Monday, May 4, 2009

RE: Reality Playings April 2009 page is up! (Rafael-alexandre Ramos)

(from Rafael-alexandre Ramos:)

"American from Freedom to Fascism" by Aarron Russo ; Barack Obama as President ( but the movie is dated from the W. Bush era ( 2005-06)...

How Ironic though... ( but do they really shut you up like you guys are chatting about ? Under Obama's presidency ? Is it a federal thing or a state thing ? ).

You know Frank, I wonder especially if when a new administration comes in, they change the bureaucrates at the same time ( or key players in the apparatus ) in Washington....

Now who said the States aren't the land of contrast, hein ? Là tu parles !

Ouais, faudrait que j'r'garde c'te film là j'imagine

* * * * *

well, it is a more complex thing than that. What I face is at the local /city level going back several years, several well publicized battles with city hall to get my shows off the public access channel in Berkeley. but there is a much bigger battle to shut down public access in general. Los Angeles Weekly had a front page expose on the subject. It is a very dark and twisted tale of how the big corporations [starting with the phone company] searched the states for politicians willing to pass a cookie-cutter bill that effectively will shut public access down. Many of the states did not go for it. But California did [and it was a Democrat who pushed it through]! And Los Angeles was the first to pull the plug.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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