Thursday, December 2, 2010


well, today I went to my G. P., John Good as a part of the process of getting a second opinion about having the operation to remove the PEG tube. We have been emailing him about how the specialist [hereafter will be referred to as THE IDIOT] was not able to pull the tube out . Doctor Good, like Doctor Kerbavaz, has been our family doctor for over thirty years. In the back of our minds we wished Good would try to pull the tube out. But we didn't think that was in the cards because after all the idiot specialist failed. But when we told Good that the idiot was so uncomfortable around me that he would not talk to me the first time, that he asked if Linda and Mikee really had to be in the room, that the people whose tubes he took out were normally comatose, etc, Good asked if I wanted him to try to pull it out because he shared our concerns about the operation. Of course I said YES! So after two strong pulls with the right intention, THE TUBE WAS OUT! NO OPERATION NEEDED! Dr. Good, like Kerbavaz, is my hero! And I am typing this three hours later!


In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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