Tuesday, October 27, 2009

this is amazing, nicki!

Intimacy with self, others and life (spirit)

It is good to read the notes from the evening – an evening that brought me back, encouraged and reminded me of my inherent playfulness, curiosity and hunger for deep experiences and connection with people. It shifted something deep inside and encouraged me to be myself.

At first when I arrived I didn’t know what to expect – wondered what was going on when I saw a couple people on the ground, Frank and Linda upfront. I was wondering if the night had been canceled as I expected some playful interactions. No one had given me any instructions coming in and I tried to get an idea of what was going on. Of course also several of my own “judgments” were churning in my mind: Is this going to be boring? Is this just a talk? I came to play and participate and sure enough that happened once Frank addressed me and drew me in. He asked me to show what I do? Hmm what should I show: part of my work as an Expressive Arts Therapist/Psychotherapist – my own art as a storyteller/mover – hmmm? Poetry? Painter? What do I do?

The pieces I read spoke to me not only on a personal level and the questions I have asked myself and the blocks I have been perceiving but also because they spoke to some of my initial thoughts when I came in “I was disappointed at the beginning that there were not more people and not more action.” It is so interesting to see my own responses, thoughts, feelings and sensations before, during, and after in response to Frank’s invitations, to the whole evening and then reading other’s perceptions, experiences and description of the evening.

The more I’m sitting with it, I’m feeling the sense of intimacy that was created that night and is continued through the writings….. my inhibitions/judgments stripped away as the evening progressed …..when I was reading and the others playfully touched each other – two things were going on for me “thank god I‘m not part of the touching right now and oh I wish I was part of the touching and hmmm staying focused on the reading while I want to watch…..” sometimes I managed both watching and reading……and was inspired and mostly happy to be in the role I was that evening.

I liked that Frank continued asking questions when I gave answers… I felt his genuine interest that allowed me not to be just abstract and evasive….. I also liked that he really challenged us to make choices….. as when he kept asking the woman who did not want to take her clothes off whether the other kept their clothes on.

I was asking myself – hmmm do I really want to take my clothes off? Am I just doing it to be cool? To show I can do it? Or do I really want to experience what it feels like? I decided I wanted to find out how I would feel so I said yes. It felt natural, I felt a little aroused but mainly just comfortable and natural. A day later I was reflecting – a little shy to tell some friends at first about my experience which is unusual but finally I shared and then more questions came up for me. Some thoughts were already present while all was happening. Here there are several men dressed in the room, behind the cameras, the keyboard etc. –not getting undressed- frank not getting undressed (and yes him sharing he would be naked if he weren’t’ under the weather again seemed authentic) – isn’t that what always happens? Patriarchial society…. Me exhibitionist? Liking to be seen naked?

Yet Franks comment that he doesn’t do things casually socially invited me in further …. In the distance of the experience a little more discomfort while it felt so natural while being in it…… is he just getting off at others nudity? And if so what is my part in choosing to get undressed? Is it about being edgy? Will it always be like that? Is it just about being erotic? Physically naked? Being different? Being rebellious? Are they being comfortable in what they have created? And then isn’t it in the end the same as what happens when we become just familiar and comfortable and loose the curiosity of the moment? If it that way I’m not interested and so far I’m curious to see what happens next time I come or during the “private performance.”

The sense I took with me and also enhanced through these writings – thanks for sending them to me! Is that of intimacy and being with the experience and getting to know or rather experience oneself and being naked with oneself and others and accepting oneself for who we are, i.e. being in the truth of what/ who we are in this very moment of our experience. That’s what I have taken with me – thank you very much! Nicki

* * * * *

this is a wonderful gift to give to any artist... Such a deep report of your inner personal journey into the performance. It keeps the performance going.

I never do anything to be "edgy," or whatever. What I am after is what you described below beautifully. The performance is continuing!

The performance is a dream. It is hard to describe a dream to someone. It tends to melt in the telling. I wrote this warning sign because people were getting freaked out days after the performances because of this.



it was on the wall behind Linda and I.

I am looking forward to playing with you in the unknown in our private performance!


I came to play!
Came to the table
to play
I don’t care what I have
to do
to get a seat
at the table

I play every hand
dealt to me
not really caring about
winning or losing
or about skill…
just playing hands
to stay in the game

Yes, I am a dangerous player,
keep on playing

I came to play!
Came to bed
not to fuck you
to melt with you enjoying
mutual surrender
washing pleasure
swept away into oneness
exploring skin from the inside,
beyond time,
beyond self,
into the fun of being
into exploring
the furry cozy sweating love
that can’t be confined to the bed,
but claims the whole life
as its playpen

I came to play
to mix things up
to see what unexpected
will appear,
to jam
with playmates,
to lose ourselves
within one another,
within the playing,
the dancing,
the touching,
the music…
into listening
and melting

I came to play…
playing life the best way I can…
always playing against the house,
against the odds…
not a smart player…
never in competition…
just keep my eye
on the ball,
on each hand,
on following
the every move
of Lady Luck

I came to play…
often in the lonely fields
beyond taboo,
breaking thru THE WALL
to new possibilities…
but I am a team player…
always looking for playmates
to get muddy or sweaty with…
truth be told…
playing with myself
for myself
has never been fun,
` only lonely

I came to play
with colors, noises, realities, bodies, words, characters, limits, dreams, images,
life, death, symbols, magic…
and with you

I came to play
and I’m a dangerous player
because I don’t play
for money,
or from anger,
or to win…
so I can’t lose
can’t be beaten!

I came to play
to play
just for fun
….just to change everything!

I came to play…
after all…
I want to play with you…
we are mammals,
after all!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Oh well, I am writing this the night after Saturday’s performance. So I am doing reasonably well. There is such a thing as pre- performance syndrome [P.P.S.]. Often before a performance I start feeling funky physically. This usually fades either during or after the performance. Before the show on Saturday, I had a somewhat intense pps. We have developed a theory that the pps forces the performance to be slower and deeper. This was true Saturday. And the symptoms of pps have disappeared today… leaving this intense head /face sinus ache… apparently not a part of pps, but a seasonal curse! Darn! But I am able to write this, so…

Pps did combine well with having a core group of Linda, Mikee, Jen, Erika, DA BOYZ, Kene-J on music, Unrulee and Nellie as experienced regular players of the series. All of this created a soft dreaminess into which the people who came….. and especially someone like Nicki, a practical playing enjoyer of life… can jump lustily into. All of this makes exploring playing, art, healing, erotic freedom, intimacy, and so on happen in new ways easy… or at least in a trance of fever within which not going all the way [whatever that means] just seems silly!

And Martha… you were here/there!

Now it may be time for my meds! So if you will excuse me…


We got everything set up for last nights "Reality Playings," the backdrops, the lights, the display of jewelry (costumes) and at 8:00 pm there was one person there. Frank had been under the weather all week but did not want to cancel the performance. Linda said that his will is too strong! Frank said that we would wait for 15 minutes. We had documented the set up on camera and maybe that would be it! Just after he said that Unrulee came in, then a woman named Nicki and after that a couple others and Kene-J slipped in onto the keyboards. It was a small cozy evening.

Frank and Linda talked about the Pow Pow performance last weekend. How the festival had been advertized as featuring outrageous, daring and controversial artists. Then one of the curators was uncomfortable when people started to leave during our performance saying they did not understand how it was art. After the festival was over the curators were happy to report that people liked the festival. Frank had said that he doesn't try to make people like or hate whatever he does. He does performances to go outside normal boxes which creates uncomfortable edges. He is after effective change. During the Pow Pow performance when we had gone around to get people up to explore Frank's body many people were at first offended to be asked to come up as if they had come for a night of safe entertainment.

Frank asked Unrulee to talk about how he came to know Frank. He told the story about reading Frank's writings in the early 1990's and then he and a group of people tried out some of the performance things that Frank was doing. When they were traveling out to the bay area they came to some of Frank's performances at the 848 performance space in SF. Frank asked Nicki what she does and she said she is an Expressive Arts Therapist. She said that creativity helps to heal trauma and to explore the unknown. She said that she was drawn to come to the performance to explore the unknown, to be spontaneous. Throughout the night she said yes to everything and was very willing to play and step into the unknown. Frank asked her if she would do something now with us and she said ok. She had us toss the pillow dice around to each other and say something that we were grateful for. Frank asked Nicki to come up and read from his writings as Barbara Bush because Martha Wilson had said that she had wished she could be here tonight and she had done performances as Barbara Bush.

