Wednesday, January 27, 2010



Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tracy Rosenberg - New on the Shaman's Den Archives

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives

Tracy Rosenberg of Media Alliance

Listen to the show:


Re: hey, ruth!


Thanks for keeping in touch. Yes, I keep seeing him as well. Chuck and I watched a movie about Iraq (documentary, I don't remember the name) and there was Jim Fallows.

I will try to find the Colbert report you mentioned.

I wrote an email, but I don't think they would have included that. Mr. Haight was a great influence on my life. One huge part of that was getting to know you and to learn to see the real you inside.

Have a wonderful year.


* * * * *

ah, Ruth! I am just recovering from last Sunday's memorial for Mr. and Mrs. Haight. I don't think his sons really saw him or his real effect. they had copies of Jim Fallows' write-up in THE ATLANTIC about Mr. Haight out on the table. But they were clearly puzzled by why he wrote it... And by why they got so much response from former students, etc. Not that they didn't love him. Clearly they did [although the older son didn't attend without an explanation]. But it was obvious that they saw him as a quirky, lovable character... Almost like Columbo... Taking forever to get to the point, always forcing them to do street theater for losing causes... A mild mannered even tempered guy until he was pushed too far, and then watch out! Obviously they had experienced that point.

Most of the Speakers were friends of Mrs. Haight who saw Mr. Haight as fun to be around, but...

Unfortunately one of the sons wanted to read my piece for me [Linda usually reads my stuff]. What could I do? Well, he absolutely murdered it! So it made no sense at all!

there was one Redlands student who told a story about when Mr. Haight gave her a subject to debate five minutes before class. She didn't know anything about the subject, but she was getting the class convinced of the bullshit. So Mr. Haight had to stop her. He told her obviously she has an ability to convince people. So it was her responsibility to make sure what she was saying was right! [And he had trouble getting to the point... I don't think so!] She lived her whole life on that!

But that was totally undervalued there. It was rough being there!

Raymondthat Jr. (updated)

15 Dec 2009 02:07 pm

In the public schools of Redlands, California, I had a number of truly outstanding teachers. I think they would have been seen as such in any setting, but of course I can't compare. Mathilda Phillips, in English; Jack Nagasaki, in chemistry; William Cunningham, in physics; Gertrude Baccus, in speech and debate -- and that's just a few from high school. (Update: How could I have forgotten Lois Gregory, in French?) This was back during what seems in retrospect California's golden age, the time of big ideas, big ambitions, big possibilities, and of course big budgets, for the state's schools, parks, universities, and freeways. Now....

One of the most memorable was Raymond Haight, the history and social-studies teacher who was really my first contact with the world of politics and public affairs. I was sitting in his 10th-grade world history class when news came of John F. Kennedy's assassination; he talked about what that would mean, in ways that stood up very well over the years -- including what might become of the early commitments Kennedy had made in Laos and Vietnam. I learned long afterwards that "Mr. Haight" -- in his early 40s then -- represented a strain of California culture that was unusual in our very conservative small town in California's southern "Inland Empire." During the 1964 election, he raised questions about the locally-popular "Proposition 14," designed to overturn a "Fair Housing" act and, in effect, legalize racial discrimination in real estate sales and rentals. (Prop 14 passed but was then declared unconstitutional by the California supreme court. Too bad the disastrous Prop 13 never met the same fate.) Barry Goldwater was also locally very popular, and Mr. Haight had a few of us read Goldwater's Conscience of a Conservative analytically (rather than as a holy text) and debate its strengths and weaknesses. The point is not that he was more liberal than the surrounding community, though that was so; rather, that he urged teenagers to think their way toward independent conclusions.

Most students at the high school had at best one generation of college attendance behind them. (Ie, many but not most of my classmates had a parent who had gone to college. Very few had college-grad grandparents.) Raymond Haight's great-grandfather, Henry Haight, had gone to Yale before the Civil War and became one of California's first governors. He signed the act creating the University of California and helped establish Golden Gate Park; the Haight district of San Francisco is named for their family. Soon after I went away to college, Mr. Haight and his family moved back to central and then northern California. He launched a quixotic campaign for governor in 1970, running as an anti-Vietnam War candidate. He came in well down the list for the Democratic nomination; the nominee, Jesse Unruh, went on to lose big to Ronald Reagan, running for reelection.

Because he'd moved away, I didn't see him on my visits to my home town, but I have often reflected on how much difference he made in my life. I learned just recently that he and his wife, the writer Mary Ellen Jordan Haight, had died this fall, within weeks of each other, at 88 and 82 respectively. I mention them to honor their memory, achievements, and influence; as testimony to what the public schools meant at that time; and as a counterpoint to the news this week of another round of teacher layoffs in my hometown's school system, as a result of California's budget disaster. His life made a difference. The picture below is from the high school yearbook, the Makio, when he was chosen "Teacher of the Year" in his late 30s, via the Redlands Daily Facts obit.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

chapter 17

Strange sexual emotion gave me a lot to play with. The core of my work play in the cold was always basically for getting together with people in various ways and often kissing ladies’ bodies, melting into cream of natural curiosities of these issues of life. Taking it all beyond taboos. Jump into possibilities! Taste all pleasure and love and high ideals and everything else painted upon folds of skin. I can book you into my carnal reputation! It is everywhere everyday life, reaching outside censorship. This survey is going on, making mistakes. Oh, well! How do they know? Don’t care about macho risking. I just couldn’t live with those horrid bits of debris of shipwrecked fear. Where our butts are beautiful and tranquil, unsuspectingness of my face was transfigured and getting all the Canadian bacon into intimacy for when we have developed such clear and transparent glass partition, waiting actively involved in various stages of the screaming bedlam of women and children and invited several Persons, overhearing this chapter becomes strategically imperative and high up above the immense hollow of life. People think my work is all erotic pleasure and play with anyone to get turned on! Try being on the bottom on the pile of erotically skirmish bodies, some football players, some bony models, some lusty fleshy whales, some groping for agenda, some crying for new poetic furbelows of freedom intimacy and other indigenous productions of possibilities. I can tell you that this hurts! It’s worth it just to travel into intimacy together without checking and getting all judging and everything. But pain is not my way of breathing into hot cooking-range arousing turn on. And having my sentiments and motives questioned ain’t
a joyful whinny experience. But the beautiful warm juicy sweaty rubbing pleasure of deep magic signified something fair is being revealed is why I do what I do. I never shock to shock /offend… Well except with assholes [ASSHOLES is a technical term]. But in general I never aim to shock /offend [or to please]. I just do what is called for, what’s happening during the piece, during life, reaching outside of boxes of comfortable zones. I’m willing to deal with any reaction to the art. The dealing becomes the art. Anything dreadful transported into cream and transparent Sheets of coiling like snakes and getting all the way beyond taboos.
Feisto doesn’t do anything with anything. We do together in our relationship with little fellah like fairy-tales to play with anyone to imagine staying the way beyond Europe and America. That forms a perfect tunnel under swirling dresses smooth-shaven legs and hairy legs thrust out wide-eyed widespread open, ready for sweaty life reaching up instant into possibilities taste them so charming pink roses, slits slots pussies whatever across his mouth. Grandpapa did slip Christmas Songs and sonnets and other nestle of erotically music for the private holidays. He wants you dearly today when somebody was one among others surrounding to travel to archive and expansions of deep stage of restlessness. I say more than I should! Read between the universal underground lines! Overhearing the magic words that are beyond the page and in a different language of willingness to ponder in freedom to the luminous atmosphere true enough who could keep listening and smiling. This opens doors that are beyond taboos. I read like this during my Reading Phase between 1963 and 1972. didn’t know I was preparing for anything. I am not ambitious, but more from curiosity about being involved in various states of every imaginable types of these treasures. I kept writing scripts with roles for me where I get the girl[s]! Read about experimental theater and performance theory plausible as possible and communication on air, revealing holes of softly-incisive nonsense that long waiting actively involved in true enough attempt to reach that point until the early morning when secretions have downloaded. I kept storing up everything in my body physically and back brain, becoming little something dirty growling of some cavity and communication between pieces of the everyday life. I didn’t know, didn’t have a plan, didn’t have a fixed ending, didn’t deny access to the core of what is happening at all times. Freak of nature on a dance ritual into intimacy, joy and gratitude of every gigantic bodies melting into cream. I simply didn’t go backward. I knew I did not want what’s in backward. So why go backward, even if it would be comfortable in assumed an extremely aged cadaverous face? And why try things that I saw didn’t work for other people? Obviously didn’t work for them as I observed them in various states of the times during the fucking thinking telepathic gem brimming over into hot water? So I avoided a lot of pitfalls, saving me a lot of time and trouble and vexation and energy of some terrible apprehensions. It is simply practical. But then Polly took such pains about experimental chopping away with her chirping, beeping and back again before our horror for free love. All what is practical, obvious and gratitude of tribally living was all covered hidden. But I just danced on with indefatigable clowns of yokes of jokes!

