Monday, October 26, 2009

Re: [Fwd: POW POW] (Tomek)

(Tomek wrote:)

Pow!ganisers had a survey leaflets on sunday and they encouraged everyone to fill them out in order to reveal why people came to the festival; dude had read some of the questions on stage as he asked for participation: liking action/naked people/bored at home/making new friends/into participation/supporting local art/knowing the venue, etc. Wonder how it turned out. I doubt more than 25% filed in.
have you noticed about a dozen different jigsaw puzzles hopelessly scattered around the floor in the theater hallway? Well, I did, and at first I was concerned, momentarily, about stepping on them, but there was practically no other way to go through: so people would walk all-over them, move those little pieces with their filthy shoes, maim them imaginably, too; yeah, yeah, another artist's joke - spread them around, how pretty on the floor, they are all mixed up now, what are you gonna do, pretty cliche, and you don't need to understand it.
But, lo and behold, some of the puzzles got completed(!), others only partially; competitors lying on the floor taking self-portraits with a half-done cute kitty-cat in the grass, red-orange-green dinosaur parade, and stuff that no one knew, but the borders were done and it was round. Least expected, manifested. I contributed quite a few pieces myself, thinking, and later rendering it aloud: into the impossible!

* * * * *


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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