Sunday, December 26, 2010

Re: cherotic sent you a video: "extremeelvis yt" (Paul)

Ah Frankie,

I've often aspired to being labeled a 'sick puppy' by you.
I accept this as an honor as a high form of compliment.
Not the highest but it will do.

And you guys do indeed make the best Xmas specials!

'Badder Santa'...Are you referring to the movie with Billy Bob Thorton?
Never seen it.
If this the same film you're referring to I'll make sure to put it on my list to watch.

I've been enjoying gazing at your Xmas card on my fridge.
It's beautiful and warm. Thank you again.

Heaps of hugs to everyone,

xo Paul

* * * * *

yep, my sick puppy, that is the movie!
In Freedom,
Frank Moore

* * * * *

Oh Cool!!

Thank you Frankie THE Amazing Sex God.

xo Paul

* * * * *

at your service, so to speak!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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