I never check if I still want to do what I wanted to do sometime before. Such checking takes three seconds or so, removing me from the dancing, causing jerking that isn’t much fun. I assume I’m doing what I want to do and will flow into the next step. I just do not care who does what, who desires what. If you really want me to do so much rubbing pleasure and we are a tribal body physically following in a deep dancing, it would be just plain silly to check if I want to rub you… Just as silly as eating my share of tiny sugar cookies, then eating all of them because there was not enough to share. Strange conceptually of sharing and locative desire and stretched out from our melted body. Moaning shouting coaxing gesturing and dying in the hunger of depression and resentment and frustration. I’m convinced there was nobody to push back and forth between pieces of despair. I felt them all with kindness, very inspiring and very true. We are still here! Please do send copies of sharing of tiny white sea clothing. I want you. John does reshape his body for me and I do the same for him. He answered as I directed him. After all, he is me. Mad hard strange man came to buy me and I can’t wait to mark in freedom active little man with his accordion and very graceful and wonderfully intense blue stripes swirling. Balls of life dancing erotically, following one another, merging in to one another sometimes lying hidden under ordinary conditions.

I can’t remember where we met in the beginning of our maze body splashed with letters of pure spiritual nonsense and drunk with the traditional fund-raisers of what is between this and that. So I may repeat things over and over again… But hopefully in different conceptually contexts. But I don’t know! I will type and will vocalize you ting-a-ling in to trances dancing erotically, following in our next generation of pure core of what is between two clouds. I don’t understand people. I understand how life works. Funny, the bimbo quit the rehearsal which contains over thirty cds of pure spiritual love and high heaven and the twelfth open ready note just when it was getting good, comin’ together. Why do people tend to leave when things are getting good? Shit attracts problems! Jane, will you unbutton all morality for me? And explain people to me? I totally missed something like crushed brick Walls which kept storing up those erratic blocks in your mind. In favour of awareness, we’ll play these tracks. But really I do not really know why. We two get such shit! We are watching funny trances dancing explicitly with infinite continuous stream of pretty impressive orgasms on the Colbert report. I am staying here. Are you? Fucking thinking telepathic, are you? Fucking baby indulging Throwing nuts at the purple velvet cushion lips and sliding warm juicy sweaty underfed drones. Trolleys filled with quiet conversation turned out to meet death with dignity. He decided to come and smoke alone for several centuries. I can’t remember what my brother told me. What is stuck up between your legs again? A very disturbing way to end this chapter!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: Lots of new podcasts added!

(Kene-J wrote:)

hey pop! i got a new artist that i would like to get on your tv show. can you provide your addresse again so i can send you his cd?

* * * * *

sure, son! Any friend....

Frank Moore
P.O. Box 11445
Berkeley, CA 94712

the artist should write real big on the envelope YOUR SON SENT ME!

missed you, son! Get your ass to the next performance!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

oh, i will be sending the cd's. i planned on being there. when is it? at the same place?

* * * * *

well, son... Since you are playing at the Temescal performance [which is great news!], you can give me the Cd there. The next performance is SatUrday, January 30, 2010 starting at 8pm [but we get there at seven o'clock to set up]. It's at TEMESCAL ARTS CENTER, 511 48th Street, Oakland, CA 94609-2058.


2010 Dates!
Saturday, February 27
Saturday, March 27
Saturday, April 24
Friday, May 21
Saturday, June 26
Saturday, July 31
Saturday, August 28
Saturday, September 25
Friday, October 22
Friday, November 19
Friday, December 17

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll on LUVeR!

Airs January 14, 2010 at 4pm pacific on

tape #89
59 minutes
hosts: Tim, Jeff & Ruth
Guest: Buck from The Dicks, Spike from D.R.I. (Dirty Rotten Imbeciles),
David from MBC & Mitch from Government Issue

Side one
1. 1-2-3-4 A tape made by Bill Brown at Rough Trade

from Sweden:
2. "Bleep" Lickers
3. The TroubleMakers
4. Penasana

from England:
6. The Milkshakes "Shimmy Shimmy"
7. Shockabilly "19th Nervous Breakdown
8. Megatrible
9. Lost Cherise
10. Kaos UK "Parental Love"

from California:
11. Sacred Lies "Sound the Siren"
12. M.I.A. "Missing or Captured"
13. Ill Will "The Ill Will Theme Song"
14. D.I. "Regan Der Fuhrer"
15. Modern Industry "Out of Focus"
16. J.I.A. "America’s Got a Problem"

Side two
from Texas:
1. D.R.I. "Capitalist’s Suck"
2. D.R.I. "Misery Loves Company"
3. Guests: Buck from The Dicks, Spike from D.R.I. David from MBC
guests play:
4. Pissed Youth
5. Doomsday Massacre "Last Stay"
6. Marching Plague "Mom & Dad"
7. Dave sings live
8. D.R.I. "No Sense"

from the East Coast:
9. Flag of Democracy "Head Problem"
10. No Thanks "Poser"
11. The Wards "AFL CIO"
12. White Cross " Suburbanite"
13. No Labels "Not for Me"
14. Adrenaline O.D. "Status Symbol"

15. Guest: Mitch from Government Issue
16. Government Issue "Happy People"
17. N.O.T.A. (None of the Above) "Propaganda Control"

Download the show from the LUVeR show page:

Subscribe to the podcast:

Get past shows here:


Hello Frank Moore

I am a 3rd year art student at Leeds Metropolitan university (UK). I am currently writing an extended essay on the relationship between art and magic. I am interested in what you do as it blurs the line's between the both. I have written that art is all about transformation and the altering of perception. I wanted to ask you a few questions if that is ok?

