Sunday, January 2, 2011


we here are busy preparing for the new year! We have made new backdrops for the performances. You have to come to the performances to see them!

We are putting the finishing touches to the hard cover color illustrated [tons of photos!] edition of ART OF A SHAMAN... That has been decades in the making!

And today we have bowed to popular demand and started working on creating a second channel to LUVER. Don't worry! The original LUVER will still be here, still expanding!

But I will have my own channel where I can play my personal favorites! As most of you know, for years I have done the show FRANK SPINS HOT WAX and over the week between Xmas and New Years, I traditionally hijack LUVER to make LUVER into my personal party, shaped by my personal whims and tastes. But LUVER is a communal tribal channel, wide open to everything that is going on musically and every other way. And that is extremely important.

So I will be partying 24/7 on FRANK'S DEEP ROOTS MUSIC CHANNEL! If you like HOT WAX, you will love my DEEP ROOTS! They satisfy! They rock! They'll make you feel good, warm, cozy, happy, sexy, etc. you may dance, sing along with a nasty smile! Corny horny? Yes! But it will be hard to be depressed! I would be a millionaire if I could bottle this stuff!

Now we just have to get the channel up! Stay tuned!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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