Sunday, January 16, 2011

Re: milestones (Paul) III

(Frank wrote:)

yes, but who has time to nap ?
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *


I realize you are The Only Sex God and the Busiest Shaman in Showbiz.....
May I suggest (If you're not in the middle of a split-week a Caesar's Palace) a 40 minute snooze daily.
The health benefits are amazing..It feels good and costs nothing.
Since I've been taking one almost everyday my health has improved immensely.

Just my 2¢.


* * * * *

hey, baby, i usually nap when I am getting physical therapy nightly with Sven [a Swede farm boy with a fetish for farm animals] as the talking book lulls me!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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