Thursday, October 28, 2010

RE: today at BTV (Jesse Townley)

(Jesse Townley wrote:)

How soon until unveils its new clothing line, "The naked guy in the wheelchair"?

Go Frank, go!


* * * * *

well, actually in the late seventies to the early eighties we did start quite a few successful clothes companies in Berkeley... Sexy, revealing, comfortable, colorful!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: today at BTV (Dr. Suzy)

Aww…Frank, it’s not your fault that the people love your more for your naked sex appeal than your artistic braininess ;)



* * * * *

ah, Suzy, I have accepted my fate as a sex star a long time ago! Instead of embracing you and me because we bring viewers to the channel, they are embarrassed about having us... Even though viewers always are excited and joyful when they run into me on the street.
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

today at BTV

Corey was at Berkeley Community Media today, "BTV", turning in the next batch of Dr. Susan Block shows, and he was finally able to ask the woman who now works at the front desk there what she meant when she said (months ago when Frank was in the hospital): "the infamous Frank Moore".

"Well," she said, "Whenever I tell people where I work they say, 'You mean the place where that naked guy in the wheelchair has sex?!'" She was wondering when/if Frank tapes his shows at the BTV studios, because she has never run into him or his group there? Corey told her that we tape the show at the house ... Well, that would explain why she never sees us! She also wanted to know what Frank's show was like, because she has never actually seen it ... Corey told her about the performances, The Shaman's Den shows, etc. ...

The BTV tech guy Jeffrey chimed in too. He said that they just got these new BTV hoodies, and now whenever they're wearing them around town, the first thing people ask is: "Oh, is that the place that has the naked guy in the wheelchair?!" He tells them, "Yes, it is ... ... we do have other shows too ..." "Yeah," the front desk woman added, "We have cooking shows, gardening, gospel ... " But no one asks about those!

"No," Jeffrey said, "Its always 'the naked guy in the wheelchair'!"

* * * * *

I AM B-TV! but I know how they feel. The erotic stuff is only a fraction of what is on my show. I interview people from all cultural /political /whatever from the community and beyond. I have live bands of all kinds... And short films of other artists... Etc.! But all the people talk about is THAT NAKED GUY IN THE WHEELCHAIR HAVING SEX WITH MYRIADS OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! well, I know what people want!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: KILL ME! (Paul Escriva) II

Good for you Frankie!

A truly rational decision....
Hope you had a double-scoop! :)

Heaps of hugs to everyone,
xo Paul

* * * * *

a no brainer!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: hey, raindog! (Raindog) II

You gotta go with what you know, Frank. I sent the books Linda ordered today, so you should get them by next week. Enjoy. rd

* * * * *

but not know where you are going!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: hey, raindog! (Raindog)

Sorry Frank...about the mislabeling. But how funny is that? I wonder who this guy is? Wow! You just made my night! Well, us crips gotta stay together, eh? Take care.

* * * * *

yep, it made my day also!
He said he plays a little guitar... Learning, failing, getting frustrated that he can not play it "right." when I gave him my painting cards, he said "I hate you... You are so talented!" in reality, my main "talent" is playing outside RIGHT!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Monday, October 25, 2010

Re: KILL ME! (Steve Brown)

(Steve Brown wrote:)

maybe you'd like to see some of my 584:) about to be 583

* * * * *

hey, I had over a thousand emails [not counting the Spam /trash] when I got home from the hospital!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: KILL ME! (Rafael-alexandre Ramos)

(Rafael-alexandre Ramos wrote:)

It happens to the best of us, Frank...

but yes, the beginning of this autumn is strangely quiet thought...

Special Goings On

as one of the original six targeted performance artists... I ask, if you go along with the Decency Clause, can you do meaningful work as an artist!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

To: "'Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.'"
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:11 AM
Subject: [goingson1] Special Goings On

Holly Hughes, Carolee Schneemann, Martha Wilson, FF Alumns, at The New School, Manhattan, TONIGHT!

How Obscene is This! The Decency Clause Turns 20

On the 20th anniversary of the Congressional decision to require the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to consider "general standards of decency and respect" in awarding grants, the National Coalition Against Censorship and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School collaborate on two panel discussions and a video interview project evaluating censorship and arts funding today.

Prominent artists, non-profit arts organization directors, art dealers, and founders of alternative spaces examine issues related to how the introduction of the decency clause in particular, and the culture wars in general, have affected funding, free speech and self-censorship, and how attitudes towards notions of decency and respect for the values and beliefs of the American public have changed over the past twenty years.

Panel Discussion I
Survival vs. Autonomy: Public Funding of the Arts, Free Speech and Self Censorship
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
The New School, Tishman Auditorium
66 West 12th Street
Admission: Free

Have arts organizations modified their programming in the aftermath of the culture wars? What alternative funding sources and strategies have they had to employ? How does the commercial market relate to the issue of decency and community standards? What is the future of government funding for arts institutions and individual artists?

The panel examines how the introduction of the decency clause and culture wars over arts funding in general have contributed to a growing distinction between conservative and avant-garde institutions. A number of alternative organizations have sprung up that simply forfeit - or are prepared to forfeit - government funding. Panelists include founders of new alternative spaces that seek autonomy from government funding, leaders of art projects that have been supported by the NEA, and key figures in public art funding.

Laura Flanders, GritTV

Beka Economopoulos, Founder of Not an Alternative and No-Space Gallery, Brooklyn
Bill Ivey, Former Chair of the NEA (1998-2001) and Director of the Curb
Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy
Magdalena Sawon, Owner and Director, Postmasters Gallery
Nato Thompson, Chief Curator at Creative Time, author of Seeing Power:
Socially Engaged Art in the Age of Cultural Production
Martha Wilson, Founding Director, Franklin Furnace

Panel Discussion II
Decency, Respect and Community Standards: What Offends Us Now?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
The New School, Tishman Auditorium
66 West 12th Street
Admission: Free

This panel looks at changing attitudes towards notions of decency over the past twenty years. It addresses how representations of nudity and sexuality have changed in contemporary art, and proposes a redefinition of what is considered offensive or inappropriate under our current political climate. The panel brings together artists whose work provoked the culture wars twenty years ago and those who deal with taboo topics today.

Laura Flanders, GritTV

Wafaa Bilal, censored in Iraq and the U.S.
Holly Hughes, one of the NEA4
Trevor Paglen, provocateur and experimental geographer
Carolee Schneemann, pioneering feminist artist

In 1989, Senator Jesse Helms introduced legislation to ban federal funding of "obscene or indecent art." Adopted in October 1989, the Helms Amendment bestowed onto the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) the responsibility to define obscenity. To enforce the new amendment, the NEA established an "obscenity pledge," requiring artists to promise they would not use government money to create works of an obscene nature.

Now referred to as the Culture Wars, a heated debate burst out within and outside the art world. (Among the organizations resisting the new legislation was The New School of Social Research, which turned down a NEA grant*.) In November 1990, Congress amended the obscenity pledge by replacing it with the decency clause, stating that the works sponsored by the NEA must meet "general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs of the American public." Under this clause, the NEA withdrew funding to award recipients whose work did not comply with this standard.

In 1992, four artists who later became known as the NEA Four, Karen Finley, John Fleck, Holly Hughes and Tim Miller, sued in federal court in response to the withdrawal of their Performance Artists Fellowships. In June 1993, the NEA settled out of court with the artists by awarding them the grant money in question. The artists, however, decided to continue litigation against the clause after the settlement and the case made its way to the United States Supreme Court in National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley. The 9th Circuit determined the decency clause was void because it violated the First Amendment's general prohibition against content- and viewpoint-based discrimination. On June 25, 1998, the Supreme Court announced its decision and upheld the clause while declaring the language "advisory" and meaningless.

As a consequence of the Culture Wars, the NEA eliminated funding for individual artists, passing on the responsibility to comply with standards of decency to the exhibiting institutions.