Nicki sat next to Frank and read "Mainstream Avant-Garde," while a group of five of us did gestures together. Linda would pull out of the bag a gestures and an adjective, like touch each others butts playfully, shake our bodies peacefully, hold hands desirably, rub each others bellies, belly to belly. It was a lot of fun! We did gestures while Nicki continued to read. Linda talked more about when she and Frank went to the book store to hear Karen Findley read from her book inspired by Martha Stuart and how it was dull and lifeless because she was going after a book deal rather than doing real juicy art for change not for anybody to like it or dislike it but for real change. There were all these girls there clamoring over Karen and Frank asked Karen if she would read her Black Sheep Poem. She did not have it with her, but Frank did! She read it and that is when the life and juice came out of her. Nicki went on to read "The Numbers Game", being attached to how many people one reaches through their art, how Frank could calculate how many people he reaches if he was interested in that, that it is not about the numbers! It all tied into the Pow Pow performance last week.

Kene-J sang a couple of songs while Frank went for a piss break and then Unrulee, Nicki and another woman undressed Linda, Jen and Erika and dressed them in jewelry and scarves. Frank said that he would be in big trouble with Betty if we did not use the jewelry that Betty, church going and in her 80's had given us!! Once they had dressed up Linda, Jen and Erika Frank asked if we could undress and decorate them, Unrulee and Nicki said ok but the one other woman said that she wanted to keep her clothes on. It was really fun dressing everyone in the jewelry and scarves. Frank said that he was under the weather but he wanted to known if he wasn't under the weather would Nicki and the other woman go all the way with him. They wanted to know what all the way meant and Frank said to play with him physically. Nicki asked if Frank would go all the way and he said that he always goes all the way! The other woman said that she was not going all the way with anyone right now and Frank said ok. Frank asked Nicki if she would like to do a private play performance with him and she said yes, and they exchanged contact information after the show. People said that they really felt inspired by the evening, exploring the unknown and being together, playing together. It was a cozy fun night!


Linda or Frank remarked that the set-up was going quickly, and it really was! Linda said it was getting quicker and quicker as we did more of these performances. We had our routines ... It was always fun to transform the space ... the various stages ... the last quiet stage before the performance "started", putting the gels on the lights, and getting the levels set ... As 8pm approached, there was a feeling of quiet ... one person had come early, Mark, who cooked for Food Not Bombs with Erika, but otherwise, there was the feeling that no one might come. Frank was feeling funky, and had already hinted that this one might end early ... he had his meds all lined up! Linda was saying his will was too strong ... no one was there! Would this be the night that no one came?

But then the door opens, almost on cue ... Unruhlee comes in ... and then a woman who it turned out Erika had invited to the performance when they danced at Dance Jam, Nicki ... then Nellie, Kene-J, and then a woman who was obviously close with Unruhlee and Nellie ... a small intimate group ... Frank asked Unruhlee to talk about his history with Frank. At this point, it was really only him and Nicki and Mark, aside from all of us. He talked about coming upon Frank's writings in a magazine called SchizFlux, and being really attracted to Frank's ideas, and then getting his hands on everything Frank wrote that was available ... and how he and his group of friends did things where he lived in the midwest inspired by Frank's writings ... eroplaying with each other, and even doing public performances ... like "Erotic Stumbling" in a mall ... Then he talked about how he traveled to the Bay Area with a traveling group of people, and Frank did a performance with them ... and then he also attended several of the all night performances at 848 Divisadero space in SF. Frank said that he was at the last of those performances, because Frank had stopped doing the all-night structure performance. Unruhlee asked why he had stopped? It was because people had gotten casual/social with the structure ... they had come to know how it went, and used the performance as a place to pick-up people. Unruhlee remembered that he and his friends had come to this last performance, and had been jumping up and down on the bed, getting rowdy ... and there had been some motion to him to calm it down ... he felt like he had not been following the feeling of the performance in some way, and he knew now that Frank always has reasons for doing things the way he does ... he apologized now for doing that so many years ago ...
Now Frank talked with Nicki ... what had drawn her into coming tonight? She said she had been invited by Erika, and it was feeling of going into the unknown, and the suggestion of playing that she was attracted to, as she does expressive arts therapy with people, and likes to play. Frank asked her to show us what she does. She jumped right into it. She said that she would throw one of the word pillows to someone there on the floor, and that person should say what they are grateful for, and then throw it on to the next person, who should say what they are grateful for, and so on ... They did that ... One person said that they were grateful for friendship, Erika said she was grateful for relationship, Unruhlee was grateful for intimacy and sex, Jen was grateful to be alive ...

Nellie and the other woman ... the friend of Nellie's and Unruhlee's, arrived ... there may have been some talk about the Pow!Pow! performance at this point ... Frank talked about it at various points throughout the night, having Linda describe the correspondence between Frank and Guillermo afterward, and then more about how the whole thing later in the performance ...

But now, Frank asked Nicki if she would read something he wrote, as Barbara Bush! Nicki said she didn't know if she could do Barbara Bush, but she would give it a shot! Meanwhile, the rest of the group on the floor would do gestures, and Mark joined Kene-J in the band ... Frank had Linda give the background for the piece he would have Nicki read, "Mainstream Avant-Garde?" about Martha Wilson and Franklin Furnace, and their position through the years as a place for experimental, underground, controversial art. How they were one of the few spaces in the 90s when Jesse Helms started targeting "obscene" artists that did not try to distance themselves from the artists, and who were proud to have had all of those targeted artists perform there, including Frank. Then they were shut down, for supposed "fire violations". Then there was the history of Karen Finley, and Frank's relationship with her, and how at the time this piece was written, she had embarked on a book tour for a spoof on Martha Stewart, and Frank, Linda and Mikee had just attended one of her events at a local bookstore, where all the young people, the young women who looked to her as a model for exploring outside of the accepted limits, were hungry for "that" Karen Finley , but she was giving them a spoof on Martha Stewart! Frank had always made her nervous, and now he had brought along a copy of one of her poems, deep and transformative ... called "Black Sheep", and when she asked the audience if they had any questions, he asked her if she would read it!
It was really neat to just hear this introduction, these slices of history that seemed to bounce around through so many layers in the present, and in the context of the performance itself that night ... Nicki was curious why Frank worked hard not to become famous? They had brought this up in the context of talking about Karen Finley ... Frank made her uncomfortable especially because he was not interested in being famous, and she did not get it. Frank said that Nicki's question would be answered in the piece ...

So Nicki started reading "Mainstream Avant-Garde?" and Linda called out gestures, and Erika, Jen, Unruhlee, Nellie and the friend did the gestures as a group together. There were a lot of gestures that came up that had to do with exploring each other's butts! There was a lot of butt rubbing! Later, Erika and Jen said there was some farting going on too! One of the gestures that was called was to open legs wide ... Erika and Jen of course had loose skirts and no underwear! Too bad Corey had moved to the wrong side of the room to get the video!! Later, Jen said that Linda had noticed that as soon as the next gesture was read, a lot of legs snapped shut ... not Jen and Erika's, but it was almost as if the others were uncomfortable seeing Jen and Erika's pussies, and were wanting to move on. You didn't even need to shut your legs to do the next gesture. Corey remembered thinking that, and noticing too that people shut their legs when they didn't need to.
It was an amazing combination of things ... the piece, "Mainstream Avante-Garde" read while the group played with each other, rubbing together in the gestures ...

After Mainstream Avant-Garde, Frank asked Nicki what she thought? It inspired her ... it addressed a bunch of questions that had been coming up in her, about what she is doing ... Somehow their conversation lead into Frank having her also read the numbers game, which was a lot of fun, and totally outdated! Nicki really got it. Afterward, Frank and Nicki talked about what it made Nicki think about ... she said something about wanting to do certain things with her work that she didn't have the money for, and this felt like it was a block, not having the money ... Frank said no. Frank said that a key was to always do what you can afford, and everything opens up from there. Linda talked about how that has always worked that way for Frank and us ... over the years, everything that they have been able to do, with very little money. LUVeR for instance ... and how other groups have approached Frank over the years, wanting to know how he was able to do LUVeR ... but they didn't follow his advice ... were looking for things to be big and expensive ... and didn't end up doing anything!