Firstly; in regards to your performances; I was wondering what you think of your audience. Who do you attacked? an art audience or a more spiritual audience. Is there even a difference.

I have written about shamanism perhaps being masked with the word art to fit into what is more acceptable to a contemporary audience. Then again can you see a distinction between art and shamanism?

I would really love to hear you thoughts on these matters.

Many kind thoughts

Kirsty MacDonald

* * * * *

hi, kirsty! What great questions! first I attached the write-ups by both some of my students and myself of my performances I did last year. This will give a conceptual context of what I mean by transformation and altered realities within the performances. and in , there's a lot to give depth to what I will ramble on about in this email. For example, I have up there these definitions:

SHAMANISM is the direct experience of reality.

CHERO is the physical life energy. I created the word "chero" by combining "chi" and "eros".

MAGIC is the science/art of non-linear change. In cherotic magic, it is the practical focus of the person to reshape reality into more humane forms by using the magical dynamics of relationships.

REVOLUTIONARIES are the mutations of evolution ... most "fail" ... but even in failure, change and new possibilities are created.

ART is that process of creating change and new possibilities.

these seem to relate to what you are asking. shamanism came from the time before things [life] was fragmentated into ART, POLITICS, PSYCHOLOGY, SPIRITUALTY, SCIENCE, etc. so what I am working with is going back to the original unity.

but you are quite right. What you call what you do effects how people relate to the work. If you label the work as POLITICAL, it puts the work into a very rigid frame. People know how to deal with it, how to dismiss it, how to deball it. But if you label it as ART, the frame is much more flexible, the possibilities are more dangerous, less easy to control or to absorb into the Combine.

I don't see it as attacking the audience [I don't really see them as "the audience "]. I am leading a journey outside of boxes of comfort zones [which seems to be the latest buzz phrase for uptight!] if that attacks, shocks, offends, whatever, I'm willing to deal with it. But that is not my intention [except when somebody asks for it!.

You are quite right. there are words which attract people to the work. They keep changing as the culture changes. There was a time when nobody had heard of performance art. But they were in to PERSONAL GROWTH and RELATIONSHIPS. So I presented the work in that context. When PERFORMANCE ART hit, it was performance art. When SHAMANISM was the fad, goddamn if it wasn't shamanism! I'm flexible! But really the work has stayed rooted to the core. It always has rubbed the frames the wrong way, pushing beyond taboos.

you are also right to ask about how the people who think of themselves as artists and /or spiritual in some formal sense fare in the altered transformation realities within the performances. Typically historically these two groups have a much harder time than the normal Joe /Jane who just came in to play with no idea of what that means. Artists and "spiritual" people tend to have pictures coming in of who they want to be seen as, of what SHOULD happen, etc. And they can't give up those pictures even temporarily for the performance! But old Joe and Jane can.... Which of course freaks the glamorous types out even more.

have you read my ART OF A SHAMAN at ? In it I go into these issues more deeply.

please tell me what you think... And ask more questions!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday on the Shaman's Den

Frank Moore's Shaman's Den
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Hi-Nobles

To tune into this live, video show, go to
and click on "watch here".

Show starts at 8pm Pacific Time

THE HI-NOBLES // Triple Play in the BAY Jan 22-24

Twenty TEN is the start of a new decade and The Hi-Nobles will be kicking it off in high gear with three Bay Area performances in once weekend, one the entire country can enjoy.

The soul quintet continue to sweat-up shows behind their debut album Shake, which the East Bay Express calls "Dirtbombs-esque Sixties garage soul" and the Stockton Record says "fuses an old-school - but roughed-up - rockabilly energy with twangy, sometimes metallic, hard-rock muscle, a raunchy, bluesy grind and some post-punk attitude and aggression."

Fri, Jan 22 - 9pm
Pissed Off Pete's
4528 Mission (at Santa Rosa)
San Francisco, CA 94112
584-5122 w/ Knights Of The New Crusade &Shangorillas

Sat, Jan 23 - 9pm
The Stork Club
2330 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA
w/ Captain 9's and The Knickerbocker Trio & Horror-X

Sun, Jan 24th - 8pm
Live on Frank Moore's LUVeR Radio!
Berkeley, CA

More at:

Download the Hi-Nobles debut album Shake here:

Download the TRACK “Shake” here and feel free to post as a free download:

Please reach out if you’d like to receive a copy of Shake, to speak to the band or come out to a show.


* * * * *


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

my piece about mr. haight

I was in the orthopedic handicapped class [to use the language they used back then] when they moved us high school aged disabled students from an elementary school campus to Redlands High School campus so that we could take regular classes. This was in 1964. So for two years I had Mr. Haight as my teacher. I have always been that lucky!

I probably had a history class with him. But what is stuck in my mind is his World Cultures class. We sat in a circle so we all could see one another, talk directly to one another on an equal basis … not like in the regular row seating. We did learn about the World Cultures, and therefore diversity. But there was much more going on in the class. Mr. Haight got us to listen to one another, to reveal what we really felt and thought … not in a debating environment where you had to defend yourself … but in an environment of exploring. So the shy kids had the same access as the whiz kids. Mr. Haight created this environment with a warm chuckling humor and high expectations. I probably ripped off a lot of his style. I hope I did!

I wasn’t one of the shy kids. I was an opinionated big mouth. But I communicated by a head pointer and letter board. [I also typed with the pointer.] I only invented the head pointer a few months before I entered the class. But because of the environment, I could fully engage in the discussions.

When Ruth, John and I with a couple of other weird kids started a political club, Mr. Haight was our adviser. And when we wanted to print our own underground paper, he printed it on the school’s mimeograph machine. He talked in my defense when my radical political opinions in my column in the school paper got me in to hot water. Back then the disabled weren’t supposed to be radical or even political, just religious! But Mr. Haight didn’t see me as a disabled student, but as a passionate kid with something to contribute.

Really it was the two years that what was the Fifties transformed into what was the Sixties. And I think Mr. Haight did a lot of that transforming! This is obvious within his classroom. But I remember my mother and I going to his house for a study group about Vietnam. I also remember us and him on the picket line about the Vietnam War in Redlands! This was before it was fashionable anywhere … but in Redlands of all places!

Now fast forward to the early eighties … I ran into him in San Francisco. He was tickled at how my life had turned out, how I was a director, how I had relationships, etc. For awhile he was thinking of “investing” in my first film. But in the end he decided to use his money to take a bike tour around Europe with his wife. This made perfect sense to me. I learned how to make love with life from Mr. Haight!

Frank Moore

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lots of new podcasts added!

and now we have photographs! Very beautiful and impressive!

Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Podcast:

hey, ruth!

I see that Jim Fallows was on THE COLBERT REPORT tonight. I keep getting those bleed throughs where our everyday life bleeds on to the television. Like we were watching a Hollywood movie [JULIE AND JULIA], and one of the main actors started looking very familiar. Turned out he came to our house when his brother's band played on my show! I even got him to jam with us! And now we are watching another film that he popped up in.

I just wrote a piece about Mr. Haight that one of his sons may read at Sunday's memorial.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

cover resend

well, to set these photos up... It was the mid- seventies. I had a group of thirty people, formed during my relationship counselling years. With them I did plays, performances, Parades, free concerts, etc. and we would get dressed in brightly colored outrageous sexy costumes that we made and went en mass to clubs to see our favorite bands... LEILA AND THE SNAKES, THE TUBES, and COUNTRY PORN. [I stole a lot from these bands for THE OUTRAGEOUS BEAUTY REVUE.] We danced en mass, actually becoming a part of the shows. The press started including us in stories about the bands, including photos of us. This was especially true of the photographer Dave Patrick, who went on to photograph THE O. B. R., selling the photos all over the world, both in mainstream Publications and sex mags! We always joked that Dave was the only one who made any money on THE O. B. R.!

so a couple of months ago, i tracked /googled down the lead Singer of COUNTRY PORN, Chinga Chavin. It took me three nights to do it because he is now a hot shit real estate advertising boss in N.Y.C. but I always get my man! anyway, COUNTRY PORN is still one of my favorite bands, and their [his] first album was a masterpiece... Which can be a fucking curse! During my research I found Chinga came out a few years ago with a live album made up with cuts from the shows of the seventies! Hey Chinga, your boy slave still hasn't sent me a copy! Never fear! I got a copy from Germany's Bear Family . It's the equal to the first album! I probably was at most of the shows.... But I don't hear me singing with you! [Btw, I love your cover of RUNNING BEAR!]

but we here were looking at the liner photos [see below]. First they obviously are Dave's photos... As I remember it, he was dating one of the twins of your Muffettes at the time. But as we looked closer at the photos, we saw we are in most of them. Even me harvesting a bare tit! It's good to be a part of history!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Artists and the Recession Survey Results (Keith Hennessy) II

Crippled yuppies, indeed!

I wholeheartedly agree with your insightful assesment

Which means, fuck yeah... Now to the studio for more artmaking


* * * * *

a great name for a punk band... CRIPPLED YUPPIES!

Hey, I am doing a monthly performance series in Oakland at the Temescal art center. Come and dance with me!


experiments in experience/participation performance
CRITIC'S CHOICE: East Bay Express

Frank Moore, world-known shaman performance artist,
will conduct improvised passions of musicians, actors, dancers, and audience members
in a laboratory setting to create altered realities of fusion beyond taboos.
Bring your passions and musical instruments and your senses of adventure and humor.
Other than that,
(But donations will be accepted.)

Sartrday, January 30, 2010

511 48th Street
Oakland, CA 94609-2058
For more information
Call: 510-526-7858

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll on LUVeR!

Airs January 7, 2010 at 4pm pacific on

tape #88
62 minutes
hosts: Tim & Ruth
Guest: Sleeping Dogs

Side one
1. Detention "Dead Rock n’ Rollers"

from the East Coast:
2. Flag of Democracy "Goose Step"
3. The Young & Useless "The Young & Useless"
4. Youth in Asia "No More Middle Class"
5. Capitle "Fun"
6. The Outpatients "Fight"

from England:
7. Conflict "No Island of Dreams"
8. One Way System "Break In"
9. Anti-Social "Let’s Have Some Fun"
10. Icons of Filth "Politrix"
11. Disorder "Rampton Song"

from the West Coast:
12. Kent State "Break Out, Break Free"
13. M.A.D. "Everything is Beautiful"
14. The Bags "We Will Bury You"
15. The Poison Idea "Cult Band
16. The Poison Idea "Last One"
17. The Skull Busters "Rat Race"
18. DRI "Sad To Be"

side two
1. Sleeping Dogs
2. Guest: Sleeping Dogs

from Europe:
3. Pandemonium "Bored" (Holland)
4. The Dream Police "Anti-Christ" (Denmark)
5. Keensey Gracio (Italy)
6. The Bleeplickers (Sweden)
7. De Totenhosen (Germany)

from Finland:
8. Ratus
9. The Bastards
10. Restitut

11. The Necros "Conquest for Death"

Download the show from the LUVeR show page:

Subscribe to the podcast:

Get past shows here:

"No Parking Zone" - A New Painting by David Normal


My newest painting is, "No Parking Zone".

Actually, this painting was made concurrently with "Traffic Jam", however, unlike, "Traffic Jam", which is an impersonal satire, "No Parking Zone" is a self-portrait that resulted from losing an occult battle with a powerful chihuahua that I met online. You may read more about this in my blog.

I am now seeking opportunities to exhibit my paintings. For this purpose I have created a special blog, "Gallery Data" for cataloging art galleries worldwide to add to my mailing list. Since starting this in December I have collected nearly 300 galleries (mostly in the USA and Europe), but I am seeking more, and so, if you want to suggest any galleries to me kindly submit them to my "Gallery Form". I will greatly appreciate your help!
- David Normal

PS: This is my new mailing list - informally entitled "Normal News." Basically, this is incarnated from my old list at my gmail account. I intend to send out monthly dispatches featuring my latest art work from now on. If you don't want to be on the list then by all means unsubscribe.

David, very nice in the normal way... Perverted!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Hi Frank,

Just got your X-mASS card. It's so lovely. I had a giggle and warm thoughts. It's good to see all your smiley faces. It made me happy.

Hope you are all well. You rule!


Carl Off.
URCK Records,
"Smashing the Iron Ears of Oppression, One Tribe at a Time!"
hop-frog kollectiv

* * * * *

hey, when can you guys come up here to jam again, either at the house or at the Temescal performance series?... And maybe drag Steve Davis with you!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Artists and the Recession Survey Results (Keith Hennessy)

Dear Frank & Pow Pow artists

Here is how I responded to the survey


Keith Hennessy responds to the Artists & the Recession Survey Results
(scroll down for info)

That is, an artist responds to the Survey’s startling revelation that artists are usually low-income and less likely to have health insurance than the general population. Additionally, the survey discovered that if we don’t quit, we tend to thrive in times of crisis. Oh yah and we prefer money to buying stuff and networking.

No personal offense intended to the individual human workers who receive this, but...

The following survey highlights are so ridiculously obvious that the money spent is a rude joke at the expense of art, not in service of art. The consulting fees that paid to find collect this info could have supported my next project, which has been rejected by five granting organizations and is now a dead idea. Probably several projects could have been funded.

Of course artists hold other jobs, have low incomes and don’t all have health insurance! You spent time and money to find this out? Again?

Do you know how insulting it is just to keep filling out these surveys every year or two?And then have the most tired news come back as a highlight.

Of course we think the arts are valuable. That’s why we put up with these conditions.

And yes art thrives in crisis, financial and ethical. Reagan was great for art. An AIDS pandemic during Reagan’s tenure was fucking amazing for art. Calling that an opportunity to collaborate and experiment is just another kind of poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

During the dotcom crash and the artspace crash, many artists lost space and funding streams they’d briefly enjoyed. But the art and non-profit consultants during that time continued to get paid at rates that most artists will never experience. How many art consultants and survey designers don’t have health insurance? You’re not the enemy, but your work could improve if you would hire artists as consultants – not as free survey fillers – to coach you on transitioning to a more activist or criminal pursuit that might end up with more artists getting more money. Yes criminal. I’m imagining Robin Hood. Whether slowly stealing from the organizations you work for doing some spectacular grand thefts, your talents would be much more likely to result in more money going to artists if you stole than if you surveyed.

How many studies do we need to prove that artists and small businesses are better economic stimulants than any government program or corporate appropriation of artist bodies (of work)?

Really. How many?

* * * * *

it took me so long to answer this because of an explosion of performance possibilities, both public and private. And I thought things would slow down when you get old! Maybe blame it on the recession!

Keith, I totally agree with you. Historically we here have done well during recessions on every level. True, some of our sources of money have been cut and cut and cut again just this past year.... And there is no "cost of living increase " because THEY have determined that the cost of living went down this year. [in what reality do they live?] But us artists know how to do things without a lot of money. We here pool our resources together for both living and art making. We are doing reasonably well in both.

Artists have to be adaptable. Most of us live on the edge anyway, so recession is just another thing we have to deal with. On their site, they say artists are underpaid! what are they talking about? A lot of us pay for the doing of the art... Art is an addiction. These people don't understand that. They think art is a moneymaking career that somehow don't make money! They are extremely linear! Most of us have day jobs. Are they saying those jobs are underpaid? True. But most of us don't do those day jobs as ARTISTS, but as art addicts! We get paid not as ARTISTS at Burger King, but as burgers flippers! I think artists should be funded to do whatever art they do. But art is not a moneymaking career! And these crippled yuppies are just spreading distractions!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Mini Butoh Festival - BBBP 16 and Workshops

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are happy to start 2010 off right with a MINI BUTOH FESTIVAL consisting of two workshops taught by out of town guest artists, and two amazing performances, all on the SAME WEEKEND.

First, the performances:

A Benefit for a member of the community who wishes to remain nameless.

Friday Jan 8, and Saturday, Jan 9, 2010 (yep, that's this coming weekend!)
Both performances are at 8:00 pm

Studio 210
3435 Cesar Chavez St
San Francisco, CA 94110
Studio 210 is located in the former Sears Building, inset from the corner of Cesar Chavez and Valencia Street. Accessible by BART - 24th St Station; and MUNI - #27, #12, #14, #49.

$5-$20 sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Additional donations are graciously accepted and gratefully appreciated.

This time around: Christina Braun (Sat only), Cheryl Burns, Shelley Cook-Contreas, Michael Curran (Fri only), Mark Deutsch (Sat only), Jennifer Hicks, Dorine Hoeksema, Henry Kaiser, Mateo Lugo, Luku (Fri only), Martha Matsuda (Sat only), Ri Molnar (Fri only), Jeffrey Alphonsus Mooney (Sat only), Shawnrey Notto (Sat only), Liz Roncka, Liz Saari-Filippone, Sharoni S. Seigel, Bob Webb, and Daniel WrightAbigail.
Surprise guest artists may well also be performing. There are often last minute additions (local, national, and international artists) to the programming, it's that kind of show.

Bare Bones Butoh Presents is a performance showcase for local and International artists working in the areas of Butoh, Performance Art, and/or Ritual Performance. It exists for artists to try out new material, show works in process, hone improvisation chops and redo or revisit previous material. Bare Bones Butoh Presents employs the grassroots ethic of working together to sustain an artistic culture.

The minimal fee the audience pays at the door allows Bare Bones Butoh Presents to function as a fundraising platform which supports local Butoh and Performance Artists. Every Bare Bones Butoh Presents show has been a Benefit Performance for an individual or group within the Butoh/Performing Arts community in need. Bare Bones Butoh Presents 16 is no exception. All proceeds from these performances go towards a member of the community who wishes to remain nameless. Please feel free to donate freely, it's a good cause.

Bare Bones Butoh Presents is community building and performance all smushed together into two evenings.
We hope to see you there.

For further info on the performances, or to register for the workshops, please contact: Bob Webb

And now, the workshops:

Workshop #1
Syzygy Butoh Workshop
Taught by Nathan Montgomery
Saturday, Jan 9, 2010
2:00-5:00 pm
Studio 210, 3435 Cesar Chavez (@Valencia)
San Francisco

In this workshop we will focus on recovering and cultivating physical dignity in the body and expression. Syzygy Butoh proposes a dance training in which we develop energetic presence in order to liberate our impulses and learn to work with all our energetic qualities. We start by exploring the empty body, or corpse body. From there we move into progressive explorations of standing, walking, running, twisting and jumping. By focusing on these simple physical actions we can recover basic energetic principles of presence in the dance. We then move into improvisational explorations that challenge us to reach beyond our normal movement patterns and explore our connection to multiple dimensions of body, space, time and content. For example, we may explore what the quality of stone has to teach us in dance, or the quality of paper, flower, wind, water, etc. Come with a beginners mind. No previous dance training necessary.

Nathan teaches and performs throughout the United States. He has studied Butoh for over ten years with Diego Pinon, as well as spent time in Japan with the Ohnos. He works in collaboration with such groups as Human Nature in Arizona and the CarpetBag Brigade of San Francisco. He co-created TinHouse Experimental Dance Theatre in Boulder, CO, and continues to base his productions there . In classic proscenium, on mountaintops, or in the town junkyard Syzygy performs in diverse venues. and settings. For Nathan, while the work is originally connected to the seed of Japanese Butoh, Syzygy grows as an American Butoh.

Workshop #2
The Poetic Body
Butoh: connection, spirit and form
Sunday Jan 10, 2010
12:00-3:00 pm
Studio 210, 3435 Cesar Chavez (@ Valencia)
San Francisco

The Poetic Body is a movement laboratory for those interested in traveling deep into movement consciousness in the context of dance/theatre. Topics of exploration toward choreography may include personal memory, embodying imagery, awareness training, translating poetry to movement, puppetry techniques for the body, meditation, physical stamina training and choreography/designing space. Splicing metaphors and specificity of form, we become the worlds and carry its atmospheres. Exercises range from slow internal focus to chaos. The physical and energetic body transforms through birth, influence and letting go, revealing a new relationship to imagery, the audience, and body/mind. Combining movement imagery with space, shape, time, gesture, relationship and kinesthetic delight. Spirit, space, atmosphere, partner exercises meet though form.

Ms Hicks believes form must go hand in hand with spirit for the theater, not one chancing the other. We will explore pure kinesthetic joy of moving and finding connection to space, self, others and spirit as well as finding a repeatable form. We will work with form/technique letting spirit erupt from inside. We dance from metaphors and experience, colliding worlds open to a river of thoughts and feelings. We move from earth, from emptiness, from strength and from turmoil. From specificity, we create, through spirit we dance. Students will work as a group, solo and in partners.

Jennifer is of the 3rd wave of butoh artists which began dancing in the United States in the late 1980's/early 1990's. She has studied with many Japanese Butoh Masters, but her main mentor is Katsura Kan. She has also been influenced greatly by her study with Maureen Fleming and early training in butoh with artists such as the Tamanos at the San Francisco Butoh Festivals. Her other influences include modern dance, Body Mind Centering, Yoga, The Viewpoints, Shintaido and Trancedance. These aspects are taught in unique combination creating an ongoing investigation into how one is to take Butoh, as a viable performance technique, into the next century. Let's talk, dance, and share ideas.

Basic class structure: brief meditation - warm-ups to unify the group, stretch and train the body/mind - dynamic group, partner or solo exercises designed to build spirit, energy and focus - work with butoh kata or forms - combine into dance/set in space and time - closing.

Once again, to sign up for these classes, or for further info on the performances, please contact:
Bob Webb

Thank you

* * * * *

hi, bob! I want to invite you guys to come and dance at my performance!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Artists and the Recession Survey Results (Attaboy)

You tell em Frank!

* * * * *

hey, someone has to... Might as well be me!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

CD duplication

hey, you musicians and other art freaks.... Below is reasonably priced!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore
* * * * *
Gretchen (from Sticks & Stones) found this place in SF for that will do short runs of CD duplication and printing:


I can dig it!!!!

your jolly LOVE WARRIORS=in=waiting, arrive at the sound of the bells, and will at this beginning of new decade (it confuses us all?) twenty/ten and your small gifts from the mythical maji and I (I'm beginning to feel a little more mythical as though beginning my disappearance into a great cloud of love!) Is it mythical that deer come into A&C's back yard for 'munchies'?????? Or have you seen deer eyie-ing your gardens?

I want to see once more the amazing 'opossum, standing up on his/her/it's hind feet, awesome!!!!!!! that once one year I saw, and otherwise, with a noticeable fluffy tail that gave him/her/it the loook of a racoon; I thought may be a roundish cat until I saw his/her/its "profile of distinction!' But never a deer, as yet!!! But animals are
trying to tell us something, with this closeness!!!! And a whole organisation 'out of Hollywood' of course, are into the project of building "border-connectors' avenues for animals to proceed from one urban area to another. (you can picture them getting readying themselves for a quick dash over the connectors, how do I look? Did I use too much make-up? "damn the high heels!" "is my make-up ikay?") Seriously, the animals needed help on this and goodness knows the two-legged uprights need a clue or two from the way of animals, it's like Michael Saxby, an awesome poet, would say, "the animals already had 'the chip!" Never when I wrote a song about "dear rabbit and sweet little opossum, did I think I'd live to see one! Life brings blessings.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! and a keg of beer all around! Oh, perhaps root-beer! When barely out of my teens, in an apartment by myself (the familiy of brother in law owned a Long Island apartment building and when, having tripped over their way from New Jersey, alone, they took me to my 'own apartment' for the night and handed me a big glass of expensive cognac. Dutifully I drank it and went right to sleep!!!!!

This is a past year that Frank and his Crew have kept a kite flying high, with bold colors and marketing the elixer of naked love and coating anxieties with deep rich chocolate! Everybody is "king and queen for a day' and then some!!!!!!

xoxoxox, jesse

* * * * *

we here slept through new year eve!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

New Shaman's Den Podcast page

The Shaman's Den podcast has a new home:

First up!
Penny Arcade
recorded March 8, 2009

Subscribe here:

Hi From Vinnie

Hey Frank and everyone,

Jackie and I wanted to thank you for the spectacular Christmas Card. Amazing art Frank! And it really touched me that you went through the trouble of signing it youself. I will save this forever. We're still working on ours. Hope you guys are having fun up there. Miss you all. Love.

- Vinnie and Jackie

Re: ok, vinnie!

Thanks, glad you guys liked it. Your words of encouragement and support mean me more to me than you'll ever know. Rock on, my brotha!

- Vinnie

* * * * *

hey, your Xmas card is now up framed on the wall in my studio! Why waste high /low art on one fucking month a year?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Alyssa Lee tagged 4 photos of you on Facebook

Alyssa tagged 4 photos of you in the POW! group.

To see the photos, follow the link below:

To see the group, follow the link below:

The Facebook Team

* * * * *

great, Alyssa!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: 15 Questions with Annie M. Sprinkle and Elizabeth M. Stephens

Thanks Frank.

How the heck did you find THIS interview?!

Hope it works out for you at CSC, so I can see your show. I'd better be in town!


* * * * *

Radman, one of the first LUVER djs, keeps his eyes out for this kind of thing!

And damn right you better be in town!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: "Monogamy?" II

Buenos Aires

Querido Frank

"hey, I thought rejection is a part of film making!"

Yes, but there has to be a balance... unless you're a total masochist which I'm not.

"YOUTUBE has taken most of my stuff down. But a lot of times it take them a
year to find the nudity."

Let's hope they stay slow.

"We can get it off YOUTUBE."

Let me know if you would like it in better resolution. Being Swiss I always strive for perfection...

"And did you see Annie in it too?"

Sorry for my ignorance. Which Annie is in which picture?

Happy full moon and a lovely decade!

De corazón



Tomi Streiff

* * * * *

yes, we would love to have a higher version of it.

Annie Sprinkle's photo [from the REAL SEX shoot, if I am not mistaken] is near to my part. Btw, she has been in a triad relationship.

I don't like rejection. So I produce everything myself!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Adaptive Use Musical Instruments | DEEP LISTENING INSTITUTE

thanks, Pauline! I will test it out!

Pauline, Jane Vincent runs [is that the right verb, Jane?] a technology resource center here in Berkeley. She has turned me on to Aurora word prediction software which has cut my typing work by at least seventy percent!

So Jane is a good person to know about this !

so, Pauline, when are you coming out again so we can jam together again?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

New show on LUVeR! Open Mind Dead Sound System Show!

LUVER keeps adding great original shows!

* * * * *

Every Monday at 7pm pacific.

Starts Monday, January 4, 2010 at 7pm pacific

Isaac and Champ play lots of local music, some new music and they talk about local bands and sometimes they divulge other people’s secrets. They have guests play live sometimes and have a bunch of people help them get the ball rolling, otherwise, they’ll just forget what they are doing. They play all kinds of shit but most of all they always drop a wild card in the mix -so tune in and don’t be surprised to hear a sample of Lindsay Lohan having a breakdown once in a while.

For archived shows visit the website:


Friday, Jan. 1, 2010

I am staying here in the LUVER studio, continuing my Marathon of SPINNING HOT WAX for at least until the wee hours of Monday morning!

And we are preparing a new series, THE ROCKABILLY UNDERGROUND!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

15 Questions with Annie M. Sprinkle and Elizabeth M. Stephens

ah, I always have had good taste both in women and artists. And talk about long term relationships.... Annie and I have been doing things since 1987!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *
Fifteen Questions with Annie M. Sprinkle and Elizabeth M. Stephens

By Michelle B. Timmerman, CONTRIBUTING WRITER
November 19, 2009

You're an ardent environmentalist. You go trayless on Tuesdays, consider "Green is the new Crimson" your own personal mantra, and...make love to the Earth? No? Maybe you should.

In their show "Dirty Sex-ecology or How to Make Love with the Earth," Annie M. Sprinkle, former prostitute and porn actress with a Ph.D. from The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, and her partner Elizabeth M. Stephens, a professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz, explain ways to show the planet some good loving and get a whole lot in return.

FM: Exactly how does one make love with the earth?
EMS: We have 25 ways in the program of the show from last night. Any of those ways are fabulous beginning ways to make love to the earth. Give her a massage with your feet.
AMS: Lick her, smell her, protect her.

EMS: Just really try to protect her. That's one way to make love with the earth, is to really try to be a better steward.


FM: Can you define "sex-ecology" or "eco-sexual"?

EMS: An eco-sexual is someone who takes the earth as their lover. This is now someone who's going to take care of the earth.

AMS: Sex-ecology is exploring, a place where sexology and ecology overlap.

EMS: Generally, if you take care of something erotically, you'll take care of it in other ways.


FM: You say that we should treat the earth as a lover, not a mother. What does this mean?

AMS: It's just a little paradigm shift. More mutuality. We expect the earth to just take care of us, to just always breastfeed us.

EMS: We just have to give something back. When you are in a relationship ­and you're really in a good relationship­ there's complete mutuality between lovers. It's not one person takes all and the other person gets depleted, you know?


FM: Your show in Boston is billed as the U.S. premiere. Do you find that people are more receptive to your shows and your message in other parts of the world?
EMS: We did a half-hour version of the show in Bern, Switzerland, and they loved it. They love their mountains in Switzerland so they were able to really relate to the work we're doing around mountaintop removal... but I think people in Boston really­we've gotten some very, very nice feedback and some very intelligent feedback.


FM: What was your first sexual experience?

AMS: I would say my first sexual experience was really with water. My parents, we had a house with a swimming pool. And I think I really felt so good in the water all the time. And of course we grew up in L.A., by the beach. And so I'm really realizing that before I became sexual at 17 with a person­with a man­I was really making love with the water.

EMS: I did ride horses a lot as a young kid. I probably started riding around six. And that's definitely when you become one with a horse­it's just all about power and sexuality. I mean the horse is between your legs; there's just no way to avoid that, you know?

AMS: Riding it, not fucking it.

EMS: (Laughs) I was not having sex with horses.

AMS: The horse is between your legs! You have your legs wrapped around this hot, sweaty, heavily breathing animal.

EMS: (Laughs) Yeah, whatever. Probably my first sexual experience was really riding horses. Galloping the horses, as a little kid. And it was hot.

FM: You've discussed the healing powers of sex. Do you believe that doing good for the earth and being "green" can generate the same pleasure?

AMS: Oh, absolutely! I feel like since I made vows to love and cherish the earth, my heart is so open, and my love has grown so big, and it's so deeply satisfying.

EMS: In Appalachia now, where there's mountaintop removal, people have horrible diseases. But when people were living more in harmony with the Earth that just was not true. Even if they smoked cigarettes, they lived into their 70s and 80s. The relationship with the earth was really healing both to the earth and to the people who lived on it.


FM: When did Ellen Steinberg become Annie Sprinkle the porn actress, and when did Annie Sprinkle become Anya?

AMS: Oh yes, they all still exist. These are all different personas I've adopted in my life. I was born Ellen Steinberg, and I created the person I wanted to be, who was Annie Sprinkle, kind of sex goddess. And then Anya...let's say I was a liberated slut, and then I became Anya who was a sex goddess. And it just kind of evolved over time and I integrated different personalities over the years.


FM: How did you two meet?

EMS: We met for the first time because I curated Annie's tit prints at an exhibition at Rutgers University, where I was a graduate student getting my MFA. So I curated her tit prints into this show called "Outrageous Desire"...and then after, she was so gracious as to lend us her tit prints. In fact, she gave me those tit prints.


FM: Diablo Cody went from stripper to screenwriter, and you went from prostitute to Ph.D. Are there certain, unique lessons to be learned from working in that business?

AMS: Oh, absolutely! I learned all kinds of skills in the sex industry. I learned publicity, I learned filmmaking, I learned editing. Writing, let's see...I learned how to say "no," how to say "yes." I learned a little bit about performing. I learned a lot about sex. I learned how to have safe sex on camera. Self-promotion. Make-up tips, hair tips. I mean...intimacy, well, intimacy? I don't know about that. Well, yeah, in prostitution I learned about sexual healing. I think I learned a lot about love. About love and generosity of spirit. It goes on and on.

FM: 42 percent of Harvard students had zero sexual partners during the past academic year, and Harvard is ranked 62nd of 141 colleges and universities in terms of availability of sexual health resources on campus. What would you say to the Harvard student body?

EMS: First of all, what I would say is that each individual person can be their own best lover. So that just because you haven't had another person as a sexual partner, that doesn't mean that you don't have a sexual partner. Second of all, I think that it's a crime that 100 percent of colleges and universities don't have a very structured sexual education program, and as Harvard is a leading university in the world, it's just really unfortunate that they lag behind in that area.

AMS: I don't see anything wrong with not having physically a lover, a human sex partner. Anyone can be lovers with the earth and lovers with themselves. And everything in due time. When it's time to study and work, it's time to study and work. And all the women should have a good vibrator. A good, strong vibrator.


FM: You put on cuddle performances, sexual séances, extreme kiss performances, erotic art shows, and more. How did you become so comfortable with public displays of sexuality?

AMS: Sexuality is everywhere. The flowers. Birds and bees and flowers­they're all doing it. It's like birth and death.

EMS: What we're actually trying to display is really love. We're looking at love, even more than sexuality.


FM: What do you think is the sexiest thing in the world? The least sexy?

EMS: I think the sexiest thing in the world is Annie. And I think the least sexiest thing in the world is hatred.

AMS: I had a good answer on the tip of my tongue. Well, of course I think Beth is super, super sexy. I'm just trying to think if...Beth and the earth. Yeah, I'll say Beth. Beth and the earth.


FM: Your performance echoes the free love, tree-hugging days of the late '60s, early '70s. What would a second sexual revolution look like?

EMS: I think social or sexual revolutions are really another way of approaching social justice issues. I think a lot of the revolution around gayness and queerness, and the sexual revolution in the sixties­they were both about rights...and next might be the great question. Maybe nonhuman things like the Earth! (laughs) That could be the next sexual revolution. And sex-ecology!

AMS: Well, to me, what we're doing is not so much about sexuality. It's about ecology.


FM: You're both involved in academia; Annie, you have Ph.D. and Elizabeth, you're a professor at UCSC. Do you ever find it difficult to reconcile liberal sexuality with a stereotypically staid profession?

EMS: I don't find the profession of academia staid. I find it very exciting and challenging. It's collaborative...I think it's one of the last great places where people can really speak their minds. Especially after getting tenure­ and I do have tenure, and I did run up to some troubles getting tenure because of issues of sexuality. It wasn't about my research. I think that ­well, I love academia.

AMS: I think academia is really sexy, really hot, and smart people are sexy, you know, not in the obvious way. Culture might think porn stars are sexy; I think academics are sexy because I'm in love with one.


FM: You've been in the business of sex for decades. Do you ever get bored of it?

AMS: Well, I consistently recreate myself, and I try to stay in the truth of the moment. I mean, bottom line, I tell it like it is, where I'm at in the moment. Originally a lot of my work was about playing the role, playing the role of what was sexy. But then when I reached over to art I really started telling the truth. And my truth is always changing. I change, and as I've changed my work changes. So there's never a dull moment.

EMS: I've never actually been bored once in my life. I don't know if I even understand that concept. I have on vacations, but...

AMS: Yeah, I've never been bored ever. Not for a minute.

Re: 48 hours to support CSC for 2009 tax deduction & our BIG LOVE!

Hi Frank - looking forward seeing you on the 14th - I went to a temple dance tonight and we all got naked was quiet fun --- have you heard of csc - i could imagine you doing a performance at one of their events....
I also saw you mentioning Shelley cook in an e-mail (calling her a snob)-I met her couple of years ago and her name appeared in my dream last night - I thought of reconnecting with her because of it. Sending you many bleassings and einen guten rutsch ins neue jahr....(a good slide into the new year) Nicki

* * * * *

MMMMM... We have you coming on TUESDAY THE TWELFTH. Is that right?

Yes, I know about CSC. Annie Sprinkle just recommended it to me for a possible performance space. And Nellie Wilson, who is a sexuality teacher connected to CSC and has been to quite a few of the Temescal performances, is working on getting me a performance there.

Ah, Shelley! A good performer. But frankly a bitch! I have had her in my casts going back to the early eighties when I started touring. I used her in my first Los Angeles performances. Then took her to N.Y.C. when I was doing a big production. In Los Angeles she was a deva, but she came through with a lot of work. But in N.Y.C., she was a snob! I had Annie Sprinkle [and something like twenty other people who I had not even met before] in my cast. Annie was still in the porn world. My performance was her first adventure into the performance art world. Annie was great, warm, etc. I told her she would be great artist. She did not believe me [they never do!]. But something was rotten at the rehearsals. It turned out that Shelley thought she was too good to even talk to a porn actress. I had to do things to save the five hour performance. A year later Annie was the talk of the Art world!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Ciao, ciao cinema

Buenos Aires

No more filmmaking for me.

I decided to bury the dream of ever again making my own films.

What a relief!

I feel free and ready to finally live life for what it is.

As a kid you grow dreams. Like colorful balloons they hover above you. Some get realized, others pop, yet others escape and fly off into the sky. On a string woven out of hope, your dearest ones stay with you, floating above you, they lead you into your future. That’s all wonderful, the problem is that if they float for too long over your head, they start to gather dust, fade, wrinkle.

The wings turn into a yoke. Well, my dreams reached that point quite a while ago, even though I tried to keep up the pretense that they are still cheerfully afloat.

I finally looked up into the sky and saw my miserable batch of grey, shriveled balloons. When I let go of them, they immediately regained their bright colors and drifted multiplying off into a blue sky.

Now I’m free to play, free to start living life in the moment, for what it is and what it isn’t, without the pretense of having to turn everything I experience into some film or another.

This new void is very liberating, but since I have no clue how and where to continue our lives from here onward, also scary as hell...

Any suggestions...?

Wishing you an enchanted second decade of the 21st century.

From the Heart


Tomi Streiff

* * * * *

mmmmmm... All I can say...

Passions don’t burn out
bliss don’t boil away
fuel of life
is for a lifetime

burnt out?
Kill yourself…
or stop using
glamor, hype,
romantic drug
to rush above
everyday reality

Friday, March 19, 1999

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

ok, vinnie!

your drop just played on my MARATHON of my SPINNING HOT WAX all week.. Just when I started to write Jackie and you about getting your XXX-Mas card... Which won for the best card! It puts the X in Xmas? it's hanging in our livingroom with Santa and Mary and the Baby Jesus and snowman and drunk raindeers and uptight families! But we are getting it framed and will put it on the wall!

Btw, I am playing SPIT on the Marathon... Like POOP STAINED JANE!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: "Monogamy?" (Paul Escriva)


Oh how very cool !!

Am forwarding this to friends immediately!


* * * * *

great, paul! And did you see Annie in it too?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Yeah! Great fun!!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fw: Sexy Mayhem at The Exotic Erotic Ball!

well, here is a little known bit of trivia. They got the idea for THE EXOTIC EROTIC BALL from our OUTRAGEOUS BEAUTY REVUE. They actually came to me to see if I wanted to do it with them. But I declined. I was never into capitalism! Darn!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Interesting… Makes sense.. Not that they actually made money on the event. On the contrary, they lost a bundle…
Peace on Earth ~ Pleasure for All

xo Suzy

* * * * *

ain't it how it always goes!?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: "Monogamy?"

Buenos Aires

Querido Frank

"Tomi, this is extremely interesting and fun!"

Thank you. It was just a little exercise... of a film that might never be made. I hit a wall of NO from funding places and am pretty tired of being rejected.

"It gives a good feeling of what the actual film will be."

If it achieved that, then that's great since that was what it wanted to achieve.

"And the end gets pretty impressive and sexy... That hunk in the wheelchair with all of those nude dancers... Oh! THAT IS ME/US!"

I'm very well aware of that. You sent me to these pictures. Thanks again very much, I think what you are doing it great and makes for a wonderful finale.

"Folks, you should check this out on YOUTUBE before they take it off for nudity!"

You think they will? I have no experience with them.

"Tomi, would you let me play it on my public access show?"

Naturally and with great pleasure. Can you grab it from U-Tube or is there an other way to get the original to you?

Celebrate like this would be the end of the first decade of the 21 century....

From the Heart



Tomi Streiff

* * * * *

hey, I thought rejection is a part of film making! Of course I produce everything myself.

YOUTUBE has taken most of my stuff down. But a lot of times it take them a year to find the nudity. We can get it off YOUTUBE.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Friday, January 1, 2010


Buenos Aires

Queridas & Queridos

Please click on this link:

It will take you to a slide show illustrating what our feature length documentary "Monogamy?" could look like, what our fireworks display assembled out of a very diverse pool of images might feel like. No, not how the film will be, we're still in development, so it's just a sketch illustrating how it might feel. Kind of what the "scratch-track" for the film would sound like.

The slideshow was assembled along the lines of the characters and subjects of our treatment for this fast paced, funny, at times satirical, but never unscientific, exploration of monogamy and its many alternatives. Please let us know if you would like to receive a copy of the treatment.

Finally, feel free to pass this link on to anybody that might be interested in our project "Monogamy?", but remember, it's meant for internal use and not for the broad public.

Celebrate like this would be the end of the first decade of the 21st century....

From the Heart



Tomi Streiff

* * * * *

Tomi, this is extremely interesting and fun! It gives a good feeling of what the actual film will be. And the end gets pretty impressive and sexy... That hunk in the wheelchair with all of those nude dancers... Oh! THAT IS ME/US! but seriously it is quiet impressive!

Folks, you should check this out on YOUTUBE before they take it off for nudity!

Tomi, would you let me play it on my public access show?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

got it!

ty frank ! i hope u get this ! i have been homless n chirstmass b4 i knw how that feels ! again im not that far from being homless again ! i cant aford 2 live where im @ thay take 1/2 of my income and my hubby's ! id move but where ? we r looking but the places that take ony 1/3rd dont take married ppl ! well the best of wish's 2 u and ur's ! toni

* * * * *

Toni, glad my poem spoke your reality. Also glad you have a home this year.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sexy Mayhem at The Exotic Erotic Ball!

Go Behind The Scenes @
“The World’s #1 Wildest & Sexiest Party”
E Entertainment TV
with Dr. Suzy, Sparkle, Natasha, Asia, Ms. Genevieve & The Bonobo Gang

* * * * *

well, here is a little known bit of trivia. They got the idea for THE EXOTIC EROTIC BALL from our OUTRAGEOUS BEAUTY REVUE. They actually came to me to see if I wanted to do it with them. But I declined. I was never into capitalism! Darn!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore