Monday, December 13, 2010

Re: Fw: Englishman in NY

(Rafael wrote:)

Can't believe those assholes !

* * * * *

absolutely true! Jack Smith said.." and the more tragic the artists
the more they dangle them in front of the public..because it
increases the vampire thrill"

dont die Frank because there will be so many movie of the week about
you it will make everyone heads spin...


* * * * *

well, I could put in my will that you must play me in any movie about me, considering that you and I are the same person! But, yes, they are waiting until I am dead to do any movie, etc. about me!

Now they are making me find a piece of paper from anytime before 1968 that says I have cerebral palsy to prove I had cerebral palsy since birth in order for me to be able to get Medicare. They don't want a doctor to tell them that.. They need a paper trail!

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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