About this time, Frank asked the friend what she thought? She had liked doing the gestures ... was exploring greater intimacy in her own life ... Frank asked her what she does, and she said that she is a writer, and a teacher of creative writing ... Frank said that this was always one of his favorite classes, and he got the opportunity to go back and perform at his old creative writing teacher's classes in San Bernardino ... when he was first there at the college, he got permission to do an all nude play, but couldn't get the people to do it! This was his way of finally doing it! She asked what the play was ... it was about four people living in a cube universe ... at some point, baby food is introduced into their universe, and they eat it and paint each other with it ... The writer suggested, kidding, that maybe he would have gotten people if it had been chocolate ... Frank and Linda talked about how Frank later did do chocolate ... "In the Mess", the human hot fudge sundae ... The writer was asking if this was before or after Karen Finley ... it seemed like in reality it was both ... Karen had actually come to the OBR when she was a student in SF, and Frank was doing things like this even then, and Linda described Steve Hoffman's candlelight dinner mess with spaghetti, sauce, chocolate, wine everywhere! Later, when Frank could not get someone to do a version of this with Mikee in a performance they did in Chicago (the woman that the bookers found for Frank would have sex with him on stage, but wouldn't rock on his lap ... was not comfortable with the personal intimacy), Mikee had to do it to himself! Covering himself with chocolate sauce and whipped cream and glitter and then whipping himself! A hilarious image!! And people questioned whether Frank was doing a parody of Karen Finley!!

It was about this time, we think, that Frank took a piss break, and had son Kene-J get up and do some of his songs. He did two of his raps, which were great. Nicki was dancing!

Perhaps this was when Nellie left ... When Frank was back, he asked Unruhlee, the writer, and Nicki if they would undress Linda, Jen and Erika and put on Betty's jewelry? He told everyone about Betty, and her jewelry ... Kene-J and Mark provided the musical accompaniment ... Corey said later that it was really fun to video this, to get close ups of the bodies, Betty's jewelry ... he was doing it with Betty in mind!

After Jen, Erika and Linda were all bedecked, Frank asked if Linda, Jen and Erika could then undress the writer, Nicki and Unruhlee and put jewelry on them? Unruhlee and Nicki said yes ... the writer asked if she could leave her clothes on? Frank asked her, "Did they?" (meaning Linda, Jen and Erika). The writer replied, "Can I leave my clothes on?" "Did they?" This went back and forth several times ... Finally, Frank asked her if she was saying "no". He said "no" was ok, but he needed to know if that was what she was saying? She said she needed to think about it. Frank said to let them know! Meanwhile, Linda, Jen and Erika undressed Nicki and Unruhlee and put the jewelry on them ... it was again very magical and beautiful ... and then to see all of them sitting down again on the floor in their jewels ... it felt like softened everyone, transformed things ... soft, cozy, sexy ... Nicki laid out on the floor, relaxed, enjoying ... a very neat feeling.

We think that soon Frank was asking folks what they thought of the performance ... Kene-J really liked it ... he talked about it in terms of his performing his songs ... that he was feeling these days that he really liked performing for people he didn't know, in situations that were not necessarily comfortable for him, much more than performing for people he knew ... he said that he was starting to feel more comfortable with the uncomfortable, and vice versa. Really neat!

Nicki said that she felt inspired and curious ... She described the feeling of coming into something that she did not know, the unknown, and really liking it. She felt a comfort in being naked around other people, "strangers", which she had not felt in the U.S., had not experienced since she was growing up in Germany. She said the performance was a "paradox", and when Frank asked her how so?, she said that you just had to experience it ... like life, Frank said ...

Frank asked her, if he was not feeling funky, would she be willing to go all the way with him? What did he mean by "going all the way", she asked? He asked her what did "going all the way" mean to her ...? It was a great back and forth, and we probably cannot do it justice here, but basically Nicki said that it was being willing to go into the unknown ... and when Frank said, exactly, and asked her what that would be, she said she wouldn't know until she did it! Frank said that, like him, she wasn't reacting ... but just flowing with Frank. He asked her if she would do a private performance with him? And when she asked him what the private performance would be, he said that basically it was entering the unknown, and she said, "Of course!" She would be up for doing it before the next performance too. They would exchange contact info, and Frank said, "The End"!

What had looked at first like it might last only 15 minutes, turned out to be just shy of the normal 3 hours ... amazing and inspiring! We started breaking down the set, and Nicki and others were talking with Frank and Linda ...

Later, Jen told us some of what you guys had said on the drive back ... how the whole performance had seem to take on Frank's energy, which was slower, cozy, soft ... that everything seemed to roll off ... any blocks seem to soften and melt ... Nicki brought up the cameras, but it didn't feel like a problem, and she ended up coming up and hugging Corey and Mikee, the "camera" people, goodbye at the end ... it was a really soft and deep feeling overall in the performance ...


We got Frank into the car and soon were on our way to the Temescal Arts Center. Frank wasn't feeling well and was looking forward to his meds at the end of the night. Linda told him not to push it. She knew that he would feel better once he got there, but he should take it easy tonight because we didn't want him having to go to the doctor's or the hospital. He would have a week to recoup so hopefully he could just sleep it off and get better soon.

When we arrived, we parked and got Frank all bundled up for the walk to the space. The boyz had already loaded everything in. Erika wasn't far behind with a guy she knew from Food Not Bombs, Mark. We started set up which seems to get faster every time. Blankets on the floor, coloured lights, swag table, musical instruments, sound system, and all of Betty's jewelry along with the costumes. It's a really wonderful space. Frank asked Mark if he would play an instrument as no musicians had arrived yet. He picked up the harmonica and started playing with that. We didn't know what to expect, as always! Frank was feeling under the weather so it could be a short night. But then people did arrive. Unrulee arrived and talked about his history with Frank. Then another woman arrived, Nicki, and she had been given a flyer from Erika. The unknown sucked her in and she was intrigued. Frank asked her what the unknown was and she said it was something you couldn't plan for or have goals about. You just had to jump in and experience it whatever it was. She is a creative therapist and Frank said to show us what she does. She grabbed a little pillow and said her name, then threw it to each of us as we said our names. Then she said let's say something that we're grateful for. She was grateful for friendship, then passed the pillow to Erika who was grateful for relationships, then Unrulee who was grateful for intimacy and sex. I said I was grateful for being alive, and Mark said he was grateful for being alive and being here tonight. Another woman arrived who was with Unrulee, then Nelly arrived. A cozy group that was ready for anything. Frank dug in. The feeling was deep and slow, gentle but powerful.

Frank had Nicki come up and read “Mainstream Avant-Garde”, something Frank wrote in 1990 for the Drama Review. It is a piece that talks about the absurdity of mainstreaming art that pushes boundaries. Linda explained the context of the piece regarding Martha from Franklin Furnace wanting to mainstream performance art, and Karen Finley going mainstream with her own art. Nicki was to read the piece as Barbara Bush, in homage to Martha of Franklin Furnace. While she did that, the rest of us played gestures with Linda calling out the actions and adjectives. Kene J had arrived and was playing music with Mark.

Touching and exploring butts predominated the playing as that action came up a lot. We also held each other and rocked together, touched foreheads, rubbed heads with our heads and bellies with our bellies. It was fun! The action to spread our legs wide open came up. Erika and I were wearing skirts with no underwear, so when the next action was called some of the other people closed their legs quick as if they wanted us to close ours. But the next action was to open our hands up desiringly and didn't require us to close our legs. It was powerful to have our legs open like that. When Nicki finished reading “Mainstream Avant-garde”, she then read “The Updated Numbers Game”.

When the reading was done, we stopped playing gestures and Frank asked Nicki what she thought of the pieces she read. She said they were inspiring, and they brought up questions in her about what she did and how she could do the things she wanted to without any money. Frank said not to focus on money but just to do what she did with the money she had. That's what he's always done and it opens up everything. For instance, Luver was started with no money, and Frank always tells people how doable it is to start an internet radio station. Then Frank asked the woman who was with Unrulee what she thought of gestures. She said that she was trying in her life to get to a place of gentle innocent playfulness, or something like that, and that the playing felt like that. She was a creative writer and teacher, one of Frank's favorite classes in school. He described one of the plays he wrote in high school in which the characters were to be nude and trapped in a cube world. Suddenly baby food appears for them to eat, but they also paint their bodies with it and then find a way out of the cube world. The school let Frank do the play but he couldn't find anyone to be nude on stage! Years later the school invited him back to do a performance. The woman said that he may have gotten people to be in it if it was chocolate that the characters had to play with, but Frank talked about how he had done that too with his performance In The Mess. She asked if he had done that before Karen Finley. Frank then described another performance in which Mikee had to dance erotically by himself, because they couldn't find anyone to dance with him, and pour chocolate sauce etc. on himself. They had tried to find people in Chicago where the performance was taking place, to be in the performance with them but the sex industry people that had been possibilities were freaked out by the intimacy of the performance. One woman said she would have sex with Frank on stage no problem, but she couldn't rock on his lap. That would take away her mask. At any rate, some audience members were upset with Frank because they thought that Mikee was being a parody of Karen Finley. But Frank had done art with food smearing during the OBR back in the 70's and Karen had been to one of those shows.

At some point Nelly left, and then Kene J sang a few songs while Frank went to the bathroom. When he came back, Frank asked Nicki, Unrulee and the other woman if they would undress Linda, Erika and me and then adorn us with Betty's jewelry. They did. It's a lot of fun to get decorated! Then Frank asked if Linda, Erika and I could do the same to them. The woman asked if she could keep her clothes on. Frank didn't take this as a no. He asked her if we did that. It went back and forth like that until Frank said that if she was saying no then that was ok, but then she should say no. She said she didn't know yet, so Frank said to let us know when she came to a decision. She sat next to Frank and talked to him while Linda, Erika and I undressed Unrulee and Nicki and put all sorts of jewelry on them. Fun! Really softened up everything even more and brought it down deeper.

We were all sexy and soft in our costume jewelry from Betty. We sat down and Frank asked Nicki what she thought about the performance. She said that she experienced the performance as being comfortable with others, being nude with strangers that she hadn't done since living in Germany as a kid, and she said the performance was also a paradox. Frank asked about this paradox and she said that it couldn't be explained because it was life, it could only be experienced! He asked her if she would go all the way with him and she asked what he meant by that. He said going all the way was going into the unknown together, not casually, not socially. This has protected him much more than putting up defenses. She said that she would have to do it in order to see what going all the way was. Frank asked her if she would do a private performance with her and she asked what that was. He said it was going into the unknown together and she said of course!
Frank asked everyone what they thought of the performance tonight. Kene J said that he feels more comfortable now playing in front of people who don't know him. It's comfortable being uncomfortable! Unrulee said that it was not as intense that it has been in the past but he really liked it because he was sleepy tonight, so it took on that feeling. Frank said he was sleepy too and then revealed that he had not been feeling well lately. He talked about the Pow Pow festival, Linda describing how our performance went and the reaction it got from the audience. Frank had been recovering since then. Tonight's performance was great though, Frank weaving everything together in a beautiful warm playful experience. Really enjoyable.

Frank said 'the end' and we got up and dressed. He exchanged contact info with Nicki, who then went around and gave everyone a hug. After we had our way with the popcorn, it was time to get going. Everything was packed up and ready to get taken out to the car. Frank got bundled up again and we walked to our vehicle. Linda talked about the performance on the way home. It was great how it was slow and cozy, like it had taken on Frank's physical feeling. It felt like being cuddled. She said that anything that may have appeared to be an obstacle was just washed over. Frank did such a wonderful job. It felt really good.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


Hi Frank:

Being a college professor, I certainly have no excuse for finding a common denominator to define the audience reactions to the different pieces presented in the festival.

Sometimes I am overwhelmed with things and, in a hurry, I focus on conveying an immediate message. In this particular case, announcing the posting of the photos in the internet. Most times I don't have enough time to, carefully, analyze each word I am using.

Needless to say but not an excuse, my mother tongue is actually Spanish.

Having said this, I agree:

Perhaps going back to our press release and using words such as "daring" and/or "controversial" or "outrageous" might have been more accurate. Specially in relation to your work.

Well... I'll try to do a better job next time.


* * * * *

ah, yes Gal*in_dog! It is more about what the expectations are that the audience comes into the performance with than anything else. They read DARING, CONTROVERSIAL PERFORMANCE and they come for hip TV... And they actually get pissed when they actually get what we told them they'll get! I have been working with this for over forty years! On the flier for my monthly performance series it states:

"REALITY PLAYINGS: experiments in experience/participation performance... Frank Moore, world-known shaman performance artist, will conduct improvised passions of musicians, actors, dancers, and audience members in a laboratory setting to create altered realities of fusion beyond taboos. Bring your passions and musical instruments and your senses of adventure and humor. Other than that, ADMISSION IS FREE! "

but each time there is someone who gets pissed /shocked that it's actually experiments in experience /participation performance, etc. It's a part of our job as artists to explode these limiting expectations.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Monday, October 26, 2009


I am enjoying following your writings (and others) on recent performances - it takes lot of courage but you've got it "so down" even with surprises, you're never at a loss,that as a performer, I appreciate - your philosophies (here and there) rounded out., honed by you. And all the 'review' of evening performances gives you ideas for the evolving live performances.

love, Jesse

* * * * *

thanks, Jesse!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore


(Frank Moore wrote:)

POW POW performance festival promoters stated everybody loved the festival... As if this is the goal of edge art! Well my piece for their Friday night show cleared out about twenty percent of the audience, and freaked out another twenty percent [both numbers are pitifully low!]... Yes, sixty percent actually liked it! So I will try harder!

* * * * *

OK Frank, next time we will just say that people hated the festival in order to make it sound more radical.

* * * * *

mmmmm... You seem to miss my point... Probably because I ended with the joke of "so I will try harder! " in reality I don't try to make people like or hate or whatever a piece. I design a performance to go outside the edges of normal boxes... This often creates uncomfortable eddies. I am after effective change. I am not aiming for people to like, hate or whatever. I am not aiming to be "radical", "acceptable," or whatever. Powerful reactions are good indicators that seeds and time bombs have been planted!
the festival was advertised like this:

“Among many outrageous artists, POW! POW! 2009 will feature daring and controversial performers such as Frank Moore, Keith Hennessey, Michael Namkung, and many others.” -- POW! POW! Action Art festival 2009 at The Climate Theater.
this kind of art isn't in the framework of "liking," "hating," etc. so saying "OK Frank, next time we will just say that people hated the festival in order to make it sound more radical" is stepping outside the kind of art that was being presented.

I wrote this column below for THE DRAMA REVIEW about these issues:

Art is Not Toothpaste
copyright 1990
Frank Moore

This is in response to Catherine Schuler's "Spectator Response and Comprehension: The Problem of Karen Finley's Constant State of Desire" published in the Summer 1990 issue of TDR. My main aim in this is not to defend Finley's work. The content of the work should be the only defence needed. But art itself needs to be defended from being framed in as a commodity on the same level as toothpaste, politicians, and T.V. shows.

I was shocked and frightened at the kind of thinking which Schuler's writing represents. Schuler clearly does not like Finley's work. Schuler seems to pin her dislike on the symbols and words Finley uses, calling them "pornographic...angry, confrontational, and deliberately provocative...something vaguely obscene...she (Finley) uses language and images associated with the most repugnant forms of heterosexual sadomasochistic pornography."

Schuler does not say what the language and images are or why she thinks they are obscene and pornographic. The words "pornographic" and "obscene" are words which have high emotional content and very little, if any, content of definable meaning. They are words which the enemies of human freedom such as Senator Jesse Helms use as a smokescreen to justify suppression and repression. In these days of new McCarthyism, careless use of such words by people who consider themselves feminists and humanists can have most dangerous results.

Words and images in themselves are not either good or bad, healing or destructive. If Schuler feels that Finley in her work uses words and images to exploit or abuse people, then there would be legitimate grounds for critical discussion about Finley's art. To me it seems obvious that Finley has always used words and images in a subversive poetic way to battle such exploitation and abuse. There are legitimate questions about the angry intensity of the work jading people, and questions about does the work offer alternatives to what it is destroying...does it have to offer such alternatives?

Schuler does not focus upon the work itself and her personal reaction to the work. Instead, she focuses on the myth surrounding the work. This myth is created, not by the work nor by the artist, but by the press, by rumor, by word of mouth, by fragmentary bits of information escaping into the outer world. This myth is one of the materials that the artist has to work with. People may come to the work because of the myth, but what is important is what happens when people come in contact with the art itself. I learned a long time ago that the myth has very little to do with me as the artist. I can never live up to the myth. The art just takes some people who come to the art beyond the myth. This is what happens to me when I go to a Finley piece.

What is disturbing about Schuler's essay is her lack of understanding of what art does, how art works. Her basic point in the piece is the need that she sees for "more traditional, benign forms of feminist performance." But instead of exploring what these forms are or might be, she attacks Finley as a representative of the avant garde. We liberal/radical/revolutionaries have always been prone to this kind of self-defeating cannibalization of our own kind.

What is scary about Schuler's article is she does not seem to think her own reaction to the art is enough to talk about. Instead, she invents a fictional character called "average spectator" or, better yet, "the average female spectator". If this fictional character responds "appreciatively" to the art, then the art works as "a vehicle for meaningful social and political analysis". But if the work leaves our average female spectator leaving the theater in confusion, frustration, anger, rejection, then the work has failed as a feminist piece because our average female spectator is, after all, a female. The logic is sexist. But it also creates a cardboard flat reality.

Schuler tries to breathe scientific life into this cardboard reality by conducting a pop exit poll after one of Finley's shows. Fifteen people are not a scientific sample even if art were something linear like a bar of soap, a politician, or a T.V. series. But this exit poll gives this fictional average female spectator an illusion of importance in some sociological anthropological unreality. What Schuler does not realize is the only important thing is what the art made her feel. Anything else is putting dangerous frames around the art.

During over 20 years of performing, I have learned that the apparent audience response during the performance or immediately after the performance is rarely the person's final response to the art. Some people who loved the performance experience as it was happening, go home and freak out. Other people who were bored, hostile, or even walked out, very often come up to me days, weeks, even years later to say the performance turned out to be an important event in their lives. This nonlinear dynamic is so common that I put a warning sign in the lobby outlining this dynamic. It may take years for someone to come to terms with a work of art. Because art uses so many channels of influence (many of these channels are subconscious and nonrational), good art plants seed and time bombs within the person. These seeds and time bombs may take years to bloom or to explode.

This is why it is so dangerous to link the art to the apparent "spectator response and comprehension". It would bring art to the level of a T.V. show whose worth is measured by the overnight ratings; down to the level of the politician who changes his image and views according to the polls; down to the level of the Hollywood movie that is recut after a negative test audience response.

Art is not just a "vehicle for meaningful social and political analysis". It is magic, working its change even in confusion, frustration, anger, and even rejection. There are many channels in art, some so occult that not even the artist understands all of the meanings. Trust the art, trust the magic, trust the ability of the people to ultimately absorb humanist art!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Thanks for including me!

(Martha Wilson wrote:)

Dear Frank,

Thanks for including me in your work!

Wish I could be there.

XOXO Martha

Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.
80 Arts - The James E. Davis Arts Building
80 Hanson Place, #301
Brooklyn, NY 11217-1506

* * * * *

wish you were here too, Martha!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: [Fwd: POW POW] (Tomek)

(Tomek wrote:)

Pow!ganisers had a survey leaflets on sunday and they encouraged everyone to fill them out in order to reveal why people came to the festival; dude had read some of the questions on stage as he asked for participation: liking action/naked people/bored at home/making new friends/into participation/supporting local art/knowing the venue, etc. Wonder how it turned out. I doubt more than 25% filed in.
have you noticed about a dozen different jigsaw puzzles hopelessly scattered around the floor in the theater hallway? Well, I did, and at first I was concerned, momentarily, about stepping on them, but there was practically no other way to go through: so people would walk all-over them, move those little pieces with their filthy shoes, maim them imaginably, too; yeah, yeah, another artist's joke - spread them around, how pretty on the floor, they are all mixed up now, what are you gonna do, pretty cliche, and you don't need to understand it.
But, lo and behold, some of the puzzles got completed(!), others only partially; competitors lying on the floor taking self-portraits with a half-done cute kitty-cat in the grass, red-orange-green dinosaur parade, and stuff that no one knew, but the borders were done and it was round. Least expected, manifested. I contributed quite a few pieces myself, thinking, and later rendering it aloud: into the impossible!

* * * * *


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Fw: Important Oct. 19th hearing

[Some of you may know of this already, but I'm sending it out to some who might not. There are serious cuts being made tlot that pays for workers to help keep people with disabilities and elderly people safe and healthy at home. Whatever this Judge decides could delay these cuts and allow for more time to organize against them. Please show up if you can. I know it is hard to show this early when you have a disability, but if you can, please do. -- Pamela Kay Walker]

October 19, Oakland: Hearing re In-Home Supportive Services Cuts

On Monday, Judge Claudia Wilkin will hear the request for an injunction to block cuts to IHSS eligibility and services. Please be there if you can, and bring IHSS recipients and caregivers - this can make a difference to the Judge.

The latest California Budget eliminates IHSS for people with a Functional Index Score less than 2, and cuts any domestic service when a person's Functional Index Rating for the service is less than 4. Set to start on November 1, these cuts are devastating to individuals who rely on IHSS for care and safety. The suit contesting the cuts was filed on October 1
by 8 organizations, including Disability Rights California, National Senior Citizens Law Center.

Please show your support. The hearing is at 10 a.m., but arrive early for the security check, and make sure everyone has a valid ID. Hearing is in Courtroom 2, 4th floor of the Federal Court Building, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland.

Make sure you allow enough time to go through security--be there by 9:30 or so (may have to remove shoes etc..) and make sure that everyone in attendance has a valid ID.

If you have questions, please call me at (510) 332-4669.

- Wendy

Monday, Oct. 19
10 a.m. (arrive by 9:30 and bring valid ID)
Federal Court Building
1301 Clay Street
4th Floor
Courtroom 2
(room subject to change)

* * * * *

thanks, pam! we just got the word that a judge has issued an stay. I don't know what that includes. But it does include the proposed $2 an hour cut in the home attendant pay. This cut would mean we here would get more than $400 less a month! I just checked and this cut is blocked for the present by another law suit.

I don't know if the fingerprinting is included. They want to require all home attendants AND ALL CLIENTS be fingerprinted. And all home attendants have to get a background check. The fingerprinting costs $75 a person... Paid by the person! I have two attendants on paper. In the real world the crip /"client" will have to pay for this cost because attendants are paid pitifully low and are often very transient. Alot of crips piece work several attendants together. You are starting to see the problems! And even before someone can get fingerprinted and background checked to start working, she has to attend an "orientation" session to even find out how to get fingerprinted, etc. meanwhile the crip is without an attendant! All this to get a low paying job! moreover, this applies to theattendants who have worked for years! I need both Linda and mikee at all times . So I will have to go to the orientation session with them! it is not clear whether the crip has to pay for his fingerprinting! And we have not even touched the BIG BROTHER aspect of all of this!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

POW POW (Tomek)

(Tomek wrote:)
remember how you once said that 'artist types' are quite likely to be more reserved in their exploratory realms than 'adventurous average joes' or something like that? isn't that a curious phenomenon.
unforgiving spirals of mutual adoration, infinite open-ended rotation, see-thru camouflage of apathy disguised as ardor. anyway, 'art' has got to be the most ill-defined word ever.
MOM stank up/soiled the place on sunday with milk (yuck) eggs (awful) and kaka that i dont know where she got from exactly, its odour however was of the same exact bouquet as the one in davis, which boggles my mind, given metabolic variations; she asked me: where is frank?

* * * * *

exactly, Tomek! what they really want is "hip" TV!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

from the new york times headlines

In Shift, Cancer Society Has Concerns on Screenings

Published: October 20, 2009

The American Cancer Society, which has long been a staunch defender of most cancer screening, is now saying that the benefits of detecting many cancers, especially breast and prostate, have been overstated.

It is quietly working on a message, to put on its Web site early next year, to emphasize that screening for breast and prostate cancer and certain other cancers can come with a real risk of overtreating many small cancers while missing cancers that are deadly.

entire article at:

* * * * *

ah, yes! I never get those damn tests!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Thursday, October 22, 2009


POW POW performance festival promoters stated everybody loved the festival... As if this is the goal of edge art! Well my piece for their Friday night show cleared out about twenty percent of the audience, and freaked out another twenty percent [both numbers are pitifully low!]... Yes, sixty percent actually liked it! So I will try harder!

The Underground Hit!
CRITIC'S CHOICE: East Bay Express

experiments in experience/participation performance

Frank Moore, world-known shaman performance artist, will conduct improvised passions of musicians, actors, dancers, and audience members in a laboratory setting to create altered realities of fusion beyond taboos. Bring your passions and musical instruments and your senses of adventure and humor. Other than that,
ADMISSION IS FREE! (But donations will be accepted.)

Saturday, October 24

511 48th Street
Oakland, CA 94609-2058
For more information
Call: 510-526-7858
email: fmoore@eroplay.com

Upcoming performances in this series:
Saturday, November 21
Friday, December 18

2010 Dates!
Saturday, January 30
Saturday, February 27
Saturday, March 27
Saturday, April 24
Friday, May 21
Saturday, June 26
Saturday, July 31
Saturday, August 28
Saturday, September 25
Friday, October 22
Friday, November 19
Friday, December 17

"...He's wonderful and hilarious and knows exactly what it's all about and has earned my undying respect. What he's doing is impossible, and he knows it. That's good art...." L.A. Weekly

“Merging improv, erotica, entertainment, religion and ritual, Frank Moore – self-styled shaman, world-renowned disabled performance artist, and 2008 presidential candidate ...." – East Bay Express

Resisting "the easy and superficial descriptions..., Moore's work challenges the consensus view more strongly in ways less acceptable than...angry tirades and bitter attacks on consumer culture." Chicago New City

"If performance art has a radical edge, it has to be Frank Moore." Cleveland Edition

"Transformative..." Moore "is thwarting nature in an astonishing manner, and is fusing art, ritual and religion in ways the Eurocentric world has only dim memories of. Espousing a kind of paganism without bite and aggression, Frank Moore is indeed worth watching." High Performance Magazine

"Surely wonderful and mind-goosing experience." L.A. Reader

Downloadable poster here:


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Sunday, October 18, 2009


The audience Friday night was about the most uptight fragile audience I have played to. This is seemingly absurd because it was a festival of edgy performance art… Of course edgy art often stays within the edges! But the festival was advertised like this:

“Among many outrageous artists, POW! POW! 2009 will feature daring and controversial performers such as Frank Moore, Keith Hennessey, Michael Namkung, and many others.” -- POW! POW! Action Art festival 2009 at The Climate Theater.

But most of the audience sat like they were in glass coffins even before the show started.

The title of my piece was AN ACT OF DIRECT ENGAGEMENT. All of this should have been a warning of what to expect. And seeing just a nude guy in a wheelchair sitting on stage, slides projected upon his body, moaning/shouting/coaxing, gesturing or whatever the fuck he was doing, and this is all that is happening for several minutes that felt like hours!... Jesus Christ, it is obvious this piece isn’t playing in normal time, but is stretching time, moving outside of the normal boxes of comfortable zones!

I wrote these top secret directions the night before the show:
“I am being on stage alone for the first five to ten minutes. If nobody comes up, I will motion to Linda. Then Linda, Jen and Erika take off their clothes fast in the audience and start bringing people up onto the stage to me to touch me, rub me. [The musicians will start playing ten minutes into the piece.] For the last ten minutes you three will start rubbing me dirty! “

And, with one exception, it went off as planned and timed as if I had planned and timed it… That never happens. The exception was that the house lights didn’t come on at first so that I could establish eye contact with the audience at the beginning. But I got the timing back on track [I watched my big clock all through the piece!]. I came in three minutes under my allotted half-hour! I packed a lot in within that time! When Linda, Jen and Erika took their clothes off in the audience and started going up to audience members to get them to go up to me to touch explore my body physically, they got very violent reactions about violating the audience’s personal space … as if this was theater, not performance art! But there was a group that developed around me … including people who at first said NO WAY! There was an innocent intimacy, mainly holding hands, pulling my body hair, including arm pit hair! But shtick cut this section artificially short. So Linda, Jen, Erika and I started our erotic play dance. Apparently this started the exit of a number of audience members, stopping at the door to give pieces of their minds … just like in the Dada days. I was glad we have not lost our touch! But I don’t think I should read too much into it because a similar mass exit was caused later just by removing chairs so that people could dance to the high energy raucous hip hop group. So it didn’t take much to piss those people off! But I will take the credit! Also after the show [while we were trying to get to the bathroom] we got surrounded by people [well, two] who loved the piece. They were able to describe why it inspired and turned them on. I am taking credit for those reactions too!


When I got to the theater Frank had just made it up the long flight of curving stairs. We set up in one of the back stage rooms filling up the room with all of our stuff. Frank had a beverage and we scoped out the theater. Soon we made our way into the theater area for the tech run. We would be on third. When we found out that the tech guy was running late we set up our picnic and ate, large sandwiches for most, yummy potato salad and delicious tabouleh. It was really fun to have a picnic in the theater. Then Jen and I were off to get coffees at Pete's. Two and a half blocks was more like five blocks but we zipped along and were soon back with the coffees! The tech rehearsal was moving along by then and soon we were up going over lighting and slides. Soon people began to come in off the streets for the show. The curators of the festival took money at the top of the stairs dressed as a nurse with lovely cleavage and a doctor. We took up two rows and Frank had a couple of truffles with is coffee. He gave me a taste of his truffles which were super yummy and hit the spot. Kene-J arrived and he sat up front acting as if he did not know us (part of the plan) with his keyboard talking to the woman who sat next to him.

Soon the show started and Frank headed back stage to undress. The first piece was a guy dressed in black with small spikes on his clothes popping a stage full of white balloons with the small spikes on his clothes. Then there was a woman who rolled out bread dough and then wore braded bread on her arms so that she looked like one of those muscle guys in a muscle show while a video of Japanese internment camps played in the background. Her movements mimicked the guys in the video.

Then it was time for some real meat and substance!! Frank rolled out onto the stage nude and the slides began to play on his body. For the first ten minutes Frank sang to the audience and motioned for people to join him. The lights came up in the audience and Linda, Jen and Erika undressed in the audience and walked around asking if people would like to come up and explore Frank. At first nobody wanted to come up and it seemed like maybe there wasn't going to be anyone who would come up. There was one guy who told Linda that there was no way he was going up and join such a spectacle! Then people started wanting to go up and they sat on the sides of Frank holding his hands. The tech guy really wanted to go up and later after the show he said that he loved how uncomfortable it made everyone and that it really made people question their boundaries. And Frank said that he did not answer the question for anyone. There was one woman in the audience who said she wasn't sure she wanted to go up, and then she just came up on her own. By now Frank had a bunch of people all around him and he said that they could touch him anywhere so people started exploring a little more. Linda, Jen and Erika joined Frank on stage for some hot, deep, juicy, small rubbing and rocking. Then Linda, Jen and Erika had a tickling fest. Our set was half an hour, with Kene-J sitting in the audience playing the keyboard softly. It felt small and raw. You could feel the discomfort in the audience and you could feel people staying with it. Some did not, and they were out of there but not without a few questions about Frank at the door before they left. They wanted to know more!!

Then it was intermission and we got some free drinks and then settled back into our chairs in the audience. The next piece was a guy dressed like a sadistic Raggedy Anne doll who explored the dark side of nursery rhymes and then there was a music video. Then came the Green Hemoglobin's who were really fun! Some more meaty substance! Everyone got on their feet and was dancing when these guys got on the stage. They were four white guys singing hip hop with fun costumes. Crazy Pickle was in a big pickle costume with a top hat and a big gold rapper necklace that said "Crazy Pickle". BB Gun had green hair and an orange boa, Lubricated Goat was bloody and wearing a depends diaper with a loaded bulge in the back and then there was pink lemonade. These guys were really fun, musically tight and with unforgettable raunchy lyrics that stick with you like songs about bitches and hoes and nut sacks. They enjoyed each other and you could feel that. They followed Frank and invited the ladies to come up on the stage to explore their bodies, and we did! They came out for an encore and crazy pickle danced with Frank. After the show Frank invited them on the Shaman's Den. Most of them are from New York but they will keep in touch. After we all had a trip to the bathroom and we gathered up our stuff some of the Green Hemoglobin's helped carry Frank down the stairs. Then it was time for Mikee to get some smacks on his ass for his birthday. We loaded into our fleet of rainbow cars and headed home for pizza! It was a really fun night performing, seeing Green Hemoglobin, picnicking and hanging out in the theater, being together!


Meanwhile, we loaded up the car, and it wasn't long before Jen was heading down and we were closing things up and setting up in the car, and caravanning off to SF!
It was a fun adventure climbing up into the Climate Theater with who we would later find out were the green hemoglobins ... the crazy pickle himself! Erika was there as soon as we arrived .... there was quite a load of stuff to bring in ... our picnic! Pretty soon, we set up out in the theater, waiting for the tech check ... Since Travis, the tech guy, had not arrived yet, and there was an ETA on when he would arrive, you guys decided to just go ahead and eat first. It was fun having all of this great food that Alexi had made, and sitting in the empty theater ... various people associated with the performance festival popping in from time to time .... Then after lunch, Jen and Erika went down to Peet's for coffees, a trek!
When Travis arrived, he was very apologetic, and hustling. He was great! He jammed through the acts, from bottom to top, and was really great with everyone, making it all happen.
Corey set up the camera, there was a plan for when to wheel Frank backstage ... basically any time! The first two acts were 5 minutes a piece, and then Frank would go on. Kene-J had arrived, and already had his keyboard, and he "didn't know us" ... he was just an audience member who had happened to come with his little casio keyboard! We saw him start chatting with the cute girl sitting next to him!
Before you knew it, Frank was on! He sat nude on the stage, calling out to people ... the slideshow played on his body .... nobody in the audience budged ... Before the performances started, Corey had heard these two girls in the row behind us. One of them was noticing the empty seats up front, and wanted to go sit in the front row. But her friend didn't want to ... she didn't want to get "dragged in" to a performance. Corey told Linda and Frank this before it all started. Now, no one was coming up to interact with Frank .... at some point, Linda, Jen and Erika took off their clothes and came up to Frank ... then they went out into the audience and invited people up onstage to touch Frank. People started going up ... it looked like a bunch of people declined ... Linda later said that one person, responded with a loud, "No!" and said something about this being a "spectacle"!
You could feel the tension in the room, but then the people who did come up to touch Frank were great, and there was that familiar feeling of transformation, of those people entering a different reality .... they really liked it! That same girl who had wanted to sit up front, came up to touch Frank, but her friend declined. She thanked Frank when she left the stage ...
At some point, Alyssa and Guillermo came up to participate, but they did it as their doctor and nurse shtick. Frank told Guillermo to take his gloves off ... he did, but they continued to just put their stethoscopes on Frank ... It felt like it broke the feeling of what was happening, broke up the intimacy. Most of the people who had been up there left the stage after Guillermo and Alyssa showed up ... a few stayed. Later, you were talking about how they were not comfortable with the intimacy, the openness of what Frank was doing ... they had to do something to lessen its intensity ...
So then Frank had Linda, Jen and Erika come back up and play with him intensely and intimately ... he called them up early! It was the longest 27 minutes! The air was thick with discomfort and judgments ... people started nervously, aggressively laughing ... people left the theater, you could hear people talking to each other uncomfortably ... it was intense, palpable. Even when Frank had Linda, Jen and Erika tickle each other, this feeling in the audience did not lighten! Linda said afterward that "we did good!!"
It was amazing to hear later about your conversation with Travis and another woman who had come up in the beginning to touch Frank. Travis was also one who had come up to touch Frank. He had totally gotten what Frank was doing. He said something along the lines of that Frank's performance asked an open question about where people's boundaries, limits are? Frank said, "And I did not answer it." Travis said yes, yes! He loved it. He loved that people were so uncomfortable, and that it seemed so uncomfortably long! He said the part where Frank, Linda, Jen and Erika were playing together was great because one didn't know what they were doing... More questions without answers! The woman said that at first her response to Frank, to coming up and touching Frank was "empathetic" ... it was something of a "crip" thing ... empathizing with Frank's "condition" perhaps. But then she saw Frank surrounded by Linda and Jen and Erika, playing deeply and intimately with him, and thought, "He is lucky! I wouldn't mind three naked sexy women rubbing into me!" Frank invited Travis to the "Reality Playings" series, and he was excited to come, especially to an even longer performance!
The last performance of the night was Green Hemoglobin, a great rap quartet, including Lubricated Goat, a big beefy guy with tattoos and a beard wearing a tiny smock and Depends! Crazy Pickle, a guy in a huge pickle outfit with gold chains with his name "Crazy Pickle" spelled out ... Pink Lemonade was another guy, and BB gun, the short guy with the green hair. They were a lot of fun! Alyssa started clearing away chairs for their set, so people could get up and dance. Their raps were really funny, absurd, surreal! High energy! Frank invited them onto the Shaman's Den afterward.


We were on our way! Linda told me about Chinga Chavin from Country Porn, how Frank had contacted him again from all these years ago. Really cool! We got to the space and found a parking spot not far away. The boyz were right in front.
When we got to the door, Allyssa from the Pow Pow greeted us. She said that the carriers to help bring Frank up the stairs were not there yet but were expected at any time. While we waited, Corey Alexi and I took the stuff upstairs and put it in the backstage room. The people who were going to help carry Frank up the stairs arrived and they helped Corey and Alexi haul Frank up in his chair. Linda was right behind them and I pulled up the rear with the toilette chair. When we got upstairs, Erika arrived. We got comfortable in the back stage room and then figured that we would go out into the theatre to wait for the tech check. The place was a little maze with hallways and doorways everywhere. The toilette chair was hidden under a blanket and tucked out of the way. We got comfy in the theater seats. There was another little glitch in that the tech guy, Travis, hadn't arrived yet, So we pulled out the sandwiches, potato salad and tabouleh and had a picnic. After eating, Erika and I went to Peet's to get coffee for Frank Linda and Mikee. I got a small as well. We got back and the tech check started soon after that.

Travis was great. He set up the projector and then marked it off. Marked off where Frank's chair was going to be as well. He covered all the details and was very accommodating. After the check, Guillermo came by with the release forms for everyone to sign and said he had been bad so this was his punishment. I rubbed Frank while the place packed up. Kene J made it! We gave him the little keyboard to use from his seat in front of us in the audience. A girl sat next to him and was chatting him up the whole time. Then we had a bathroom adventure using the toilette chair. Linda and Mikee transferred Frank into the toilette chair at the top of the stairs - yipes! Then wheeled him into the bathroom and we waited while Linda brushed her teeth. When we got back to our seats, Linda looked at the program and asked how long the first 2 performers were going to be. They were only 5 minutes each! That meant that we had only a little time to get ready to go on! We wheeled back stage and got Frank undressed. When the time came, Corey pulled Frank up the 2 steps to the stage. He got placed in position, mic on, clock set at the front of the stage, and our performance started.

Frank sang and wailed for a few minutes. Kene J played the keyboard but it was very low, barely audible. After a while Frank gave Linda the signal, which meant she Erika and I, who were sitting in the audience, were to undress quickly and then start bringing people up on stage to explore Frank. Erika and I followed Linda for a while and then we split up, asking whoever we could. Most people said no. They were really refusing. Some people didn't know if they wanted to come up. There was a girl in the back that wasn't sure but eventually took my hand and came up. Travis told Linda he really wanted to go up. Others were inspired by the few that went up, so they went up on their own. Pretty soon Frank was surrounded and he said that they could explore his whole body. This blew all kinds of boundaries away and opened up so much. People started caressing him all over. The intimacy was there until Alyssa and Guillermo, dressed as a nurse and doctor, came up and started putting their stethoscopes on Frank. Guillermo had gloves on but Frank told him 'no gloves!'. It broke the intimacy that was happening with the others on stage. They were shticking. Then Frank gave Linda the signal again which meant for her Erika and I to start dancing and rubbing him dirty.

We three crept up on stage and started rubbing Frank. Everyone else dispersed and went back to their seats. We rubbed Frank dirty. Arms and hands were all over. Linda's head was at Frank's crotch and then she got up and I sat on Frank's lap with Erika rubbing him. At one point I looked at the clock and only 19 minutes had passed, but it felt like forever! Then I looked again after a while and only 3 minutes had gone by! It was like time standing still, and you could feel the awkwardness of the audience, people shifting, laughing, leaving. We rubbed and danced like that and it felt good to focus on us, on what we were doing, because it felt good. Then Frank said for us 3 to tickle each other. So we did that and it was fun! We laughed and tickled each other all over. But again, it felt like it went on and on. I just kept having the thought that we were doing what we do, what we were there to do. We did our job. We really freaked the audience out. Took them to the edge and beyond.

When Frank said 'the end' we were 3 minutes under the half hour mark. Corey helped take Frank down the steps and we wheeled him into the back stage room. Whew! I got dressed and then went back to the seats to get Erika's clothes. We located Linda's top while Mikee got clothes out for Frank. Then everyone got dressed and Erika and I went to the bar to get our free drinks. Mango lime soda, loaded with sugar. But it was cold and the space was really really hot.

We all got back to our seats to watch the next performances. The intermission was over and the next act started. It was a guy dressed as a big nasty doll doing nasty fairy tales. Then there was a video of a girl singing. I was starting to fall asleep. Travis introduced the last act and you could feel excitement building. Alicia came in and cleared the chairs for space for people to dance. A rapping crew came out consisting of a giant pickle, a lubricated goat and a couple of other dudes all dressed up in outrageous outfits. They were good! We moved Frank closer to the stage and we all danced to the raps of bitches and ho's. They reminded Frank of Country Porn! Really fun to dance to them, and they were rocking out! Then they invited all the ladies to come up on stage and explore their bodies. That was great! We all went up there and caressed them. It was a lot of fun!

When the show was over, including an encore, we wheeled Frank to the bathroom. On the way there, Travis came up to us to give Mikee the dvd of the slide show, but then he told Frank that his piece was amazing. Frank asked him what he liked about it and he said that it raised a lot of questions. He said it went beyond boundaries and everyone on stage could do whatever they wanted. This made people very uncomfortable and he really liked that. Frank said that he didn't provide any answers to those questions, and Travis said that he liked that too! He really got it! It was amazing. Frank also asked Travis what he thought when the three of us were dancing with Frank. He said it was arousing, but that it was difficult to tell what was happening. Was it sexual? Was it not? It raised questions too, and it made people very uncomfortable. Said that it seemed to go on for a long time, and Frank told him that we even came in under our time limit. It was the uncomfortable feeling that made it seem so long.

Frank told Travis about his longer performances, including the Temescal series. I went and got a flyer for him and he said that he would come. He really loved what Frank did. A woman was standing there and Frank asked her what she thought of the show. She said that it stirred a lot of feelings for her that changed as the piece went on. Like when it first started she had a lot of empathy, but then when she saw Linda Erika and me dancing with Frank she thought 'what a lucky guy!!'. She said that she would love to have 3 ladies rubbing all over her too! Frank gave her a flyer and told her to come to the Temescal performance as well. It was amazing to have these encounters, and it showed that there were people there that got it, that really enjoyed the direct experience of it, the open boundary erasing unknowable intense power of it. We did our job.

After pissing, we went back stage so Frank could talk with the rap group and see if they would be guests on his show, The Shaman's Den. They were mostly from out east, so anytime they were back and had time they could come on the show. They exchanged contact info. Frank told them about Chinga and Country Porn, and said they reminded him of that and that they were really good. Country Porn had inspired Frank back in the day to do OBR. Then Alyssa thanked Frank for enhancing their festival, the Pow Pow festival. She asked how we thought it went and Linda said we thought it went really great! We had a lot of fun.

Then it was time to get Frank back down the steps. Two of the guys helping were from the rap group, Green Hemoglobin. They helped Corey and Alexi carry Frank down and once he was back on the ground we could safely call it a night. Erika walked with us to the car. It was a warm evening. She gave Mikee a nice smack on the ass and then we were off, bouncing down the freeway to Country Porn. When we got home we adored the kittens, then Frank came in and had some water. Corey came in after unloading everything and we talked about the performance. Then we all hugged goodnight and Corey and I gave Mikee some good slaps to the ass. Happy Birthday Mikee!!!!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Fw: for you who are keeping track (Henry Long)

I have heard IHSS is clamping down in doing home assessment twice a year but did not know those assessments/visits would be unannounced.
Thanks for sharing the “Big Brother” news.

Henry Long
Case Manager
Older Adult Services Unit
Oakland Office

* * * * *

ah, yes! Back to the bad Reagan years!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

"POW! " sent you a message on Facebook...

Alyssa Lee sent a message to the members of POW!

Subject: POW!POW! 2009 this weekend! tickets are going fast!

dear POW'sters:

buy your tickets to see the most OUTRAGEOUS ACTION art show taking place at
the climate theater in san francisco THIS WEEKEND!

from thursday-sunday (october 15-18th) we'll be presenting "cutting-edgy"
works NOT to be missed by artists from all over the globe!

tickets are going fast - all shows are almost sold out!

see you on the other side of art!
alyssa lee + gal*in_dog
POW!POW! producers + curators

* * * * *


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Fw: for you who are keeping track (RD Armstrong)

(RD Armstrong wrote:)

I'm sorry to hear this Frank. But at least you've got SSI. And really, a revolutionary like yourself should expect visits from Big Brother on a regular schedule...

* * * * *

exactly! And I do! But a part of being a revolutionary is to give my loud voice to the voiceless! Those "visits" aren't for revolutionary behavior. They are going after the poor, the old, etc.

but, yes, having a "severe" body has its advantages!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

Re: POW! POW! - New on the Shaman's Den Archives

(Linda wrote:)

Hi Guys,

Here it is!

New on Frank Moore's Shaman's Den Archives

Alyssa Lee & Gal*In­_Dog (aka Guillermo Galindo) POW! POW!

Listen to the conversation:


* * * * *

Cool stuff Frank! We all look and sopund divine.
Thanks for having us in your show!

POW! POW! mini ACTION art festival
san francisco, CA
october 15-18, 2009
curated by: guillermo galindo AKA gal*in_dog + alyssa lee

* * * * *


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

The Family Curse on the Shaman's Den

(Erika wrote:)

This week there were two Shaman's Den's! The second Shaman's Den was on Monday night with the The Family Curse. They play noise, electro industrial and rock music. They play at all different places that feature different kinds of music and they said that they don't fit into any one musical genre. Frank said just like us, always on the outside! We have been through all the sub cultures, first they embrace us and then they freak out. Like the noise festival, we were too noisy for them!

The Family Curse is made up of Marc and Jeff on guitar and Megan wailing, singing, screaming on vocals while she sexily slithers on the floor. Frank said that Megan beat Pattie Smith when they first saw Pattie at a little club in Berkeley before she was famous. Megan and Pattie have a similar quality of being very physical and moving around on the floor sexy. Megan said that it helps her to get the words out, or the screams out and that at first she felt the screams sounded better than when she would sing. Frank and Linda talked about how when they were auditioning for lead singers for Frank's band he wanted Raw and he couldn't get it. The women who auditioned wouldn't belt, they were sweet. Frank would have Linda show them what Frank was looking for they wouldn't do it! Megan of The Family Curse is RAW and sexy!

Linda said that The Family Curse was really fun and easy to video during their set. They moved together as one body and it was not just a chick and couple of guys, They were fun to look at, juicy and alive, moving together. They are an exception. Most bands are a chick and some guys. Frank said that Megan had a "meaty presence" and that she reminded him of Bob Matageon of Fluff Girl. He is raw and physical, drawing people in and a very sweet guy. Bob is always burning his pubic hair, wearing a slab of meat for a g-string and is always drunk, and he is the one who was always calling them and getting things going. He was the one who was following up on what he said he would do when most people did not. Frank said "Now you know why I loved you guys." They really liked hearing that from Frank.

Frank asked the band where they play when they come to the bay area and they said The Hemlock, Annie's Social Club, The Knockout and Gilman Street. They live in Seattle now after Marc and Megan lived in San Francisco for several years. They said that they feel more at home musically in Seattle. All three of them grew up or went to school in Kansas near Kansas City and that is how they met and started playing together. Frank later asked them what a normal day is like for them and Megan said that she works a 9 to 5 day job doing digital web design media research work and then there is all the ad min work of the upkeep of the band like booking tours. She and Mark who are no longer together, but they have a three year old son and their son is with Marc during the day. They live just down the street from each other.

Frank and Linda talked about a new book they are reading about the punk scene full of interviews from bands from the 70's and 80's. They found out in the book that Mabuhay Gardens was just starting when they started performing there. The Family Curse really enjoyed hearing the story about how The Outrageous Beauty Review started. Frank and Linda were hanging out at the strip club on Broadway in the 70's with his students who he was coaching on their strip club characters. One night while they were wondering around Broadway they went into Mabuhay Gardens and Frank asked Dirk Dirksen if he could do a play there and Dirk said, "What do you got?" Nobody came to the play but Dirk loved it and said that they could come back anytime. Six monthly later they did The Outrageous Beauty Review and the place was packed and the press filled the first two rows of the audience. Dirk came out and said that The Outrageous Beauty Review would be happening weekly and Frank being flexible said ok! Frank said that The Family Curse reminded him of the music that happened there but it was musically better.

The Family Curse talked about playing at Gilman Street and that the kids there were way more organized than most all the other clubs that they played at. It was fun to hear about when Frank played at Gilman Street just him singing along to taped music like Hank Williams. The guy who was running it then said maybe you should sing more current songs. Frank called up the Feeders and they learned all of Franks taped hooky songs and the guy at Gilman Street just shook his head afterwards. When Frank performed at the Anti-Club, a punk club in LA, he did the same routine. He would get on strange and sing along to songs like Hank Williams and then Linda would come out and they would do a Sonny and Cher song. At first the people at the club could not understand why they let Frank on the stage and by the end they were singing along and putting their punk jewelry on Frank and giving him a neck massage.

The Family Curse said that they had played a show in Vegas that had been just awful! It was fun to hear the story about when Frank and Linda answered an ad to play at the MGM Grand. They showed up for the sound check and even toned the performances down. The back up singers were in tuxedos, Frank wore a suite. Then came the make out scene with two women for the Meatloaf song, then one of the cast members did her weiner routine making a parfait out of hotdogs. Everyone was leaving their gambling tables to come watch and the owner of the club put a stop to it and told them they could not perform and that had just been the sound check!

Megan, Todd and Marc really enjoyed hearing all of Frank and Linda's the punk period stories and Megan said that they had such a colorful history of the underground music scene. It was a cozy Shaman's Den full of loud take your hearing aid out music, wailing, screaming, sexy slithering and punk club performance stories.

* * * * *

ah, yes... As I said on the show, they are in my top ten high power /energy bands EVER!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore