Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fw: Healthcare Reform! What About Seniors and Disabled? (Paul Escriva)

Hi Frankie,

Okay, I just sent letters off to my senators in Illinois requesting that they support maintaining in-home care for people with disabilities in California.

I'm a bit confused....doesn't the ADA state specifically that there be equal access?Does not the definition of the term 'equal access' include in-home care? (PA'a and such) My understanding was that the language used in the ADA was specific.

I realize that Governor Swartzenegger had cut funding to pay PA's.... hoping that there wouldn't be enough cash to go around and so by default people with disabilities would have to be institutionalized.

Am also aware that he has slashed your monthly funding and other people with disabilities.

What I am confused about is how Schwartzengger can threaten to end something that is mandated by the feds? It's a bit scary to me.

Since I am no longer working for the Deaf/Deaf Blind/Speech Disabled community I am finding my ability to untangle the mixed-messages coming from the media both confusing and difficult.

Can you help me to understand this? Or at least point me in the right direction?

Ugh...poor you guys.


* * * * *

great, Paul! that is what is needed now... People writing /calling their senators and Congress members!

I don't see how he can realistically politically just end the program, forcing thousands of people into institutions or the street. But he could refuse to pay the state's portion in a game of chicken with the federal government.

Frankly he couldn't care less about equal access, etc.

In Freedom,
Frank Moore

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