* The New School's case was based on the claim that the pledge acted as prior restraint and therefore breached the university's First Amendment rights. Before the constitutionality of the prior restraint argument was decided in New School v. Frohnmayer, the NEA released the university from its obligation to sign the pledge.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Re: KILL ME! (Paul Escriva)

How cute are you Frankie!! :)

xoxoxox Paul

* * * * *

today I had a choice between getting two teeth pulled and going to eat chocolate gelato. Guess what I chose!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

KILL ME! [9.14.10]

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

ARCHIVE is up! The Uncomfortable Zones of Fun - February 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Uncomfortable Zones Of Fun series archives are up!

we are at work!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *


hey, raindog!

here is a story for you... Yesterday we went to my hearing aid place... An old time place right out of the fifties with cowboy shit on the Walls... It is run by an old guy who's a Master at what he does... A people person. He is the only place in the East bay who takes medi-cal, which is why we travel to Oakland.
Yesterday his assistant [apprentice? Son?] was there for the first time that we were there. When we came in, he pointed to me and said "Frank Moore, you are famous! I read about you in this poetry book!" he waved your book On/Off the Beaten Path (2008) [Btw, I don't have a copy... In fact it was the first time that I have seen it!] with a section about your visit to the Shaman's Den July 1999... About our jam, etc. [Btw, I got cerebral palsy, not M.S... I am not fading away!]
a small world! And the underground ain't that underground!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

matt, thanks for your kind and powerful words!

Hello Frank,

I only met you once. I appreciate having met you. My mind slowed down and my heart opened a bit. The mind slowed and the heart opened. I know that you are fine. When I think of your situation, I hope that you get better and that I can experience your presence again. I hope that you get better for selfish reasons---I want to see you again, But I know that you are fine and always will be and always have been. I love your poetry and you are evidence of love, peace, and understanding in the universe. You have shown me to myself and as these ghosts meet each other and try to shake each others hands and they notice that they are reaching for a hand that is an illusion, that is a dream and they begin to suspect that the hand with which they are reaching may also be a projection, a dream. And they say to themselves, if I am only a dream, perhaps I can simply let go of doing and just watch. God is with(in) you.

Here is me hoping to see you again,


* * * * *

any artist lives for such feedback that the work has such profound effects! Thanks!
And it looks like you will have another chance to see me! Don't blow it!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

short 2-3 sentence bio needed

hola artists -

please send us a short, 2-3 sentence bio for the festival and to include in our program.

please send this to us by september 24th.


-POW!POW!POW! Curators

* * * * *

who is Frank Moore? The only way to find out is to erotically explore him!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Jon Krop commented on your note "a big day!".

Jon Krop commented on your note "a big day!".

Jon wrote:
"That is GREAT news! A perfect day for sorbet too I must say."

* * * * *

and the last two days we walked to our favorite coffee place ROMA!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives - Jhon Thumb


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives

Jhon Thumb
recorded December 6, 2009

Photos: index.html

New Shaman's Den Podcast - Jhon Thumb

we are slowly getting back to work!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives Podcast

Jhon Thumb
recorded December 6, 2009

Photos: index.html
Subscribe here:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

from Russia with love

Dear mr.Moore,
this spring I used to live in Berkeley and one sunny morning my self-conscience had been thorn apart due to a small poster I seen. That was the Erotic Friction - and I was nearly beating myself that my ticket back to russia was on a date, couple of days earlier. I'm writing a column for a glance mag here and so eager to get a small interview.
hope I'm not fired after,
how about it?
all bests from Moscow,
Peter Silaev

* * * * *

hi, Peter! I am always saying that fliering is the first ring of a performance! You are the amazing proof of that! I would love to be interviewed by you. It may take some time for me to answer because I am recovering from a six week hospital stay. so I Am slow typing. But I am game! Also if you explore, you will find a lot about my work and me. I will be glad to answer your questions.
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: I DID IT! (Tom Schulte)

(Tom Schulte wrote:)

Hi Frank!
Your typing is an artistic statement - a noble and loving communication whose heart still beats even across the frozen wires of the ethernet!

* * * * *

ah, Tom! An empty in-box is a rare treat!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: I DID IT! (Lob)

(Lob wrote:)

man.. am i jealous!!!

* * * * *

ah, yes! Everybody here was lukewarm because now the emails are in THEIR in-boxes!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Re: I DID IT! (Paul Escriva)

Now it has eleven!

Hot Damn Frankie...You are a force of nature!

Heaps of hugs to everyone,

xo Paul

* * * * *

eighteen and counting!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: I DID IT! (Erika)

(Erika wrote:)

wow amazing!



In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Re: i typed this (Annie Sprinkle)

So glad to hear that you are home. And of course want you to stick around for years and years to come.
The world would not be the same without YOU. And there is only ONE Frank Moore.
I'm in mexico, gone from SF all summer.
Definitely want to visit with you in the fall.
Its been too long.
But then, I also feel always connected to you in the shamanic realms.
Sending white sand beach vibes.

* * * * *

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: i typed this (K.A.)

Frank, I am so happy to read your voice again!

The updates have been good, if difficult reading because of the suffering they describe. At the same time, the love and strength that the updates describe have been very heartening and, as always, inspirational. The strong bonds that you guys have formed and spiritual boundlessness that you guys practice are so beautiful.

I wish you increasing strength and endurance, my friend.


Re: expanding (Suzy)

That is such a beautiful thing, Frank! Very inspiring to all, but especially us community-oriented, child-free folks :-)

It also reminds me of a new book I’m reading, just had the author on the show, called “Sex at Dawn: Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality.” And its all about our tribal origins that molded us for 190,000 years before the advent of farming and possession and repression that just took hold about 10,000 years ago. Here’s a link to the show, if you’re up for listening:

So glad to see you’re up to writing! Your extended, always “expanding” family of friends and luvers gives you a big cyber-hug!

Xoxo Suzy

Re: expanding (Michael Diehl)

Well here's to Frank's health so he can keeping blowing many more minds.
Michael Diehl

Re: Fw: expanding (Kaye)

(Frank wrote:)

exactly! And it was day-to-day for six weeks, so they saw it wasn't just show... But very practical down to earth love /intimacy /tribal body that operates effectively uNder hard situations.
Btw, RK is doctor Kerbavaz, my ent for over twenty years... But much more! A dear friend! He is on the e-salon. He put in my trach, and basically is over seeing my recovery. We email him questions almost daily ! he even checked in on me on his camping trip!

* * * * *

(Kaye wrote:)

yes frank, your family/tribe sets an example
to learn from. thank you, get better, dont leave us yet

* * * * *

it looks like we are about out of our money hole... Thanks to people like yourself, Kaye!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Re: expanding (Aaron Ingemi)

(Frank wrote:)

what is behind your donation is what matters, not how much .
mikee is Downloading George 's music!

* * * * *

(Aaron Ingemi wrote:)

Agreed! purity is what is in your intentions! George Is my favorite Beatle, also I consider Billy preston one of them. Be sure to tell Mikee that I looked at his Design by mikee web page and I enjoy his art work.... the Electronic Arts ones especially!

RE: new painting (Suzy & Max)

Beautiful, Frank! I like the cloud that looks like a cock with balls shooting down from the top :-)

So glad to see you’re on the mend and sending us stuff!

Much love and healing creative vibes

Suzy and Max

* * * * *

well, don't clouds do that, Suzy?
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: new painting (Paul)

Hi Frankie,
All the vivid molten colors of the new painting....
Beautiful !!

Glad to see you communicating.
It's comforting.

Heaps of hugs to everyone,

xo Paul

Friday, October 8, 2010

POW!POW!POW! press release

hi artists -

here is our official POW!POW!POW! press release attached as a word doc and intext. please use this communique when distributing information about POW!3. please spread the word locos + locas! tickets are already selling fast - we had to expand to another venue (ATA, next door to viracocha) for the opening night!

thanks! -the POW!POW!POW! curators



For Immediate Release:

DATES: October 14-17, 2010

Thursday & Saturday: Performance Installations

Friday & Sunday: Raw Staged Performances


PLACE: Viracocha, 998 Valencia Street San Francisco CA – Look for the Dragon Door!

ADDITIONAL VENUE (THURSDAY NIGHT ONLY): Artists’ Television Access, 992 Valencia Street San Francisco CA

CURATED/PRODUCED by: gal*in_dog AKA Guillermo Galindo, Alyssa Lee, and Guillermo Gómez Peña.


$12 in advance - $15 at door

Just in time for the next credit crunch and as the main cultural institutions

of the country, in panic, join forces with the corporate media to save their culo, POW!POW! POW! arrives once again to the scene as uncompromising and independent as ever.

Appealing to a primal desire of free expression without limits, POW!POW! POW! is, today, one of the few remaining uncensored performance festivals in the US.

As major art institutions continue to play it safe and impose their political agendas on the artists, POW! POW! POW! declares, once and for all, total freedom of expression with no limits and no strings attached.

Now an internationally renowned festival, this third edition of the original POW! will bring together an array of local and international multigenerational action artists more willing to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

Designed and run by artists, this year’s festival was irreverently curated by co-founders Alyssa Lee, gal*in_dog aka Guillermo Galindo and Guillermo Gómez Peña.

Contact for high resolution photos.


Allison Wyper (San Francisco/Los Angeles)

Alyssa Lee & George Alley (San Francisco and Philadelphia)

Bernie Roddy (Oklahoma)

Casey Droege & Christine Choi (Pittsburgh and San Francisco)

David Lakein (Berlin/Chicago)

Eijane Janet Lin & Miao Jiaxin (Chicago)

Erika Olsen Hannes (San Francisco)

Frank Moore (San Francisco)

gal*in_dog AKA Guillermo Galindo (Mexico/San Francisco)

Ginger Murray (San Francisco)

Guillermo Gómez Peña (Mexico/San Francisco)

Havia Dara Sokolova (San Francisco)

Jake Myers (Chicago)

John Zibell (New York/San Francisco)

Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos (San Francisco)

Keith Hennessy (San Francisco)

Kimberly Bainum (San Francisco)

Lauren Barri Holstein (London)

Leslie Baker (Montreal, QC)

Liz ess (San Francisco)

Loren R Robertson & Brittney Fosbrook (San Francisco)

Luke Homitsky (Pittsburgh)

Lula Chapman (San Francisco)

Michael Barrett (San Francisco)

Michael Namkung (San Francisco)

Pancho López (Mexico)

Philip Huang (San Francisco)

Philip T. Nails & Elisabeth Millican (Los Angeles)

Praba Pilar (Colombia)

Rae Langes (Chicago)

Rebecca Cunningham (Australia)

Sheryl-Ann Simpson (New York)

Theo Knox (San Francisco)

Toma (Los Angeles)

WIGband: Barbara Golden and Johanna Poethig (San Francisco)

POW!POW!POW! ACTION art festival
san francisco, CA
october 14-17 2010
co-founded/produced/curated by: guillermo galindo AKA gal*in_dog + alyssa lee
guest curator: guillermo gomez peña

Re: expanding (Annie Sprinkle)

Wow Frank and Family.
Thanks for showing us the way to do hospitals and aging and illness as love and art.
Very inspiring.
You should be so super proud of yourselves for being so phenomenal and special.

* * * * *

can't pass up a situation for a performance, Annie! Even Dying!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: new painting (Veronica Vera)

(Frank wrote:)

I did it last night in two hours. "sunset - rise". This week it took me a half hour to type a half line. I was pooped. But painting by mouse keys didn't require as much work. it has led [thanks to Jane Vincent] to new way of typing.

* * * * *

(Veronica Vera:)

What a happy, gorgeous masterpiece! So happy that you are feeling better.

* * * * *

glad you liked it, veronica! I would love to paint you! Send a sexy nude photo!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Hey Frank,

Browsed google and saw you will be airing my documentary once more in september on the btv channel of yours :)

I'm more than honored :)

by the way, I am almost done half of "L'idéaliste" : drums are nearly finished, bass are recorded and guitar will be today and finished soon ; keys is not really an issue and linda's voice sampling ( plus all the other samples I've decided to integrate in the track ) will take some time I guess.

I guess I'm a turtle lovin' RenArt: slow ( have been carrying my "house" on my back for 6 years now ) ; will win the race ? It is not the issue here and turtles don't always win against bunnies but merit of taking on the challenge is something by itself.

This is why I feel we're Idealists, Frank :)



I really like all of the newer paintings you have been doing since you got home !!
hot shit!!

Lob -/\-

* * * * *

well, creativity, like shit, has to come out somewhere!
Btw, I am available to do album covers, etc... But so is Mikee!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, October 3, 2010

about reed college

(to RK:)

if your daughter wants freedom, reed may the way to go.
My story about reed, as I remember it... In the late eighties, [at the height of the political correctness] either their drama department or the disabled group had booked me. But some "feminists" heard about it and put pressure to cancel me, equating me with PLAYBOY [although my performances were too radical for the PLAYBOY CHANNEL] because of the nudity! Of course the group, being liberal, caved in!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Important info from POW!3 curators!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

hola ACTION Artists!

here's a few pieces of information for you about POW!3:

1) venue address
POW!POW!POW! will take place at Virachoca
998 valenica street san francisco ca

2) photos of space
attached are a few photos (very low quality!) of the performance space to give you an idea of where our festival will take place. there is a stage and various areas for installations. we are very excited about this performance space!

3) performance nights
here's the list of who will go when. we don't have the actual line up set yet, though we have made notes for some people which are included below.

Erika Hannes
Casey Droege & Christine Choi
Jake Myers
Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos
Lauren Barri Holstein

liz ess
Lula Chapman (at door)
michael namkung
Philip T. Nails & Elisabeth Millican
Sheryl-Ann Simpson
Michael Barrett

Erika Hannes
Guillermo Gomez Peña (MC)
Alyssa Lee & George Alley (open)
Eijane Janet Lin & Miao Jiaxin
Ginger Murray
Philip Huang
Rae Langes (after intermission)
Bernie Roddy
Pancho López (last - messy)

Erika Hannes
Guillermo Gomez Peña (MC)
Frank Moore (at door)
Havia Dara Sokolova
Jake Meyers
John Zibell
Keith Hennessy
Luke Homitsky
Leslie Baker (first piece of evening)
Philip T. Nails & Elisabeth Millican
Rebecca Cunningham
Allison Wyper

Erika Hannes
Guillermo Gomez Peña (MC)
David Lakein (open)
Theo Knox (first half )
gal*in_dog AKA Guillermo Galindo
Kimberly Bainum
Loren R Robertson & Brittney Fosbrook
Praba Pilar
Toma (after intermission)

4) online tickets
online tickets are on sale already. we are sure to sell out, so if you have friends who want to get tickets encourage them to buy them in advance. the tickets are $12 in advance online and $15 at the door.
here is the link:

5) promo materials
we are currently working on our press release and our postcards and posters. we will share this information with you in early september to distribute!

6) facebook + myspace
POW! doesn't have a "website," but we are on facebook and myspace. be sure to friend us so that we can all use these online networks as a way to promote our ACTION art!

7) agreements
if you haven't sent us your signed artist agreement for each performer in your piece please do so asap!

as always let us know if you have any questions.
-the POW!3 curators

* * * * *

Re: a big day! (Erika)

(Erika wrote:)

wonderful!!! sooooo great!!! fun!

Re: Colin Clayton commented on your status.

Colin Clayton commented on your status.

Colin wrote:
"great frank i bet that rasberry sorbet taisted good."

* * * * *

the best sorbet!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

RE: a big day! (Suzy)

(Frank wrote:)

we went to the doctor's today. She ok'd the start of the process of the removing of the trach .

But the big news.... On our walk back to the car, we stopped in at Mokka [the great Cafe where the guys got their coffee during my hospital stay... We kept saying just wait until I am eating again!] I suggested we could drop in there! I ate a bowl of raspberry sorbet! yum! I had no problem. First time eating in a restaurant since the hospitilization. It's a big day around here!

* * * * *

Congrats, Frank! This should do wonders for the Berkeley economy :-)

Xo Suzy

Susan M. Block, Ph.D.

Re: Fw: my ENT

Kerbavaz is a rare guy! He knows practically everything, enjoys life/people, and is available!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Thanks, Frank.

As the saying goes, you never know what you don't know.


* * * * *

and that is when to fake it!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: mmmm...

how about steak, don?!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

steak smoothies first!


* * * * *

is that a doctor's order? I did have a Reuben smoothie!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore