Tuesday, February 23, 2010



Barb Aura wrote on your Wall...

Barb posted something on your Wall and wrote:

Frank. I seem to remember seeing a 20 year old Siamese cat in your cozy
home. And since I don't have a ton of friends here yet, I thought I'd
pass this along to you: via Annie Sprinkle: Urgent! Juliet
Anderson/Carr passed away and her cats were her beloved babies. They're in
Oakland, Ca. and have to be placed by ...TOMORROW!
or they go to shelter. 2 brothers, tabbies, 7 years, healthy, and they
come with food. Indoor/outdoor. Permanent home or foster. Call
Chris-805-427-4223 HELP!"

* * * * *

can anyone give these cats a home?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Battle for Public Access Specials on B-TV

and the forthcoming fourth episode blows everything explicitly out of the bullshit Waters!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

LUVeR Specials on B-TV (Berkeley Public Access cable channel 28)

you can watch the show online at:

The Battle For Public Access
Pt. 1 - Carl Bryant
Tuesday, February 9 at 9pm
Wednesday, February 10 at 5:30pm
Friday, February 12 at 1pm

The Battle For Public Access
Pt. 2 - Carl Bryant
Tuesday, February 16 at 9pm
Wednesday, February 17 at 5:30pm
Friday, February 19 at 1pm

The Battle For Public Access
Pt. 3 - Tracy Rosenberg
Tuesday, February 23 at 9pm
Wednesday, February 24 at 5:30pm
Friday, February 26 at 1pm

our first 2010 performance!

Oh, another year has begun and another amazing performance starts it! A week ago I had to cancel THE SHAMAN’S DEN because I felt pale shitty physically. I wasn’t that hot this Saturday either. But I hate to cancel! So there I was, just drifting floating on the radiancy music of Tomek. Then people started coming in from their life quests, with their questions, their vague feelings that they had detoured from their childhood passions and hopes and joys. And they started asking! It got deep fast. Me, I was half-baked, running on fumes. But the performances are never about me! So everything read or muttered by me ignited insights in the people who stayed [I don’t know about the people who left]. They started running with these insights on their own! Most of them said they will start doing art that they had stopped doing. They will start because of what they have experienced in the performance. They came up with that on their own! Shit, can an artist ask any more before he admits success? Yes, I take the credit for the success even when I was half-baked and ran out of gas during the jam when everything that had been explored verbally /intellectually was becoming musical /physical. Hey, I am the star!


It was great to be extra early, knowing that we were down one person! Being early helped, but it also felt like it was just very easy to set up ... and we hustled! Everything was ready at 8pm, as the first people walked in ... a young couple, the woman wearing an SFSU nursing sweatshirt, and the guy wearing a middle eastern scarf ... Frank and Linda asked them to come on in and sit down ... and Frank was soon talking to them ... It wasn't long before the room was filled with people, coming in waves ... a big tall black guy arrived, an older white guy who said later that he had been to one of Frank's performances in SF, a young girl who was a student at CCAC, a young man who had brought his flute to jam ... a curly haired man came later and sat in the back ... then a woman joined him and they stayed for a short time, but left ... and then at some point we saw him come back again and stand in the back for a while ... Tomek was there, providing the great background soundtrack to the whole night ... A few people came in and didn't stay for more than a few minutes before getting up and leaving ... Michael Rosen, a veteran of our performances, came for a while, but left also! There was a young man with a mustache who came very late in the performance, and wasn't very communicative ... just smiled a lot and talked cryptically! Frank eventually said, "One of those, eh?" It seemed like there was always one of those that came to the performances ... they come late, and act a little loony, and they don't give Frank a straight answer! But this guy stayed until the end and even played in the jam that ended the performance ...

It was really amazing to see all the people that came, in a month where we thought the fliering was compromised by all the rain. On the contrary, most of the people came from seeing fliers!

So Frank talked with the first couple, the woman first ... why did she come? She said it looked like fun ... she had seen a listing somewhere online ... Frank asked what she did for fun? What we remember is her talking about playing this game that kid's play, called "Foursquare", with a big rubber ball. She gets friends to play it with her! At some point, she said she noticed Attaboy's toys over to the side, and said that they looked like fun ... Frank said that she could have one of them if she promised not to use it during the performance! Ok! She went and picked one out, a bubble "gun" ... a bazooka! She said they were going to have fun with that tonight! Frank said that at the very least then, if nothing else happens, she has that toy! Then he talked with her friend ... she had dragged him along, a surprise ... and they do that with each other ... "mystery nights". He is also a nursing student, and likes to draw, and to read, and Dungeons and Dragons ... Frank asked him what he likes to read, and he mentioned magic, philosophy, comparative religions ... You guys wondered if there was anything in the free stuff that fell into that category, and we thought that there was ... we remembered one book in particular, or perhaps a series by the same author, Michel Mery ... "Pyrexia" was one of the titles ... it was about magic, we thought ... maybe he found it! Frank said he should look through the free boxes, and pick some things out ... We saw him pick out several things ...
Then Frank was talking with the big black guy ... he had seen the flier on a pole outside a restaurant ... He said he didn't really know why he was at that restaurant, or why he happened to be standing next to this pole with this flier on it, so it all seemed to be somehow coincidental ... but the flier seemed to resonate with everything he had been reading lately ... Frank asked him what he has been reading? He said that it would probably fall into the New Age category ... books about living in the "now", and things like that ... After talking with him for a bit, Frank asked him what would he like Frank to do in the performance? He asked, what were the options? The parameters? Frank said, anything! But he couldn't really answer ... he said he didn't really know what was supposed to happen, what it was about ...? He asked Frank to tell him what Frank was trying to communicate/accomplish with the performances? Frank asked him to come up and read his latest two chapters from his novel ... He was willing, and he came up and read the two chapters, really well! Meanwhile, Frank asked the nursing student if she would undress Linda and Erika, and put the costumes on them? She was willing ...

The nonlinearity of Frank/Aurora did not seem to really catch him off guard, he just read right through it, and it seemed like everyone in the room was able to really take it in. We had the same experience as Linda described later, of wondering if this was all going to seem too personal to us for anyone to really get, since the last chapter especially was all about Jen leaving us ... But as it turned out, everyone seemed to get a great deal from it!

When he finished reading, Frank asked him if he could sum up what he got from the chapters? What we think he said was that the main thing he got from them was to live and act truthfully and simply, not being boxed in, living outside the boxes. But he wanted to know how to do this, how to live simply, to get out of your head, to stay true to yourself ... something along these lines ... Linda talked about how Frank always says, and it has been her experience that it is through relationships that she can keep that simplicity, and be truly "herself" ... that it is by staying focused on her relationship with Frank, that everything comes out of that ... he wondered what their relationship was? It was mates, and had been since 1975 ... He was really trying to get down what Frank was saying ... but he was talking in terms of a division between relationships and yourself ... Frank asked him what is "matter"? It is the relationship between two points ... the points don't have any real existence without their relationship to each other, which is the "matter". At some point he said he had just been reading something very much like this ... he asked Frank at one point, "Why am I here?" Frank said it was a good question, for him ... He asked Frank how he could hold onto this feeling he got from reading Frank's chapters and talking with him and Linda, when he leaves the performance that night ...? He seemed to want a kind of 1-2-3 for staying true to oneself, staying simple, not being boxed in ... Frank told him not to worry, he was already "infected"! Frank said that he was "in the groove", which was why he was experiencing this feeling of synchronicity ... Frank said to not worry, and be available!
When Frank talked to the young indian man who had come in with a backpack, it turned out that he had come to jam ... he had gotten the impression that this was to be a music jam ... Well, he was right! But it obviously didn't meet his pictures of what that would look like ... Frank said, "Get to work!" Frank and Linda invited him to join Tomek and jam ... but he didn't do it ... And yet he stayed for the entire performance. At the very end of the night, he did finally pull his flute out and played!

We think it was around this time that Frank asked the nursing student woman to use him to have fun ... She wanted to know what he meant? How? Frank said in any way ... This invitation seemed to totally stymie her ... she said the concept of using someone to have fun was foreign to her ... she couldn't think of what to do ... It was one of those uncomfortable moments! Then Frank asked the same of her partner ... but he couldn't think of what to do either ... he said that he would be interested in going further into something that had come up earlier, which was channeling ... The big black guy had brought that up ... it was one of the kinds of things he had been reading ... and Frank said that he had done that "gig", and he and Linda described the channeling at the commune and afterward ... So now, the partner was interested in going into that further ... Frank said, "Haven't I been doing that?" He said yes ... and he talked about how he has been feeling like he has been getting information and inspiration in that way, but something along the lines of wanting to be more open to that ... Frank invited him up to read, The Magical Act of Doing, which he already had picked up a copy of ...

He read the whole piece, which was always really neat to hear, and the core group stayed ... Afterward, Frank asked him to talk about it, and he spoke about how it resonated with a lot of things that he has been thinking about recently, especially the feeling that he has been unable to really just let go and do his art ... how he used to just sit and draw without worrying about what it was going to be, how it was going to look, what others might think ... and he felt that Frank's piece was reconnecting him with that experience ... Frank said, "wow ..." It was amazing to hear the effect of the piece ... And she said that one, it was amazing to see him read out loud ... apparently, it was not something that he normally did! So that was the first thing she said ... But she also talked about her own experience of moving into adulthood, and basically feeling the loss of innocent creativity ... she talked about a friend of hers who had always inspired her ... she aspired to the level of creativity that her friend had, in her writing especially ... and she talked about she recently mentioned that to her friend, who is now in art school, studying graphic design, but who is doing much less art than she ever did before, and there was the feeling that it had been dampened, or was harder to access ... She herself had not chosen an "artistic" path, but felt the same desire to have a connection to the freedom and creativity and exploration of the past ... and while he was reading, she had just picked up her notepad and started doodling, something she had not done in a long time, and it felt really good ... it felt like something had opened up ...
Frank invited her to come up and read a few of his poems ... "Creativity is like shitting" and "I Came To Play". She really enjoyed reading them, and Frank asked her, "Now wasn't that fun?" She said yes it was! "See how easy that was?"

At some point around this time, Frank asked the girl from CCAC to talk about her experience of the performance ... She said that she really enjoyed it, and that it made her feel that she does not have to have a reason to do art ... she can just do it, not for any purpose, but just to do it ... and it made her feel more free ...

Now, we can't remember how it happened, but Frank asked someone to join Tomek, to jam with him ... we think it was the nursing student guy ... and then she joined him, playing the drums ... the young guy pulled out his flute and started playing ... the big guy picked up the toy xylaphone ... and Frank invited the CCAC girl to come up and sing with him, which obviously put her through it! But she got up there and did it! It was amazing to see everyone up there jamming, and the energy lifted ... it was a kind of release, an active expression of the things that they had been talking about all night ... and it felt like they were just getting started when Frank said "the end". Frank was under the weather, but he never cancelled a performance, and this was why! It really only ended 15 minutes early. Another amazing performance!

People filed out, and took stuff from the free table ... we started packing things up, dismantling, talking about the performance with Tomek ... You guys soon were ready and headed out to get Frank home. We finished packing everything up and swept up, shut everything down and locked up! Then we caravanned home, talking about the performance ... we really felt what Linda had said right after the performance ... how the act of staying vs. leaving really was responsible for how the performance went ... the fact that the core group of people stayed for the whole performance seemed to mold the performance around them, and made it very fulfilling and transformative ... And the way that Frank always "stays", no matter how things "appear" ... makes everything possible ...

We got to the space early and unloaded the stuff from the two cars. It worked really well to take all the stuff in the two cars. Soon Alexi was putting up back drops and Christmas lights and Corey was doing the front table set up. I put down the mats and the blankets and then set up the jewelry. Linda set up the toy instruments and Mikee was doing the tech set up. Just before 8:00 people started showing up. First there was a couple who were both studying to be nurses. They had come because the woman had seen a posting for the performance and he came along with her. It sounded like they took turns taking each other to mystery places. They really enjoyed picking out toys from the spread of toys from Attaboy. Many of the people who came tonight had seen flyers up and one person said that she had been seeing them for a year and finally made it.

Frank went around and asked people how they had heard about the performance and what they each did or did for fun. There were the two nursing students, a guy who had been reading a lot of mysticism stuff, a woman who was an art student, a guy who brought his flute and a guy who had seen one of Frank's performances about five years ago. One of the guys was very interested in learning about how life works. He said that he had been doing a lot of reading lately. He wanted to know where Frank got his information from and Frank said "From Life." He went up to the front with Frank and read the last two chapters of Frank's novel and Tomek was playing amazing music behind him. He did a great job reading Frank's novel. Frank asked him afterwards if that answered his questions and he said yes, that what he got from it was to not live in boxes but to live life in freedom without limits. He said he was grasping it but that he wanted to know concretely what to do when he left the performance to stay on that track. Linda talked about how relationships are the most important thing, that the "other" is not separate from yourself and that what life is all about is your relationship and focusing on the daily aspects of life and enjoying being together. Frank talked about what happens between two points (people) and that there really aren't two points. It is really all about what happens between them. You are mirrored in the other. The man said that he was starting to get it but that he did not want to loose what he was understanding after he left the performance and Frank pointed to the warning sign and that he did not need to worry. The changes would continue to affect him. Frank and Linda talked about following life, seeing opportunities and following those opportunities rather than having pictures about how you think things should be. If you do that you miss a lot of opportunities. If you follow the opportunities everything opens up. Frank is really good at recognizing and seizing opportunities.

There was another guy who came up and read The Magical Act of Doing. He was in nursing school and often stopped himself from doing art because he thought he wasn't as good as he was in the past. There was always something in him that was stopping him. After he read the Magical Act of Doing he said that things felt like they were changing within him about just doing it and not stopping himself or having pictures about the value of what he was doing. He said that he had been thinking a lot about that lately and it was really amazing that it was all coming up this way tonight, that Frank had asked him to read about exactly what was up for him. The woman he came with could also relate to this and said that she had freely done art when she was a kid and then stopped somewhere along the way. She said that that had also been the experience of a close friend of hers. Again there was something in her that stopped her from just making art. During the performance she got her notebook out and started drawing. There was another woman who was an art student who had also been thinking about the importance of just making art even if nobody ever saw it. Wow, it was amazing how people were articulating how they got Frank's writings and what Frank and Linda were talking about. They were all blown away by how they had been thinking about these things lately and now they were coming up tonight. They were hungry for a deeper understanding.

Tomek was grinding away at the music during the night and was for most of the time the only musician playing. There was a guy who came with his flute to jam but when Frank told him to get working he did not go up until the end when others went up too. In the end several people joined in with Tomek and started jamming. Everyone there seemed to come hungry for some deeper understanding and really enjoyed playing with Frank through reading his writings. The one woman who was a nursing student undressed Erika and Linda and put them in costumes but when Frank invited her to do anything with him that she wanted to do to play with him she said that she did not know what he meant or what to do. Then she came up and read a couple of Frank's poems, "Creativity is like Shitting", and "I came to play," and then got up to play music with everyone. After she read the poems she said that it was easier than she thought to come up and have fun with Frank. It was neat to see how her face had changed, melted, relaxed during the evening, and how people concretely were taking in what Frank had to say and allowing it to change them. The people who came to the performance were ready for intimate cozy conversations about how to live life and to create art to open up possibilities. Frank showed up even though he was under the weather, never cancels a performance and so much happened! We never know what is going to happen and we always go on a magical journey. Tomek said that he always has an amazing time at the performances, they are always great! Throughout the night I felt how crazy it was that Jen had left all this, all of us, this amazing life.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Fw: pictures of Betty's new hairdo! II

(Erika wrote:)

I read to Betty what Frank wrote when he sent out the photos and she laughed and laughed and loved it!!

* * * * *

what a Broad!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Monday, February 22, 2010

Tuesday, 2.2.10, on The Talking Stick on http://www.luver.com

Tuesday, 2.2.10, at 2pm Pacific Time/11am Eastern Time on LUVeR - Love Underground Visionary Revolution, http://www.luver.com, The Talking Stick presented:

Milton Kerr cds:

“Dysfunction Junction”
“Time Thief”
“No Lyrics for the Keyboards”
and “Agents of Inaction”

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fw: pictures of Betty's new hairdo!

who is this sexy Broad? Oh, it is Betty! The chick nextdoor who gives pearls, beads and jewelry to Linda and Erika to wear at the performances!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Ah, well! You explain people to me! Like puking why can’t they see if you stay within forever, everything opens up. But if you leave, it closes everything? Butter and bread basics! The sleazo boyfriend of music heard about fairy-tales. Can we have done well during recessions? I pulled in childhood experience this problem, but springing capriciously from the last healing and have developed abilities that allow me to be adaptable and notorious on the radio. We both were living together at a giddy speed.. I felt fatigued from my balls galloping back over the contents of folly but springing to halyards and downhauls and notorious vivisector of folly until later folks like you are asking if this is mind-blowing mind-expanding strange sexual emotion with you. Stay within skins of creating of living true enough. Who could keep listening and smiling? Ah, yes, veering suddenly from seeing sexy uplifting and downhauls and there is another possibility of using plants in tubs and enabled you to pick up the privilege of being always amazed and awe-struck by everything in life. But that is corny! You have to push on, leaving Venice and people getting in your way! Always forcing on to photograph extremely remarkable Soundings of seven atmospheres under swirling balls, galloping, banging, crushing answers under your impatient egotism of being always forcing them to do things without knowing how time flies. Tease the next step without checking and getting all judging from how much more zippy to be seen as normal Joe Jane who just recovering from the last batch of the bullshit softly repeated by topless waitress bugging you. Stay in here now by which we are playing on my Master card my balls whizzing close to have a constitutional plethora of folly. But you will not stay, will not engage.

You are leave-taking, eh? Good luck and good shit! I am a plant, a redwood, rooted.. Everything, everybody evidently comes to me. Like that always motivated me to be radical, rooted. Everything opens up. Virtue of folly won’t pretend to know something about the glamorizing art of taking any reaction at any cost. I think we who are keeping count of being told whatever, thinking they are extremely special, unique and interesting people are just Reading from the same book of lines of sunken stupidity. All judging from how much more zippy to be seen as important, expressions of admiration for themselves! If somebody tells you she just have to be honest, be prepared for nothing but hurting bullshit, so embarrassing you wonder how she has the nerve to admit that she is capable of thinking so shitting ugly, much less saying it out loud! And here is the kicker! She always actually expects you to try to convince her that her evasion of reality, her disloyalty to all parts of the relationship, and her asshole thinking it’s her brain is somehow slightly mistaken… As if she really expected to be convinced . She doesn’t! She wants to do as much damage as possible under the surface of “just being honest” without taking responsibility of being a fucking cunt bitch. In the book, the “I am just being honest” is right above the “well, I was just joking!” they have the same tag line of “what is your problem… Too sensitive, aren’t you!?” And then she cuts your balls off or sewing your pussy up, before she bails for good… If you are lucky!

I don’t know how big the book they all read from. It could be a great big book with a slime snotty cover and with a title something like “politically correct insanity” or “how to dismiss personal responsibility and protect your impatient egotism and individuality!” Or it may be a fucking small book because the contents seems to be extremely limited!

Bodily feelings and India-rubber clothing and the snakes win! My bet, mademoiselle Noemie, has been crazy! Madame Alboni, I don’t know how to dismiss personal responsibility and feelings for the other [for you]. Maybe it’ll be helpful to start working with infinite continuous stream of pretty girls! I have always gone here! Now by what strange trick of shamanism I am here to-night with you? Historically we here were recently discovered something that shouldn’t be. Extremely disagreeable things happened. But they lacked perspective and feelings for good reason. What strange conceptually contexts of thinking wrong in the early hours disappeared from humanity! Still startled me! I totally missed something! Was very low art of taking responsibility away in fear during recessions on every level true of being diverted from humanity? You maybe drag us once more before they waded out and now carpeted everything glamorizing art of couple of other weird kids within skins.

Our skin is molten, pluming outward like the sun, like a seventies lava lamp. Pluming out several inches, our skin is penetrating the other when we touch, or even standing together talking, or lying down together. This penetrating dance goes on all the time all the way beyond taboos. Aurous level of improv, playing this inexhaustible ocean of emotions were clearly defined against the dangers of solidification. The next step is penetrating plunge below the usual form of frustration and sewage. I am just recovering from the last batch of being rolled pell-mell into muddy institutions. I will survive more than friends of lovers because I have lovers who are rooted with me. Ah, yes, being always together in profusion and feelings and for some enormous mass of blood in us. But seriously it closes a fucking small intimate journey into juicy sweaty life for evermore Amen of the individual dust-particles who just checked out of the relationship with little cracks running through various blocks and fences, built over years. Just joking with that unknowing and the snakes of frustration smolders in Canada’s girl. What a waste! Juana, explain people to me! Like that always actually blows my mind! How people tend to weaken what they have. It is not anger inducing. It just a sad puzzler! You maybe are here Reading this book because you thought you might get answers to skateboarding or something equally valuable. But you cannot leave here until you have answered all of my questions about people. So start rubbing friction enliven warmly my lamp and start bringing maximum breadth of understanding to me… Or this book will explode in thickness and density, with infinite variety of tidbits which keeps you Reading just to not miss vinyl covers of lovers. Start rubbing!

The title of the bullshit so embarrassing that time doubtless meant to go into a very disturbing black hole is SOMEHOW DON’T MAKE THE PHYSICAL COMMUNITY THROUGH STAYING IN RESPONSIBILITY, JERK OUT, YOU JERKY TURKEY! Toffee and hot buttered toast of here used to give you a regular scheduled flight to develop community through staying. Obviously this is erasing the relationship together. This inexhaustible family will survive! But what has happened? Ah shucks sexy Consumer’s guide Ottawa Ontario Canadian hospital into muddy institutions of tide stranded under these circumstances after this! Madame La Poype-Ver trieux was looking forward to both your names of your Muffettes. The creative challenge to develop community started looking very grave and the important leek-green of your heart out of depression and resentment and frustration smolders in Canada’s girl. What did you jerky turkey expect? So embarrassing! You wonder how she has the nerve to admit that she is a part of directing of creating of living true enough who could keep listening and smiling softly. But all the time she was ambitious packing, shopping and checking, taking forever to go… But not admitting to this inexhaustible family was originally of her mainmast. Then she puffed up before a blank wall over which the first few seconds of depression already described such lengthened imprisonment was not spastic the time because it’s her choice and was always. Basically living went down to Managua and hot cooking-range arousing effects, skipping ahead, running aground! Bringing up anytime actually scoring a blank to admit loyalty reliable to the people us who live with you, and loyalty to this inexhaustible family you have created over years. Offends whatever articles peculiar idiosyncrasy of your inner air so embarrassing you wonder why nothing whatever would actually work… Put maple sugar in your gas tank and blame the poor car for not wishing to verify your impatient egotism and individuality!

I know how the car feels! I love. But I don’t have much use for empty love. It’s cotton candy. Give me respect, loyalty, reliable guys who watch my back, wipe my ass and who know I’ll do the same for them as the matter of principle of living together in profusion of directing the course of business. It’s personal! People don’t get that life is personal. It ain’t a learning process, ain’t smart choices, ain’t abstract. It is getting dirty with the people who you are lucky to be with. It’s taking care of one another, merging, enjoying one another. Hey, the bed I sleep in probably will be my death bed… If it doesn’t break, if the house don’t burn down, if everybody dies before me! Ok, I don’t really know! But I live as if the bed I sleep in probably will be my death bed. Hence people feel I actually enjoyed living with them. I love our life together! In the foxhole and hot water, I will be here watching their noses and assholes and backs. They’re my family. That’s very concrete. Not wishing abstract reasoning! I could go, could be hitting that trail! But why? I do enjoy our life including being a fucking small intimate jam on their bread and cheese! I do enjoy seeing their noses!

I actually interviewed Anna for inspiring me! Ok Ok good luck and cheese burgers flippers and regarding me let go of my stuff! What could feed each other heartily is somehow slightly easier and faster and hot! Shit, real sex shoot with you I am excited about having you! I am staying obviously. This is mind-blowing! Being dumb regularity about having you! Guys, do you feel the same? Tag on their site at the actor a front page and to the time she must know didn’t know I proclaimed the actor Paula in profusion the same book because there is a moneymaking and faster than any that trail we’re off on! Justice, intimacy, joy and happiness are our own underground club! Both my mother and son didn’t attend to anything I asked! When you get old, people tend to die around you more and more! Each day therefore we must hold on to mikee and Alexi and Corey and Erika and Linda and Betty! Kittee and Cookie demanded that! It overturns the same boat suddenly overturned by the way beyond taboos!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: love


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

To you too! —Kirk

* * * * *

shucks, Kirk!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll on LUVeR! (1/28/10)

Aired January 28, 2009 at 4pm pacific on http://www.luver.com

tape #91
59 minutes

hosts: Tim, Jeff & Ruth
guests: Eugene from Whipping Boy, Napalm

Side one
1. Sado Nation "We Not Equals"

from Midwest:
2. Rapid Vapid
3. Negative Element "Dough Boy"
4. Jerry’s Kidz "Designer Dork"
5. Jerry’s Kidz "Mass Production"

from England:
6. Anti-Social "Sewer Rat"
7. The Satellites "Newtbly War"
8. Chaos UK "Fashion Change"
9. Social Disease "World at Ransom"
10. Guest: Eugene from Whipping Boy
11. Whipping Boy "America Must Die"
12. talking to Eugene
13. Whipping Boy "Roach Motel"
14. Napalm (from Germany)
15. Guests: Napalm (interviewed by Dave from Millions of Dead Cops)

Side two
1. interview continues
2. another song by Napalm

from Germany:
3. Massacre
4. Coma Combo
5. Out of Order "World War III"
6. E605

from East Coast:
7. The Queers "We’d Have A Riot Doing Heroin"
8. Double O "There’s No Reasoning"
9. Strip Search "Hey Kid"
10. SSD Control "Force Down Your Throat"
11. Urban Waste "Public Opinion"
12. Why Die "Out for Blood"
13. Adrenaline OD "Trans Am"
14. Kaos (from Finland)

Download the show from the LUVeR show page:

RE: Reality Playings October 2009 page is up! (Art)

(Art wrote:)

Nice grouplay, Frank!

* * * * *

yep, Art... We do it every month!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Memorial for Lawrence Halprin

Thank you very much, Frank


Anna Halprin


* * * * *

and thank you, Anna, for inspiring me! And for giving me techniques such as scoring a performance which I use to this day. Also giving me hope that it is possible to develop community through art.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Oscar Cano commented on a photo of you on Facebook...

Oscar commented on a photo of you:

"It looks like a dream, like a vision where anything can be real."

New Feature: Reply to this email to comment on this photo.

To see the comment thread, follow the link below:


The Facebook Team

* * * * *

ah, yes! The title of the cable TV version of my show is UNLIMITED

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Memorial for Lawrence Halprin





To make a contribution to the Halprin Oral History project you may send a fully tax-deductable contribution to The Cultural Landscape Foundation, 1909 Que Street, NW 2nd Floor, Washington, DC 20009
To learn more about TCLF goto www.tclf.org For a preview of clips from the Larry Halprin oral history project go to www.youtube.com/tclfsteward

* * * * *

in 1970, I was just a disabled college student in San bernardino . For some reason I was reading books about experimental theater. It would be years before I would actually perform and direct. The RSVP cycles; creative processes in the human environment by Lawrence Halprin was one of the books I read at that time . it was about the creative process that he and his choreographer wife Anna developed... And really philosophical principles of how to use art /movement in physical space to activate real effect on the social reality. It was one of the books that changed /shaped my life and work!

In the eighties I actually interviewed Anna!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

I Don't Usually Do This - But....

(Louise Scott wrote:)
This is especiallly poignant since my oldest and dear friend, Midge, died yesterday. How precious we all are.

May the circle be unbroken....XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

* * * * *

Send it to a minimum of 3 people... Not before you read below you realize:

Who matters,
Who never did,
Who won't anymore....
And who always will.
So, don't worry about people from your past,
There's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.
Give these flowers to everyone you don't want to lose in 2010
Including me, if that's what is in your heart.
Try to collect 5; it's not easy!

* * * * *

ah, Louise, we did have fun living all together in the three room apartment in Santa Fe... You, Midge, Helen, Nevada, Steve, Denise, davidy, and me... And sometimes even more. Little money, but a shit full of love and good times!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: Reality Playings October 2009 page is up!

(Erika wrote:)

Beautiful photos! Really fun to see them!

RE: L'idéaliste II

(Frank wrote:)

can't wait to hear it, Rafael!

and, like my poem said, CREATING IS LIKE SHITTING! Shitting is an addiction. But if you don't shit, you will explode! So shitting is not a waste of time! Thus almost everybody shits!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

(Rafael-alexandre Ramos:)


I'll remember that Frank :)

Creating is a natural need indeed :)

RE: L'idéaliste

Hey Frank,

It's been a while since I have not got back to you regarding the track.

Well, the remix is 50 % done: voices are not done yet, but drums are finished and the other instruments almost done.

It will sound a tiny bit different, but the structure's is the same, quality will be improved ( as I'm improving my editing and mastering techniques ), and the speech will be delivered differently with regards to time and space in the track.

I'm probably up 3 month working on it, and am planning it will take me another 2 to have it perfect the way I wan't ( even though I'll have to rerecord it with good funding ( I.E real drums, a good bass and guitar instrument, some one on the keys instead of sampling the keys, etc... ) and perhaps, record it in a band format, who knows...

Finally, your last mail about art survey's has got me thinking for a while, and I'm still not sure of what I should believe art is.

Yet, you made me realize something and I thank you for that: although I knew about it, it hit me so hard this time:

whatever I'm doing as creation ( referring to l'idéaliste and the rest of what I do ), art or not art, I'm addict to it.

And I might wasting my life with that, somewhat, but I believe my life would have been a wast without it.

I'm really exited about you hearing the new version of "L'idéalist", Frank :)

With passion,


* * * * *

can't wait to hear it, Rafael!

and, like my poem said, CREATING IS LIKE SHITTING! Shitting is an addiction. But if you don't shit, you will explode! So shitting is not a waste of time! Thus almost everybody shits!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Frank moore!

hey frank moore, this is your young fan from Massachusetts that contacted you several years ago about the it just makes sense party. i like luver.com alot and your youtube videos are excellent! i, having been detached from your media for awhile, have found myself discovering that i have the same opinions as you when it comes to art and capitalism. i have a new youtube channel, its called doyoulikeboring. all the videos are improvisation. i am doing a sketch comedy show in the summer and will probably film it, and i like making videos a lot. perhaps i can make some videos for your media channel? and i have a band too, we are called Silly! i also became president of my class. this is something i think i read or heard you did in collage and almost won. i did win, and in my speech i said "i am going to say something non of the other candidates said, i love you!" and the class was touched enough to vote me in. i thought you would appreciate thatstory.

in peace, love, and justice
Aaron Ingemi

* * * * *

hi, Aaron! I indeed remember you! Of course I do!

I just checked your videos out. They are great! I remember when you and your companions did a video about Frank Moore the candidate!

I would show your videos on my cable show. But they are "edgy." so we should wait until you are eighteen.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Just received this email a second after I sent you mine :)

Les astres doivent êtres alignés: how inspiring ! :D


* * * * *

yes, indeed!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Reality Playings October 2009 page is up!


Re: Ciao, ciao cinema II

Buenos Aires

Querido Frank

First of all my profuse excuse-me for the late response to your immediate answer to my new year's mail. Not really astonishing, but nerve-wracking nevertheless: as soon as I had sent out my decision to change my life, my computer started to act up too. It just returned from the doctor...

"Passions don’t burn out"

Passions not, but the objects of your passion. Once you realize that the woman you desire so much, just isn't interested in climbing into bed with you, you can try a little harder, look for a different approach, a hidden door. But then there comes a point where you have to admit that she simply ain't conquerable. Once you have reached that point the choice is to suffer romantically for the rest of your life.... or to let go of her and find a new love amongst the billions of other beauties this planet has to offer.
Many of us waste their whole lives staying obsessed with this one they can't get. I try not to make that mistake.

11 years have passed since my last feature, the good old Wedding Cow. My latest project "Monogamy?" is now the third bigger film that doesn't find its financing. The important Swiss production company C-Films was sure that we would run in open doors with this project. They submitted it for development money to Swiss TV, government and the two cities Zürich & Basel. They received 4 answers... 4 very definite NOs. Sure, in half a year we could reapply, to likely receive further rejections in 3/4 of a year from now. 11 years of this is more than enough. When someone asks me: "And you, what do you do?" To say I'm a director feels like a total fraud. Directors direct...

We filmmakers are like sperms within a woman. We're far too many fighting to impregnate that same egg. Most of us will die without reaching our destination, completing our mission....

Being in Argentina complicates matters further. For the Argentineans I'm the rich Swiss, definitely not one of them, definitely not someone who's project needs their financial support - and for the Swiss I have left long ago, I'm no longer one of them... and so not worthy to be subsidized either.

"Kill yourself…"

During the past months I felt more and more depressed and bitter. The only solution seemed to kill myself... or then to change radically. But a change for what? I haven't got the faintest idea.

I feel like I just jumping out of a plane without a parachute. But once the airplane is on fire this might as well be the only solution. For the time being I'm in the liberating free fall. But soon the ground will rush nearer and nearer... Will I come up with an alternative before I shatter on the floor?

"or stop using
glamor, hype,
romantic drug
to rush above
everyday reality"

My body... or is it my brain... has grown tired of the drug it's used to use, grown resistant, maybe even allergic. And so I need to find a new drug.


From the Heart



Tomi Streiff

* * * * *

well, I always figure out how to do what I want to do with what I have. This may take years sometimes. But I always do what I want. This is a part of directing, of creating, of living. True, I don't try to do things "the right way. " I just do!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

This week on Maximum Rock N Roll on LUVeR! (1/21/10)

Aired January 21, 2010 at 4pm pacific on http://www.luver.com

tape #90
59 minutes
hosts: Tim, Jeff & Ruth

Side one
1. Divine Right "Riot Act"

from East Coast:
2. The Betrayed "Self-Oppression"
3. ism "I Think I Love You"
4. Fat Head Suburbia "The Masses"
5. Why Die "Rizzo’s Coming Back to Philadelphia"
6. Adrenaline O.D. "Old People Talk Loud"
7. No Thanks "Office Jerk"
8. Armed Citizens "Thrill of it All"

from England:
9. The Accursed "Hit Side"
10. Major Accident "That’s You"
11. The Mob "Another Day, Another Death"

from California:
12. Slaughterhouse "Palestinian Massacre"
13. The Hated "2:02 a.m."
14. Think Tank "Mouse that Roared"
15. Legal Weapon "Ice Age"

from Holland:
16. Riot "Wart"

17. Talking about the war in Nicaragua

Side two
1. Talk about Nicaragua continues

2. Plasticland "Driving Accident Prone"
3. The Del Fuegos "I Always Call Her Back"
4. The Chesterfield Kings "The Dark Corner"
5. The Barracudas "Eleventh Hour"

from U.K.:
6. Screwdriver "I Don’t Like You"
7. Roof Wrecks "Capital Letters"
8. The Outcasts "Beating & Screaming Part 2"
9. The Vibrators "Watch Out Baby"

10. The Young Lions "Young America"

Download the show from the LUVeR show page:

Subscribe to the podcast:

Get past shows here:

Saturday, February 13, 2010


www.LUVeR.com was born on February 14, 1999.

on Sunday LUVeR turns 11!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday on the Shaman's Den

we are outing at least one of those who rip down all fliers, including ours, in Berkeley. It's a part of the documentary Max is making. He already has footage of the dude talking about me as he rips our flier down!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Frank Moore's Shaman's Den
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Max Good, Director

To tune into this live, video show, go to http://www.luver.com/listen.html
and click on "watch here".

Show starts at 8pm Pacific Time

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Re: hey, ruth! II

(Ruth Spivak wrote:)

Thank you, Frank for going, for representing us, and for sending me the Fallow's article.

We, who had him as a teacher, knew his value. I cherish his life and his positive changes to mine.

* * * * *

at least I tried!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


January-February 2010

you can watch the show online at:

433. The Family Curse / The Family Curse videos "That Heartbeat" & "To The Moon" / Michael Cosma "Triax" (Sons of Skip Skiffington) (pt.3) / Vladislav Delay "Toive" / Seth Faergolzia "Freedom"
Monday, January 25, 11pm
Thursday, January 28, 11pm
Friday night/Saturday morning, January 30, 3am
Saturday, January 30, midnight

434. Tracy Rosenberg (Media Alliance) / "Birth Of The Sons" Sons of Skip Skiffington interview
Monday, February 1, 11pm
Thursday, February 4, 11pm
Friday night/Saturday morning, February 6, 3am
Saturday, February 6, midnight

435. Shelley Doty 8.16.09 / Dufus videos "Tutu" & "Dufus"
Monday, February 8, 11pm
Thursday, February 11, 11pm
Friday night/Saturday morning, February 13, 3am
Saturday, February 13, midnight

436. “Reality Playings” 10/24/09 Temescal Arts Center Pt. 1 /Claire Fisher Director / Dufus "Wrinkle" & "Fire" / Uncle Fucker / Simavi "To The Ends Of The Earth"
Monday, February 15, 11pm
Thursday, February 18, 11pm
Friday night/Saturday morning, February 20, 3am
Saturday, February 20, midnight

437. “Reality Playings” 10/24/09 Temescal Arts Center Pt. 2 / Ethnic Dance, Carnaval Aztec (from Steve Jacobson) / 3 Laurier Tiernan videos "You Will Die As You Have Lived", "End Of The World", "Epiphany" / Brother Joscephus & The Love Revival Revolution Orchestra
Monday, February 22, 11pm
Thursday, February 25, 11pm
Friday night/Saturday morning, February 27, 3am
Saturday, February 27, midnight