Sunday, January 2, 2011

my write-up! see you at 3 pm.

Hey Frank--here's my write up! See you at 3 pm.

I came to “Uncomfortable Zones of Fun” because I wanted to see what performance art could be. It was actually one three performance art pieces I went to see that weekend. Walking into the space decorated with brightly colored paintings, strange costumes, and the artist himself, Frank Moore, sitting in a wheelchair communicating through an interpreter set the stage for my discomfort. As the night went on with narrative from the artist, questions and challenges for the audience, and performances from fellow artists opened me up a tiny bit to what was going on. Some acquaintances ducked out early. They were offended. I told my friend I wanted to stay just a little longer. As I said this a non-descript man sat next to me and started slowly shedding cloths while donning a woman’s wig and lipstick. This made it more clear that I was still right there with the discomfort. As the artist came to me to ask me my first question of the night I decided I wanted to claim what I was feeling, I value authenticity. I responded I was uncomfortable and in saying this it began to dawn on me. The artist who must had made many people uncomfortable in his lifetime was creating a space to express that and engage people in what they invariably turn away from in their life: personal differences such a disability, sexuality, and each other. In the moment I claimed what I was feeling I connected to some of what Frank was expressing. I just returned from a 4-month artists’ residency and I had spent the last six weeks looking for work to support my artwork. I hadn’t found anything and I was feeling beat and hopeless. That night something shifted in me. I felt like a whiney kid. Of course I can make my art, Frank proved to me despite monumental personal and societal obstacles you can express your deepest experiences by creating space for others.

Maggie Lawson
Arts and Community Education Director
Eye to Eye: art, travel, activism

* * * * *

what a great write-up, Maggie! glad that the performance gave you hope! Actually your staying gave you hope! And trust allowed you to stay! [btw, the masked guy (turns out to be an architect) has been coming to the performances for years to have a place to be nude at.]

and last night getting together with you in my studio was fun. And it was another milestone in my getting back to my normal work after not even being in my studio since May. I was still doing fine after our three hour session!

so when do you want to come back? We could read my ART OF A SHAMAN, the lecture I wrote in the early nineties for NYU. It may answer some of your questions. We are now getting ready to put it out as a hard back photo book [with no money!].

Next week I am free Wednesday (jan fifth) at three o'clock P.M. does that work for you?

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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