What was the difference between Erika being dressed, and him in his underwear? Around this time, Alexi who was put in charge of the donation basket passed it around and it filled up!

There were another couple of guys who had arrived, and one other big guy who had seen Frank at a couple of events last year during Frank's presidential campaign. Everyone seemed willing to explore and Frank started to conduct, to open the space up for play. He had Erika and Unrulee undress each other in slow motion and then play body music together. Then he had the mother and daughter undress Linda and I, and dress us up in jewelry. The daughter was then asked to dance with Neil and Petra, so she did that while the biologist read Credit Card Morality. Afterward, the mother/psychologist started to freak out about the video camera. She didn't hear much of Frank's written piece because she was so focused on it. She wanted to know what it was for and Frank said it was for his BTV show. Even though she was generating this weird vibe about it, everyone else seemed relaxed and willing to go on. This separated her out, and eventually she left. But her daughter stayed! Frank asked the daughter what she wanted to do now, and she said dance by herself for a while and then dance with others, so Frank said that she could use the space by the big backdrop. She right away asked if it was ok if anyone joined her and Frank said yes! So Linda and I joined her and pretty soon just about everyone else got up and were dancing to Kene-J rapping away. Really fun!! It was so free!

After the dancing, the girl was asked where her mother went. She said she had gone to sit in a cafe and save her profession. Frank said that's a religion. The girl said yes. She felt great and was having a blast. She said that she was really enjoying this because it was such a free and accepting space. Nellie and Linda undressed Frank while a few of the guys that were there joined the band which was now Kene-J and Tomek. Then Linda, Nellie and I were to dance together but we all had to pee, so we went to the bathroom and then came back and started dancing until it was time to stop. The night was just getting warmed up. Frank was still trying to harness all the potential in this group. It felt almost like a hunger for more, everyone ready to go wherever Frank asked us to.

Gestures came out and Linda explained it. She would pull a strip of paper out of the bag and we had to do whatever it said. Frank needed some watchers, so a few people did that while Erika played with Unrulee, Neil and Petra. I played with the dancer, and Nellie played with Frank. The first couple of gestures were sticking tongues out at each other and wiggling them around, and moving bodies together, but then the gestures for rubbing genitals for body comfort came out. The first one was to rub yourself, then the next one pulled was to rub your partner's genitals. The adjective that kept coming up was 'confidently'. The girl I was with was game all the way! This opened everything up. The game gestures just got it all started and when we were all rubbing each others genitals, Frank let the game drop and the eroplay naturally developed. Linda came into me and the other girl. We were entwined and caressing, moving, rocking. I could see the guy who was in his underwear was also rocking back and forth, and then he asked Linda if he could join us. Frank said ok, so he came in as well. Then before we knew it Kene-J asked if he could join us as well! The five of us were as one with limbs caressing every part. Sometimes it was hard to move, but we moved together rubbing heads, hands, breasts, legs, butts. It was pretty amazing. It seemed to go on and on. The girl eventually left softly, and soon the playing slowed and Linda read wrapping and rocking, voicing what we were all doing in that space. Like Corey said, it was beautiful. Tomek played amazing music throughout the entire night. We were all blown away when Frank started asking everyone what they thought of the night. He said that's why he did 48 hour performances, because 3 hours is just too short. We were all consciously one in that room, feeling one another as one body, melting together. The watchers said that the playing expanded out to them and they were really playing too. One guy said that he felt like air, like he was just a part of the air. Erika said that she was reminded of how important touch is. Frank definitely lived up to his rumor, that this performance would be hotter than the last! When the lights came up, people were all talking together, linking up. It was a great feeling, a warm relaxing accepting buzz. Really incredible to be a part of all this, to live this. I am amazed and humbled and grateful. I was very excited to be a part of an ongoing series and I can see how it is growing and expanding. It's so much fun!!! We are so very lucky, so very very lucky.

Then we ate our sandwiches, Alexi made the second tub of popcorn, and we were changing, cleaning up, getting ready to go. After all this, we had more time to spare while you guys were getting ready, and Corey started looking up the listings for Reality Playings, and we found that "Critics Choice", wow! Then we were all off to the space!

As usual, it was fun setting up, and we had it down in a groove ... it also helped a lot to have Erika there helping with the set-up. It felt good for her to be there. We were ready in plenty of time for the 8pm start time, and Neil Marcus and Petra were already there, talking with Frank ... Corey got the camera set up and started recording!

Another amazing performance ... and a lot of people again! It turned out that people did come from the Critics Choice mention, which was really neat. And a lot of people still came from fliers. It was really fun to hear where people were seeing them!

Michael Diehl was there, a veteran of performances for years, and from the streets of Berkeley ... Frank moved from Neil and Petra to Michael, and then to others who were coming in. The room quickly filled up. The "big guy" had been to other performances too ... Alexi later remembered him from One Taste, and he said he had been to the Erotic Campaign as well ... Frank had an interesting conversation with the Jewish guy ... Frank had asked him what he liked to do ... he liked to play music, and dabbled in other things, and he "liked to think". When Frank asked him what he thought about, he talked about how he thought about religion, and communities, and how he had a different take on it from his parents, and things that happened in the world were always making him think about his own religion's teachings, and how he felt about them.

Frank talked with two women who had come in together ... the older woman was a psychologist who, as she described, "helped people recover from religion" ... Frank asked her what she would ask the young man? First she would ask him what religion? He hadn't actually said at that point ... And where was he at, and where did he want to go? He said he was Jewish ... we can't remember if he said anything more about it ... the other woman, who we later found out was her daughter, was a student of Agriculture, Social Justice and Dance, which she said was her way of combining all the things she was interested in into 4 years ... Her mother had said she came because it sounded "unique". Her daughter said something along the lines of that it looked really interesting ...

Then Frank moved on to the two guys next to them ... they had come because one of the guys roommates had recommended it to them. But she didn't come! One of the guys came because his friend said to come ... Frank asked him if he always does what his friend tells him to?? He said yes! When Frank asked him what he was there for, he said to see ... Frank asked him, "Only to see?" The guy continued, "Well, to hear, smell, taste ..." Frank said, now this is getting more interesting. Frank asked him if he was there to participate, and he said yes. So Frank asked if he would take Erika's clothes off in slow motion. "What??" he asked! He said he would take his own clothes off ... so Frank said, ok. But then he was hesitating ... Frank said, "It was your idea!" He only took his pants off ... much later when Frank referred to that he only got his pants off, he said he was warming up ... But he wouldn't take Erika's clothes off ... he thought she should be asked first. Frank asked a koan-like question that we didn't necessarily understand, about Erika clothes and his underwear ... he did not get it! We got it insofar as it was clear that Erika did not need to be asked, and he could just take her clothes off ... So Frank turned to Unrulee and asked him to take Erika's clothes off ... he did, and soon Frank had them playing body music with each other ... Then there was a guy there who was a cabinet maker and now working on an organic farm ... Frank asked if the young woman would let Neil choreograph her and Petra in a dance ... he asked the psychologist if she would come up and read "Credit Card Morality" ... meanwhile, the pantless guy took up on the drums, joining Kene-J, and Tomek, who had come in a little later than usual ... Frank also told Nellie, who had come with Unrulee for the second time in a row, that she was the next generation of people doing what Frank does, and asked her to describe what that meant. Later, he also asked her to describe what she does with people, which was physical sexual sensual emotional exploration, and exploring other states of trance through sexuality ... Frank had earlier asked the psychologist and daughter to undress Linda and Jen, but it was at the point where Frank asked her to read his piece that she started freaking out about the camera. It turned out that she got uptight about her "profession", her image. When she finally left because of this, Frank said that this was "religion". The daughter seemed to agree. She wasn't going to leave. She was having a lot of fun. Frank had the Jewish guy read "credit card morality", which he really liked, and said that he had just cancelled several of his credit cards because of similar ideas he had been having ...

Frank asked the daughter what she wanted to do next after dancing with Petra, and she said she wanted to do an improvised dance by herself and then maybe more contact improvisation ... Frank said ok, and suggested she could take the "stage" in front of Mikee's big colorful backdrop ... she welcomed others to dance with her too, and Frank had Kene-J take the mic to do three of his songs, which were great! It got everybody dancing with her up there, and was really fun!! This is when the mother made her exit. We were really glad the daughter stayed!

After the dance, things continued to deepen ... Frank created groupings for Gestures ... Jen and the daughter ... Erika, Unrulee, Petra and Neil ... he and Nellie. He also needed watchers. Watchers were important. At the end of the performance, the big guy said something really powerful about that ... he said that he was a watcher, but did not feel at all separate from what was happening because of that. On the contrary, he said it wasn't that he was "just watching". He said that he felt that he was part of everything that was going on ... that the energy of what was happening filled him and the room. We always feel this way ...

It was amazing the way that everyone was so willing to be there and to do anything ... the daughter was totally game for Gestures, and Jen said later that she did them with a gusto! It was beautiful to watch everyone doing the gestures ... and then it got even deeper, and more trancelike when Frank let the playing continue from the last gesture on ... the lights went down, and Linda joined Jen and the daughter playing ... Nellie played with Frank, and Unrulee, Erika, Petra and Neil continued playing ... the music of Tomek and Kene-J was amazing. Also, joining them on the keyboards was one of the two guys who had come together. The music carried everything deeper ...

Then the pantless guy wanted to join the playing group of Jen, Linda and the daughter ... Frank let him join ... then Kene-J just jumped in too ... it was amazing that the playing just continued with the same feeling ... Linda said that it was because they just followed ...

All of this created a trance ... Corey said later that when Frank started asking people what they thought, he imagined that he could probably say something if Frank asked him ... but when Frank actually asked him, it felt like he had lost his ability to speak. The experience of the playing, and filming had transported him into another dimension ... all he could say was that it was "beautiful" ... that everything felt "transformed" ...

It was neat to hear what everyone had to say about it ... we liked how Linda said she didn't know how Frank was going to do it ... we were always amazed by how Frank weaves such an amazing performance out of so many possibilities .... it felt really good ... Interesting how the two most open and willing "audiences" came on Friday nights! The theory would be tested now when the performances returned to Saturdays ...

People lingered a long time afterward, talking with Frank and each other ... we started breaking down the set ... Corey ran into Kene-J in the bathroom, fixing his hat in the mirror ... he turned to Corey with a big smile, and said, "Cool ..." It was neat what he said at the end ... that he liked to push beyond his own "comfort zone" ...

We wished we could have heard what the daughter thought, but she left before the end ... her mother came back to pick her up, we guessed ...

It was fun breaking down the set, and talking about the performance, eating popcorn! Frank told Erika, "Good." Good to have her there ... She helped break things down too, and it went very smoothly, and we got the car all loaded up, and then realized that we both had not heard if Linda had put the check in the box or not, which we were used to hearing ... so we called you on the cell, but no one picked up! Corey ran to catch you!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore