Wednesday, May 26, 2010

from ana

Hi guys I hope you are all well. I am still having such a hard time missing Dave-the ache in my heart is tremendous. I have a lovely apartment in n.j. Near my daughter. I probably have said this all before-after being in a coma and having a stroke I have no short memory-it can be quite embarrassing-I have had to learn many of my neighbors names and have had to write them all down! My kids have all be so good to me-and are helping with the rent. Dave would have loved it here. Shortly before he died he said in sellersville where we weren't allowed pets -wouldn't you love a cat sitting next to you on the sofa while I am at work? We are allowed cats here and I have a big fluffy black at called joffrey-he's the best and sits by me all day long-I'll send you a pic.
Keep well my friends xxx ana

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